#6 - At Ease

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It really sucks not knowing what Jin's car looks like. As I scan the area when I make my way outside, I have no clue where to start.

However, a familiar outline comes into view. I catch a glimpse of him ducking his head into a black car parked on the side of the road.

I am not letting him leave that easily. So again, I run.

My hands slam down a little too hard on the front of his car. Puffing the strands of hair out my eyes, I catch my breath and stare at the man sat inside.

A yelp leaves his mouth, eyes glaring at me through the window in bewilderment. He hastily gets back out, swinging the door open.

"I was just about to drive off; I could've hit you!" He yells, eyebrows furrowed as he shuts the door.

"I'm taking it," I pant, hands remaining firmly on the car.

Blinking, Jin looks down at his car. I try ignoring the people passing by that are staring at me like I'm a mad woman. Which is partly true.

"You're taking my car?"

"What?" I look down at my hands, taking them off the dashboard. "No! You said to either take your offer or leave it. So I'm taking it."

Jin hesitates for a moment, and then a flicker of understanding crosses his face. He walks round, stopping in front of me.

"Shouldn't you take some time to think about it?" He suggests, concern evident in his tone.

"Jin, if I needed time to think about it, I wouldn't have run all the way here. And I never run for anything!" I huff, folding my arms. Running in public is so embarrassing. But for this reason, it had to be done.

"So what made you run after me?" Staring in curiosity, I can tell he's fighting back a grin.

"I'm not letting an opportunity like this pass me by. I'd regret it otherwise," I pause. "And I think a part of you would regret it too. Because you need me just as much as I need you."

He doesn't fight it anymore and begins to smile. "You sure? There's no going back after this."

"I'm sure," I nod.

Then, he holds his hand out for me to shake. My eyes flick down towards it, then into his eyes. Holding a laugh, I plant my hand in his.

"Come on then," He nods his head towards the car, opening the passenger's side.

"Wait, right now?" I blink, watching him. "I kinda need my violin."

"No need. I already have one," Resting his arm on the top of the door, he plasters a smile, other arm making a grand gesture to sit.

My feet reluctantly move, sitting down as he shuts the door behind me. I suddenly become cautious as I look around in the windows; if someone sees us.

But then, I realise that security is tight around here. Jiyeon made sure of it. So there's never paparazzi around since celebrities come here all the time anyway, and it's never shocking to the public.

And as for me...well, I don't really know what I am to him. A friend? Maybe not just yet.

"You have a violin?" I say, waiting until he too is settled in his seat.

"Yeah. I got one the other day when I decided to make orchestrial versions of my songs. Thought I'd try to teach myself, but we both know how that ended up," He chuckles.

"I could always teach you if you want," I shrug.

"Really?" He turns, surprised.

"Not now though," I say, fastening my seatbelt. "We have work to do." 

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