#1 - One Day

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Dea's POV

Spring has always been my favourite season. Why? Because of moments like these.

As winter bids farewell, a gentle breeze carries the scent of blossoms in the air through the park. It whisks my long waves out of my face, brushing against my cheeks.

With my violin case on my back and a hop in my step, nothing could interrupt this peaceful moment.

Well, until now.

"Dea, come on, we're late!" The passing-by voice of my friend, Aecha, fills my ears.

I then snap out of the season's trance and realise I am, in fact, late. Cursing under my breath, I catch up to her running towards the central part of the park.

Myself, along with Aecha, are part of a small ensemble. And by small, I mean very small. As in it's just the two of us.

After we graduated from university, we found that it was a lot harder to get jobs and auditions than we thought. So, we resorted to doing freelance work and playing at small venues for now, such as weddings or garden parties.

In this case, it's the middle of our local park. We've performed here before, doing covers or a couple of original pieces. The people seem to love it.

We sit at our usual spots in front of the grand fountain. Our chairs are from the local cafè we always go to, that always gives us a hand when we need it. It saves us time when we're running late, like now, for example.

Some people notice us setting up. Some carry on walking, and some stay and wait. It's just like any other day at the park.


Aecha nods with a grin. Sometimes, we play with music in the background. But this time, it's just us.

As we begin playing, we catch more people's attention. A crowd begins to form, some taking their phones out and recording us. Others toss spare change in our violin cases with mesmerised looks.

My eyes occasionally look up, sending a smile in people's directions. However, one of them stands out.

The man is still amongst the crowd; not moving an inch. Just...listening. Another stands beside him, also watching with the faint nod of his head to the music.

But the other? He's perfectly stationary. He has a cap and a mask on, so I don't recognise him. So does the second one.

Eventually, after playing some covers and requests from the people for a couple of hours, we come to an end. Random bursts of applause sound all around us, more coming and dropping off coins in front of us.

"We did pretty good today," Aecha nods in approval, gathering the coins once the crowd disperses.

"Yep," I faintly smile.

Aecha's head tilts, noticing the hesitance in my voice.

"What's wrong?"

Glancing up, I take a breath in and gaze at the view beyond us.

"Don't get me wrong, I love doing this," I begin. "But don't you ever want something more?"

She doesn't need to agree; Aecha already knows what I mean. She too has been thinking what I've been thinking for a while now.

"Surely there's more to life than doing it like this forever, right?"

"Of course there is," Aecha replies with a small grin. "We just...haven't made it there yet. Don't worry, it'll come one day."

One day. When is that day exactly?

It seems as if most people around me have already seen that day. Like my friends, for example.

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