Chapter 3

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Bucky and Loki's pov
We step into the elevator after swimming for a bit. "Y/N Is Fucking hot Loki" bucky says "she really is, that girl could get any man to fall for her" loki says "she is not my girl but I want her to be" bucky says "same here" loki says "it would be wrong of us to make her pick" bucky sighs "then we don't" loki says as bucky looks at loki for a second. they nod as the elevator opens and they go to their rooms and change into dry clothes then bucky goes to Loki's room "let's give y/n a taste of what she can have" bucky tells loki as loki sits up and nods "let's do it".

Y/N's Dream
Y/N is sitting down on the couch with a book and blanket with a cup of cherry tea "Gods Your Fucking Beautiful Princess" loki says suddenly scaring you half to death "WTF LOKI!" Y/N says in irritation as she gets up and turns around using her magic to dry her clothes "He Didn't Mean To Scare You Doll" James says with a smile as he walks next to loki and stands next to him "Well He Did" Y/N says irritated "What Do You Boys Want" she says crossing her arms "You" loki and James both says at the same time as they both walk towards Y/N with pure lust in their eyes "Loki-" she tries to say but is interrupted by james grabbing one side of her hip as loki grabs the other side and they both pin her to a wall then they both whisper in her ears "I Want You So Bad Y/N" James growls "I Want To Watch You Kneel At Our Feet As You Beg Us Both To Take You" loki growls as he kisses your lips and James kisses your neck-"
End Of Dream

Y/N wakes up quickly and gets out of bed. She rushes to Loki's room and busts though his door "Hay Watch It" loki says "How About You Watch It" she looks over at bucky and puts the peaces together "Stay Out Of My Dreams Assholes" she says angrily "Your Cute When Your Mad" bucky says "Wait! You Were Dreaming Of Us?" Loki asks sarcastically as he stands up walking behind Y/N while bucky stands up as well and walks over her putting his metal hand around Y/N's neck lightly "We're Hungry" bucky says "and you look devilishly delicious" loki says as Y/N backs up away from them "No No No This Is Karma From Either" Y/N says as she starts to walk out but stops at the door way and turns "Oh And One More Thing" she smiles fakely "Stay Out Of My Head" she says as she drops her fake smile instantly and walks back to her room. Y/N sits on her bed and sigh as she watches youtube until she falls back asleep.

Y/N woke up from her sleep and just sits there in her head for a minute. She hated it when people would try and control her in any shape or form because it would reminded her of her time at hydra, it was like she knew what she was doing was wrong but she couldn't stop herself. she remembers every single one of her victims and it tortures her, She felt depressed just thinking about it so she got up and took a long hot bath then used her magic to dry off and change.

Y/N's Outfit👇(feel free to change it if you want)

Y/N puts on some chapstick as she walks to the kitchen "Hello There Princess" loki says "Good Morning Doll" James adds but she just ignores them putting her chapstick in her back pocket, She goes into the fridge grabbing some milk, she grabs a bow...

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Y/N puts on some chapstick as she walks to the kitchen "Hello There Princess" loki says "Good Morning Doll" James adds but she just ignores them putting her chapstick in her back pocket, She goes into the fridge grabbing some milk, she grabs a bowl and she makes herself a bowl of chocolate cereal then walks to the table sitting down "Someone Had "Bad Dreams" Last Night" Loki says as Y/N glares at loki as Tony walks in with Peter by his side "Y/N this afternoon we are gonna introduce you to the world as an official avenger so be ready by 3:00" Tony says "ok tony" she says as she finishes up her food and walks to her room and watches YouTube until 1:00 then suddenly Y/n hears a voice from nowhere say "Sorry Miss Y/N I Don't Mean To Intrude But Tony Is Asking For You" she looks around confused "Ok On My Way" Y/N says as she gets up and rushes to tony's lab

"I'm Here!" She says slipping around the corner almost falling, James catches her with a smile "Thank you James" she says as she pulls away from him "Please Call Me Bucky" he smiles as her as she walks towards tony and loki "why is loki and bucky both here" she asks tony confused "I don't know I guess they wanted to see your reaction to this" tony says as he pulls out a black metal bracelet that has your name engraved into it "a bracelet?" She asks confused "put it on" bucky says with a smile "go on do it" loki adds she looks at both of them as she puts it on "what now" she asks looking back at Tony "put your finger over your name" he says with a smirk "ookk" she says confused as she press her finger on her name, all of sudden a nanotech suit starts to appear on your body over your clothes.

Y/N's Nanotech Suit👇(change if you want)

Y/N's Eyes Open Wide And Her Jaw Drops as she becomes speechless "She Likes It" Tony says as he sits back against his desk and smiles proudly at his work "You Look Beautiful Doll" bucky exclaims with a smile "You Look Hot Princess" loki says with ...

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Y/N's Eyes Open Wide And Her Jaw Drops as she becomes speechless "She Likes It" Tony says as he sits back against his desk and smiles proudly at his work "You Look Beautiful Doll" bucky exclaims with a smile "You Look Hot Princess" loki says with a mischievous smirk "I. FUCKING. LOVE. IT" Y/N exclaimed with allot of passion "Thank You Thank You So Much Tony" she says happily "your vary welcome little Angel" Tony says as he winks at you. Y/N rolls her eyes while still smiling as they all leave the lab and go to the front of the tower "You Ready To Be An Official Avenger?" Tony asks as y/n sighs and takes a deep breath "Born Ready" she says as she smiles at Tony. he walks out of the tower and onto a stage. "Welcome Everyone" he greets as everyone cheers "You All Are Here Today So We Could Let The World Know They Are Even Safer Now That We Have Another Powerful Hero Joining Us" Tony says with passion as everyone cheers and whistles and all the avengers smile at Y/n "Let Me Welcome Y/N Y/L/N The Angel Of Life"

Y/N puts a smile on as she walks next to tony waving at everyone "the angel of life" she asks confused" "Just Go With It" he says as he gets off stage but a bunch of people start asking questions all at the same time so Tony comes forward and helps her, he point to a guy in a blue shirt "is it true that you are the angel of death?" The Man asks as She sighs "I Was Yes But Not Anymore I'm now the angel of life, I was being mind controlled and I did things I am not proud of but I want to redeem myself, if you give me the chance to be the angel of life instead of the angel of death you will feel safer then you ever have before and that is a promise" she says as she steps back and tony walks in front of me "we are gonna go now but I hope everyone has a nice day with much love from Ironman" tony says waving and blowing kisses at everyone then she leads you inside while everyone cheers and leaves.

"you did so good kid" tony said happily "thank you for everything tony" Y/N says "your welcome" Tony says with a smile "yeah y/n, you did really good" nat says as Wanda nods in agreement "you did wonderful princess" loki says as he puts one hand on her hip "yeah doll I'm so proud of you" bucky says as he puts his metal hand arm on her other hip "Oookkk I Need To Go" y/n says as she runs to the elevator "we are having a party tonight to celebrate our newest avenger" Tony yells at her "will do tony" y/n  yells back as she quickly gets into the elevator.
y/n sighs as she presses on her bracelet and her suit disappears.

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