Chapter 11

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"Ruka-chan. Let's go."

"Aw, at least let me get a stuffed cappy at the kiosk here. They have them in different colors. Whoever heard of a green cappy? It's not green, though, it's seafoam. Or is it turquoise?"

Usually Ruka's chattering was soothing. But not right now.

"Oh! Look at this teal one. It suits it somehow. Reminds me of the Amazon where they live. I'll take this one, please." She paid for her stuffed capybara.

"We don't want to be late for the concert."

"Eh? We just got here."

"Lines, you know."

"We have VIP tickets. We can cut the line to get in." Ruka scrutinized her friend. "Are you not feeling well, Suzu? You look a little pale . . ."

"I'm fine, just a little nervous."

Ruka stood in front of Suzu and put her hands on her shoulders. She looked into her eyes. "Hey. This is supposed to be your vacation. Leave everything to me. Don't worry about a thing!"

Suzu managed a weak smile. Then she had an idea. "Selfie! Let's commemorate your new buddy here. What are you going to name him?"

Ruka looked hurt. "She's not a boy. Why do people always assume anything is just automatically male? But I haven't a clue. Will you help me name her?"

"How about . . . Chief?"

"You just got that name from the ice cream vendor over there, didn't you."

"Guilty as charged."

Ruka tried to stay serious, but a smile won.

She made a V with her fingers as Suzu snapped a photo with her phone.

"For your punishment, I pick the next exhibit." While looking at the map, she thrust her stuffie at her companion. "You also have to hold this as-yet unnamed cappie. It might relax you."

Suzu held the stuffie under her arm and looked over Rukas's shoulder as Ruka studied the map and read it out loud: "African safari . . . Japanese Mountain Village . . . South American Pampas . . . Aviary. Ooh, I'd love to see some birds. Hello, earth to Suzu."

Suzu was studying the photo she'd snapped, searching for any sign of their pursuer. She saw a man, no wife or kids in tow. He looked out of place at the zoo. And he was looking right at them.

"Oh, yeah . . . yeah, birds. Lead the way, bestie."

"Yeah, but first, I'm peckish."

They stopped in front of a stand selling corn dogs. Luckily Ruka wanted to eat as they walked.

As they walked, Suzu racked her brain for any memory of this person. Was it a defendant, a perp, or a family member? It was a man between 40 and 50 years old. His visage unfortunately didn't ring any bells.

But the aviary was good. It was an enclosed space with lots of trees and bushes. A lot better than any of the other open area exhibits Ruka had rattled off.

At the aviary they opened a door and went through some long heavy rubber slats. Suzu could hear the birds, but she couldn't see them. There was only one entry and egress point. The only people who came through were parents pushing strollers and a few young couples.

For the first time in an hour, she felt safe. She exhaled. They stayed for thirty minutes, Suzu enjoying herself and taking lots of photos. She was just thinking about showing them to Shinobu when a heavy hand fell on her shoulder and a deep voice said, "I've been looking for you everywhere."

She grabbed the hand and tried to throw him over her shoulder in a judo move, but he stepped to the side and pulled her off balance. She whirled to face him.

He held up his hands. "Easy, Naito-San. I am here to take you to the concert."

"It's not for another four hours."

"Easy. I'm going to get my card, okay?" He slowly reached inside his breast pocket and drew out a business card. He handed it to her. It said Tanaka Daichi, Private Security. Ruka ran up. Daichi looked at some people who were staring.

"Let's go somewhere more private."

They had gone inside a coffee shop. Despite it being warm, Suzu was shaking. She wrapped her trembling hands around the cup and tried to hide it.

"I'm one Angel-san's private security team. He assigned me to you to keep you safe in the big city until the concert." He wiped a napkin on his sweating brow. "Looks like you didn't need it."

Suzu didn't say anything. She couldn't even look at Ruka. She was embarrassed. Was she going crazy?

They finished their coffee. Suzu felt better. But there was Ruka. "Ruka, I'm sorry I ruined your zoo trip."

Ruka looked straight ahead. "I don't know what to say, Suzu."

Sensing the awkwardness, Daichi said, "My limo is parked outside. Your husbands are already in the car."

"He's not my - "

Interrupting her, Ruka got up. "Let's go."


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