#3 - The Little Things

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If I wasn't already surprised, I'm double that now. Trying to contain how much I am is proving to be quite the challenge.

He actually remembers me. I was right. I knew I wasn't going crazy!

"I was going to introduce myself, but it seems you know me already," I find the words to speak calmly.

Jin half smiles, picking up a glass of champagne from a tray that a waiter offers. I'm offered it too, but I turn it down. Not a fan of drinking on the job.

My attention then goes back to Aecha, now trying even harder not to freak out. But I don't think she's as confused as to why he knows who I am.

Aecha knows that I'm friends with Jiyeon. She knew Jiyeon before the whole Yoongi situation had even happened. So when it did, she knew not to tell anyone or make it a big deal.

"This is Aecha," My hand lays on her shoulder as she shuffles forward. "She's my friend from university, and we now work together."

"Hello Aecha," He bows his head. "Mind if I speak to your co-worker for a sec? It won't take long."

"Uh, sure?" Aecha's eyebrows furrow.

I thank her and apologise for not being able to play with her in the meantime. She brushes it off, settles in her seat, and begins to play some background music as planned.

Turning back around, I awkwardly fiddle with my hands, straightening my light pink dress. What are you supposed to say to an idol like him?

"So you do know me," I start off by saying. "But not from the other day. I never told you my name the other day."

"No, you didn't," Another waiter whisks past with some fruit, and Jin picks off a grape from its vine.

"But now I think about it, I never told you my name back then either," I then become a little puzzled. How does he know my name?

"I never forget a face, no matter how long ago I saw it. Especially one as pretty as yours."

Popping the grape in his mouth, he casually smiles and strolls away. Leaving me standing here, questioning if I heard him correctly.

I quickly catch up, walking on the opposite side of the food table he's at. With one hand in his pocket and champagne glass in the other, he walks at a slow pace, matching my own.

"And as for your name," He continues. "Yoongi told me."

"Yoongi told you?" I repeat. "Why?"

"Because I asked him."


"Back then, in the airport."


"Do you always ask this many questions?"

"Only when I'm intrigued about something," I say in my defence.

"Then I think you have your answer," He chuckles.

My eyebrows furrow, clearly not following as to what he means. He stops walking, so I do too.

"I asked because I was intrigued about you, Dea. Why else?"

Oh. Man, I really should've been paying more attention that day.

I suppose I was too focused on what was happening with Jiyeon and Yoongi, that I never properly thought about him being there. I don't even think I looked him in the eye properly either.

"Last question now," I say, joining his side once the table ends. "Why are you here?"

"This is my cousin's wedding," He indicates to our surroundings with his glass. "She's like a sister to me, so I couldn't miss it."

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