Chapter 18

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Kei was behind the wheel of his black sports car. Belle was buckled in the passenger seat, which reclined back. Her eyes were closed. He flicked his eyes between her face and the road. Her sudden appearance in his life had unsettled him.

Kei had tried everything to forget her when she had only said, "Thank you," to his confession of love, the first day he had met her in person. Finally freed from the burden of an abusive father, Kei threw himself into sports just for something to do with all his excess adrenaline. When he was sixteen, he was recruited by a secret military branch of the Japanese Self- Defense Force, a full two years before he could legally join. 

He realized how just how long the JSDF had had eyes on him when Daichi and Otto had appeared and moved in with the family, moved them, in fact, to a bigger house. A nicer house. Much more than their father could ever have afforded. They were introduced by their baffled dad as "friends," when in reality they were servants. They always provided whatever the boys needed, whether it was a music studio for Tomo, or a listening ear.

Kei travelled the world on secret missions. He became a leader, not because he never refused to follow every order, but because he did refuse to follow some orders.

Now Kei worked as a mercenary. He would work for anybody, anywhere, as long as the pay was good. And it always was. Kei's services were always appreciated. One of the first things he bought was a beautiful necklace with a small bell on it. The tiny chime it made was exquisite. He had it made specifically for Belle. She had seemed very happy to receive it.

He zipped into an underground parking garage. He got out and went to the passenger side, gently removing Suzu and carrying her to his apartment.

Kei laid her on the couch. He put a pillow behind her head. He was coming back with a glass of water when she woke up.

"We have to stop meeting like this," he said, a lot more casually than he felt. This was, after all, the second time she woke up in a strange place with him there.

Belle gave him a look that made him hold his breath . . . and then she started laughing.

Kei exhaled in relief and handed her the glass of water. "Are you hungry?"

Belle shook her head no.

"Well, you need to eat something." He strode into the kitchen.

He made a sandwich and turned around. He was a little startled to see she had gotten up and followed him into the kitchen.

Belle looked at him with round eyes. Was it his imagination, or was she . . . blushing ? It was hard to tell behind the freckles.

"I - I just wanted to see if you needed help."

He shoved the plate at her.

"Curry chicken salad," was all the words that would come out of his mouth. Inwardly, he flinched.

She picked up half the sandwich and bit it. "Kei, this – this is amazing. Did you make this yourself?"

"Actually, I did. It's one of the few things I can cook." He looked at the floor. "The others should be here soon." Kei went to the front door and waited. 


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