#5 - Take It Or Leave It

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"Be honest," My eyes stare up at the ceiling. "Am I terrible at viola?"

I've been spinning round in circles on this spinny chair for 10 minutes straight now. You would've thought I'd be dizzy, but it's like I've become numb to feeling...well...anything.

After Aecha's great news a couple days ago, she's been practicing and rehersing for her audition ever since. Leaving me here to dwell more into my lovely inner thoughts.

"What? Of course not," She raises an eyebrow, watching me have a subtle mental breakdown.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," She places a folder back onto her shelf, approaching her desk and me sat behind it.

"100%?" I clarify.


"You pinky swear-"

Jiyeon grabs hold of my chair so it'll stop spinning. Now the slight wave of dizziness is starting to seep its way into my brain. Great. No-one to blame but me, though.

"I promise I'm telling the truth," She sighs, sitting on the edge of her desk. "What's brought this on anyway?"

I haven't told her yet. Or anyone yet, actually. Except Songmin. But if she hadn't overheard it happening, I probably wouldn't have told her either.

"Aecha got noticed by the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra about a few days ago. She has an audition to prepare for."

Jiyeon's eyebrows raise. She probably knew it was along the lines of playing the violin, but not this.

"That's great! And?"

"And...that's it," I don't need to say it for her to know what I mean. By me acting like this now, it's obvious.

Pouting my lips, I fiddle with my fingers in my lap. She remains silent, waiting for me to carry on talking.

"It's impossible," I cover my eyes, rubbing my forehead from the stress. "Why did no-one tell us how hard it is to get a job, or even get noticed after university? Well, except for you."

Jiyeon looks at her surroundings, forcing a slight grin and nodding. I know she most likely wants to say she relates to my situation, but she's far from it.

I haven't had the time to come to her building in a while, from both of us being busy. Well, more her. But since I have nothing to do now, I may aswell.

"And Songmin, and Hayoon. And now Aecha," My hand rests on my chin, elbow on the desk.

"There's no good beating yourself up about it," Jiyeon stands to her feet. "It'll come to you one da-"

"Please don't say one day," I cringe from that phrase. That stupid, useless phrase.

"But you know what I mean. And anyway, you don't have to do it alone. I could try and help you, somehow..." She trails off, not knowing how she'd do that exactly.

But that's when it suddenly resurfaces. Another phrase. A piece of advice I was once told.

It won't hurt to ask for help.

Just then, the phone begins ringing. Jiyeon picks up the call, pressing a button on the side and putting it on speaker.

"Miss Song, Mr Min has just arrived."

"You can say his name you know, Arin."

"My apologies. 'Yoongi' has just arrived," Arin, Jiyeon's assistant, quickly corrects herself.

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