3; a night of fright.

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the couple walk towards her house, only to find it unlocked when she got to the door.

"hello?" she called out, to see if anyone was home, "mija?!" her mother said coming around the corner and rushing to her, bringing her into her embrace.

"mom? what are you doing home?"

"me and your father were just about to call the school to send you home, are you okay?! were you questioned by the police? you have the right to a lawyer," she says rambling on, "mom, it's fine. it was just dewey and the sheriff, dewey believed me,"

"oh thank god!" she says, "but from now on, you need someone to watch over you, that's why we had to come home," she says bringing her daughter into the living room as billy followed behind very confused as to what she was on about, "so we got you a body guard," her mom says, billy looks at madison who looked at her mom with wide eyes.

"mom i don't need a bodyguard!" she says, "mrs lopez, i promise you i'm watching over your daughter very well, she doesn't need a bodyguard. she has me," billy says.

"but billy, you guys aren't always going to be together. you have seperate classes, and other things," "if it means your daughter is safe and doesn't need this guy, then i'll do as much as it takes, besides i wouldn't think she would be attacked in a classroom," he tells her.

"mom please, i don't need a bodyguard," madison tells her. "she's right mi amor," maddies dad speaks, walking in from around the corner, "i trust billy, i believe he will take care of her,"

billy nods towards her dad, "thank you mr lopez,"

"but if you fail to do so, i will come for you. understand?" the man threatens, to which billy nods.

"the bodyguard can stay in the house, keep watch over it, keep all of us safe," mr lopez says to madisons mom, she nods to what he says.

madison walks upstairs to her room, billy gives the bodyguard one last look before going up behind her.

he shuts her door behind him as he walks in, "your parents really do care about you," he says. "i know, i'm glad you stepped in and now i'm not stuck with that guy downstairs. but you don't have to be with me 24/7," she says.

"um, maddie. i don't think you just heard the threat your dad just said to me, you're not leaving my sight," he said to her like she was insane, he knew what her dad could do to him and he didn't even want to risk it.

"i don't care what you say, i'm protecting you no matter what," she sighs and kisses his cheek. "i love you, but i'm a big girl. i can handle myself, and that's why i'm going to tatums tonight," she says.

"my love, you're parents won't let you and you know it," "that's exactly why i'm going out the window," she tells him.

the boy shook his head in disbelief, "i won't let you, i don't want to hear you've been murdered in the morning," "dewey will be there, i'll be fine!" she says to him.

"i don't care, madison. me and you are staying here tonight," he says grabbing her waist, "you understand me?" he asks, his voice firm. "jesus, fine," she says looking annoyed at him. she moves herself away from him and lays her bag on her floor next to her desk before sitting herself on her bed facing away from him.

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