2; panic and questioning.

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madison fully woke up when she felt the cold water from the shower running down her back. her head wasn't even that sore but she could still feel some sort of buzz from last night.

she got dressed and grabbed her things, telling her parents she was skipping breakfast since she woke up later than expected and she'd see them when she got home.

she then drove to the school, only to see police gathered all over the place as well as news reporter vans and other students looking extremely confused or ones looking on edge.

she parked and got out of the car, before spotting sidney also looking just as confused as her. she ran to catch up to her, "sid! wait up!" she shouts, sidney turns to face her friend and pauses in place.

"hey, do you know what's going on?" "no idea, i was going to ask you the same thing," she tells her, "well then, let's find out together," maddie says hooking arms with her and walking towards the school entrance again.

gale weathers was stood outside holding a mic to her mouth in a yellow highlighter coloured outfit while talking about two students who had been murdered last night, madison turns to look at sidney, confused and slightly terrified.

"can you believe this shit?!" tatum sneaks up behind the two, making them gasp in shock.

"tatum! what is going on?" sidney asks, "you don't know?!" she asks the two looking extremely shocked. "no," sidney says, madison and her drop arms and begin walking side by side trying to listen to tatum.

"casey becker and steve orth were killed last night," she says. "what?! no way!" sidney says quietly while tatum nods in response.

"and we're not just talking killed, we're talking splatter movie killed. ripped open from end to end," "casey becker she sits next to me in english," "not anymore," tatum replies seriously.

"it's so sad, her mom and dad.. found her hanging from a tree, her insides on the outside,"

madison's heart drops, there was no way she was dead. maddie had seen her just hours before, what if the killer was at the house when she was.

she walked away from the two as they continued to talk. she barged into the bathroom when she got inside the school. she walked over to the sink and leaned over it, she couldn't process everything.

one of her best friends was murdered, she had just talked to her alive and in the flesh. she had english next, the class she was in with her. she wiped her tears and tried to slow her breathing down before walking back out into the hallway.

she walked out the bathroom after collecting herself again only to barge into billy, he grabs her shoulders stopping her from slamming right into him.

"baby? what's wrong?" he says looking at her tear stained face, he rubbed them away for her. "she's dead.. she's really dead," she said, her eyes welling up again.

"hey, hey. come with me okay? it'll be okay," he said, she didn't lift her head up, she didn't want any strange looks if people saw her crying in the school.

billy wrapped his arm around her and took her outside for a moment, he sat her down at a table near the back of the school. "talk to me," he says.

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