#2 - Those Eyes

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"Everything okay?"

Humming in agreement, I carry on folding my clothes and placing them in their drawers. It's been an eventful day, and now all I want to do is sleep.

"Because you seem a bit off ever since you came back," Leaning her shoulder on the doorframe, her head tilts and watches me.

Of course I seem off - I just casually saw 2 members of BTS watching my performance. One of them actually spoke to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Was it not that good today or something?" She frowns.

"No, of course it was," I swatt my hand.

She still stands puzzled.

"I just saw someone I didn't expect to see," I shrug in truth.

"Who?" She wonders, then face turns into slight annoyance. "Was someone hating on your performance? I swear, if I find them I'll-"

"Songmin!" I chuckle at the anger rising. "No-one was hating on anyone."

Songmin sighs, probably a little disappointed she has nobody to punch. Now I think about it, she hasn't punched anyone in a while. No wonder she's eager.

Only Songmin and I live together now. We're in a different apartment building to the one we were in 3 years ago, and it's a lot bigger and more modern.

Hayoon lives in another building closer to her work. It's pretty much the same style interior. But I have to say, hers is much bigger and nicer.

And Jiyeon's been living with her significant other for about two months now, a couple weeks after they reunited. So I guess she has the best place out of us all.

I remember when the announcement went up that they were in a relationship. Yoongi figured it would be better to say it himself before people found out from another source.

Then people started to piece together everything that happened three years ago. And because of how famous Jiyeon's become from her brand alone, there was no hiding it was her.

But, to all of our surprise, she doesn't get harassed as much as she thought she would. In fact, she barely ever does. Which should be the bare minimum.

"Then who did you see?" She asks, following me out of my room and into our kitchen.

"It was Jin," I say, hands sitting behind me on the counter.

Songmin blinks in surprise. She clearly wasn't expecting me to say that name. I don't blame her.

"Really? He was there?"

"Jimin too," I nod. "I'm not sure if he knew who I was though."

"Why wouldn't Jimin know who you are?" She says. Talking about the boys feels a lot different now compared to how it used to be. Probably because Jiyeon's dating one of them. And I think we've matured a lot too.

"Because I've never spoken to him before. Or any of the others. Well, except Jin that one time in the airport. But that was barely a conversation," I reply.

Both of us, including Hayoon, haven't seen the boys in person since that day in the airport. Not even when Jiyeon and Yoongi got back together. Well, we've seen Yoongi a few times, but it's still rare.

There was, and still is, no reason to see them. We're busy now, like they are. Of course Jiyeon sees them more. But us? Never.

"Did Jin say he knew you?" Songmin wonders.

"No," I shake my head. "But there was something about the way he looked at me. The way he spoke in the café too."

"What did he say?"

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