Chapter 17

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Suzu knelt at Shinobu's bedside. 

"Suzu!" He tried to sit up, but couldn't. "Aah!" He fell back in pain.

She took his hand and held it. His fingers were cool and curled weakly around hers. "I know it's not exactly how I planned, but getting stabbed made me realize I can't wait any longer. Will you marry me?"

"Yes. Of course I will."

A blissful smile spread across Shinobu's face. "I'm so happy. It was almost worth getting stabbed."

"Baka," she said tenderly. "Maybe it's the painkillers making you so happy."


"Kei," said Tomo. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

"What do you mean."

"I did this for you. You haven't been the same since Belle left. I haven't seen you in three years. Where have you been?"

"You wouldn't have recognized me in your drug-induced state anyway."

Tomo hung his head. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I know I messed up. I didn't stay in rehab. But ever since I started writing my own music, I've been clean. I don't even drink anymore."

"Come here." Kei opened his arms. Tomo went into them and wrapped his arms around Kei's middle.


Kei marched Tomo back into the room. "Tomo has a confession to make."

"Ruka didn't win by coincidence. I was going to pick Suzu, but Suzu didn't enter, so I picked someone who was your friend . . . Ruka."

She shoved him in the chest. Otto and Daisuke stepped forward.

Angel held up a hand. They reluctantly stepped back.

Suzu clenched her fists. "You used Ruka to get to me! Are you obsessed with me? Are you in love with me?"

"Easy, Suzu, easy." Kei put his hands on her shoulders. Their weight was soothing and she stopped trembling. "I'm sorry, Tomo . . . . I'm so exhausted and confused . . . " 

Kei handed her a pill. "This is a tranquilizer. You're in shock and I want you to rest." She took it without protest and went to lie down on a cot. Soon was was asleep.

Angel looked pained. "I didn't mean to upset anyone."

Daisuke shook his head. "But - how? How did you manipulate that? Wait a second. Are you . . . are you U's mystery buyer?"

Angel looked genuinely shocked. "No!"

"But who else is as rich as the most popular idol in the world?"


"That's what I've been trying to figure out." Someone rolled in in a wheelchair. It was a woman with hair pulled back, and glasses. "My name is Betsuyaku Hiroka. I don't think you could have anticipated the Rainy Day Killer would make an appearance at your concert. But I did. It was a long shot. I didn't anticipate the power outage. We're still looking into that. I've talked with Shinobu. He has agreed to keep this out of the public eye to prevent needless panic and tipping off the killer."

Kei spoke in a low rumble. "Did you use Belle as bait?"

Even the unflappable Hiroka looked a bit nervous. "N- no. I didn't even know she was going to be there. But now we know there is some kind of connection with U and with Belle." She pushed her glasses up. "I'd like to enlist your cooperation."

Kei took charge. "Otto, watch Shinobu. Don't let anyone in. Daisuke, go to the front and watch for anyone suspicious."

"Yes, Young Master."

Tomo shook his head with a wry smile. "Gone three years and still giving orders."

"Who are you?" said Shinobu to Kei. 

Kei went and pressed the buttons on the bag of painkillers, increasing the dose. After the injured man was asleep, Kei remarked, "The less he knows the better. Hiroka-san: I assume you have Belle's friends in a safe place?"

Hiruka nodded. Her glasses shone in the reflected light as she smiled mischievously.  "Safe house. You know your stuff . . . Dragon-san."

Kei ignored her remark. "War room. We need to go and set up a perimeter where we can safely discuss all this."

Hiruka said, "You could come into police headquarters and we can get a sound proof room."

"I have a better idea. Let's rendezvous at this address. It's one of my safe stays. Suzu can stay there. We can have food brought in while we strategize."

"Why should Suzu stay with you?" asked Tomo. "I can provide the finest security."

Kei glowered. "Can you think of anyone to protect her better than me?"

Suzu was fast asleep on the cot. Kei picked her up in his arms and strode out of the room to put her in his car and take her to the secure flat.


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