1; the calm before the storm.

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madison woke up early to tapping on her window, she fluttered her eyes open and slowly sat up, rubbing them to help her see clearer. she was in her pjs and had literally just fallen asleep just to be woken up again.

she looked over at her window to see her boyfriend, who was smiling at her tired expression, she looked over at her side table to see the time, it was 2:42am, she crawled out of her bed walking towards the window.

she slowly unlocked it and pulled it up, billy cupped her exhausted face in his palms and kissed her, before pulling away. "what are you doing here, billy, it's so early," she groaned, she liked him coming over but she hadn't properly woke up yet so she was grumpy. he crawled inside her room and shut the window, locking it behind him again.

"i couldn't sleep, i needed to see you," he tells her, standing up next to her and pulling her in close to him by her hips.

she wraps her arms around the back of his neck to help hold herself up, her whole body was limp from being so tired. billy picked her up and brought her back over onto her bed and got in beside her.

she looks at him, smiling tiredly before pressing her lips into his.

billy pressed his back softly, and pulled her closer to him, then his kissing began to slowly get more sloppy. he began to touch her more aggressively as well as his kissing getting more desperate by the second, she pulled away for a moment.

"billy," she mumbled, "my love," he replied to her, he hadn't seen her because of her being busy for two days with her parents, he had clearly missed her.

"slow down," she tells him. he looked at her with love in his eyes, he bit his lip and nodded at her words.

she had properly began to wake up now. she hovered over top of him, sitting down on his crotch. she was used to him sneaking in late to have sex, but she also knew he just wanted to be with her.

better him coming to her rather than him fucking some other girl, she thought. but she knew he'd never do that.

she leaned down to peck his lips before diving deeper into the kiss, he grabbed onto her hips, squeezing them.

he dipped his tongue into her mouth, needy for more of her.

she tugged at his shirt, to which he quickly took it off over his head. she smiled down at him, he'd do anything for her. anything. she loved that about him.

she slowly kissed down his neck, then down his chest. it was driving him mad, and she could tell. his eyes grew more and more desperate.

his hands moved up her body, her beautiful figure.

he eventually got to her pyjama top, and slowly pulled it off over her head. he pulled her back on top of his lap as he slowly sat up. he wrapped his arm around her back, she shivered from the sudden touch, the cold from his skin touching hers.

he slowly kissed down her neck, leaving small bruises behind. leaving his mark. she trailed her arms down his back, trying to bring him closer to her.

he was making her the desperate one now, but she couldn't help herself.

he slowly pulled her shorts off of her, and then her panties. switching places with her, he picks her up and moves her gently onto her back. he moves his hand down her thigh, giving her goosebumps.

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