6; house of horrors.

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she found herself waking up, the macher house completely silent. her eyes beginning to clear up but her head still throbbing in pain, she tried to sit up but found her wrist attached to the headboard with handcuffs.

she tugged at them, only ending up hurting her wrists. god, what the fuck was happening. and why was she left alone in the room unconscious and handcuffed.

she remembered she had a bobbypin in her hair, removing it and twisting it to fit into the keyhole. eventually unlocking the cuff and letting her wrist free from its cold embrace.

she rubbed her wrist, it was all red from her tugging at it. she looked around the room, finding the bottle of booze and billys cup untouched; beside it was a bottle of pills all crushed up, she lifted the bottle of pills trying to read it. she was drugged, he had roofied her.

he had made her pass out on purpose.

she put the pills down, trying to process everything.

she then remembers antonio was there, waiting for her to come out. she walks towards the door, opening it and peering out. she didn't see anything or anyone at first, she took a few steps down the stairs, only to see dewey collapsed on the ground on the front porch, she rushed down the stairs trying to be as quiet as she could. he was bleeding out, a huge wound right by his shoulder blade.

"dewey, dewey no. wake up," she says turning him around to look at his face, he had his eyes closed. she brought her hand up to his neck to feel for a pulse, it was there but slightly faint. "oh god, dew. stay with me, please," she says to him. "i'm sorry, i'll be back. hold on, okay?" she said as if he could hear her, hoping he would be okay.

she looked to see his gun was missing, she felt even more scared now. she got up and went back inside, finding randy and antonio next, randy with a gunshot in the chest and a broken table beside him from crashing into it, while antonio lay with his head splattered all over the wall close by to him. she felt for his gun, knowing there was no way in hell he was alive.

once she found it, she held it out towards the kitchen, scared to move towards there next.

"oh god," she said under her breath, terrified. "i'm so sorry," she said looking at antonio, feeling guilt for his death. he didn't deserve that, he just was trying to protect her and she wouldn't let him do that for her. she stands up and moves closer and closer.

she walks in to see billy and stu stood over sidney, as well as sidney's dad who was dead on the floor. sidney looked at her terrified. the two boys turned to look at what sidney was staring at.

madisons eyes were wide. she was terrified at what she was seeing.

"billy?" she says quietly, barely even loud enough for him to hear her. stu smiled, "told you she wouldn't stay in there for long," he tells billy, he was bleeding out himself, quite a lot actually.

she holds the gun up towards the two boys, her hands shaking. "billy, what the fuck is happening," she says, tears rolling down her face. "baby, it's not what it looks like," he promises her, "you sure? because i just found antonio dead in the fucking hallway, and dewey and randy as well. so are you completely sure it isn't what it 'looks' like?!" she yells at him, he walked over to her, clenching his side.

"baby, give me the gun," he says quietly, moving closer to her. she shook her head, scared of him. "baby, you can trust me. i'm not going to hurt you," he says to her, she backs into the wall, tears flowing down her face faster and faster, he grabs her. "the gun, give me the gun," he says, she closes her eyes before he snatches it out from her hand. "please, don't hurt me," she says to him, he shakes his head before pressing his lips into hers, "it's all gonna be okay," he reassures her.

"don't move for me, just sit still," he says, she slides her body down the wall, sitting on the floor with her knees against her chest.

he moves back to stu and sidney, she couldn't watch. she stayed frozen in the corner as she heard gunshots, and heard sidney's body fall onto the floor making her flinch at the sound of the shots, bringing a hand up to her mouth to muffle her sobs.

stu was barely alive himself, but he managed to walk over to madison, knife in hand, "stu..," she says, "it's your time, madison. i really did like you, but it's just too late for that.. isn't it billy boy?" stu says to him, turning to his friend, who looks at his girlfriend with blank eyes, before nodding.

her eyes well up with tears again, "billy, please," she begs, "eyes on me now, sweetheart. he's not gonna save you," stu says to her, "brace yourself,"

she closed her eyes, trying to prepare herself for what came next. she felt the knife dig into her stomach, before twisting. she screamed in pain.

stu pulled it out of her, her staring up at him with hatred in her eyes while he smiled at her in pain.

"pick her up, come on!" he says rushing billy. stu wipes his fingerprints off the knife and off the guns, placing them scattered around while billy crouches beside his girlfriend, "you're gonna be okay, i promise," he says to her. she grasped her stomach, trying to stop her bleeding to death.

"this is gonna hurt," he tells her, before scooping her up in his arms, causing her to scream out in pain once more, digging her nails into his back hoping it would do some damage for him letting stu do this to her. 'i'll always protect you' was so much bullshit.

she should've known a long time ago.

her vision started to go black, fading in and out of consciousness, trying to keep herself awake for a bit longer.

billy puts her down in the living room, propping herself up on the couch. her eyes slowly closing and opening again, he pats her face. "hey, stay awake for me. don't want you dying now do i?" he says smiling.

she heard his voice echoing in her head, until she closed her eyes and felt her body fall down onto her side.

"baby?" his voice called out, she was going to die there. in the house of horrors. terrified and scared, and alone with two nutcases.

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