#4 - Left Behind

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"I should probably go," Clearing my throat, I glance back at Aecha. She's gathering her belongings, including my violin.

Jin's expression turns somber. "You're not staying?"

"We're not needed anymore," I shake my head.

A slight wave of disappointment washes over his face, but he hides it straight away. It's gone in an instant.

"Looks like we've been replaced by a DJ," Aecha lightly laughs once she joins us, eyeing the imposing setup in the hall.

"I'd suggest staying, but it's not my wedding. I don't make the rules," Jin shrugs.

"It's alright. We should get going anyway," I assure him.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Aecha," Jin says with a warm smile,  bowing his head. Aecha reciprocates with a shy bow, once again too shy to utter a word.

"And Dea, it was delightful seeing you again," Jin adds, lowering his head once more. His gaze locks with mine, lingering for a moment that feels all too fleeting.

Jeez, him and his intense staring.

Aecha leads the way, swerving through the people. We should probably let the bride and groom know we're gonna head off now, too.

But a hand on my wrist stops me from following. My head jerks back in surprise.

"Remember, it won't hurt to ask for help. You'll never know if you don't," jin gives one final piece of advice.

And with that, he lets go, joining his brother and making his way into the hall.


Why is writing songs so much more stressful when you have nothing to write about? Nothing that inspires you or moves you that you need music to portray it?

On second thought, I think I just answered my own question.

It's been a few days since we played at the wedding, meaning a few days since I last saw Jin.

My mind is spinning as I stare down at the notes I've already written down in my book. I don't even think I'm paying attention to what I'm writing.

Is it weird that I'm thinking about him instead? Not that I wouldn't think generally about him. But this time it's not general. And I can't decide if I like it or not.

Just then, my door bursts open. At first glance I expect it to be Songmin, but Songmin's way too calm a person to throw the door open like that.

"Dea!" Aecha staggers into the room, and I stand to my feet in alarm.

"How did yo-"

"Songmin let me in," She swatts her hand. "But look! Look who's calling me!"

"Did you come all the way here just for me to see who's calling you?" I raise an eyebrow.

In return, she sighs with a look on her face. A look that says I'm not that stupid, Dea. Think!

"I was already on my way, and my phone started ringing as I got to the door. Just look at the number," She shoves the screen in my eyesight.

And even just a few numbers into reading it, I know exactly who it is. Both of us have had that number memorised in our heads for years now.

"That's..." I trail off, gaze lifting into hers. "Oh my god that's-"

"The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra!"

Ah, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra at the Seoul Arts Centre. Which just so happens to be our dream orchestra to work for, to play with, and to be a part of.

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