Chapter 4

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Y/N walks out of the elevator and runs into her room. She watches YouTube until she notices the sun is starting to set so she walks to her mirror as she uses her magic to change her clothes.

Y/N's Party Outfit👇 (Feel free to change it)

Y/N's Party Outfit👇 (Feel free to change it)

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(2 seconds later)
"Miss Y/N, Mr. Stark Wants Me To Tell You The Party Has Started" Jarvis says "Thank You Jarvis Tell Him I'm Coming" she says as she leaves her room and heads to the party. She gets to the party then suddenly hears Nat "SHE'S HERE!" nat yells to wanda as she makes her way to Y/N and hugs her "Girl You Look Hot As Hell" nat says as she winks at me then grabs Y/N's wrist and takes her to the bar where Wanda is talking with vision who is camouflaged as a human "hello miss Y/N" vision says "Hi Vis" Y/n says "You Look Amazing Y/N" wanda says looking at her outfit " thank you wands" Y/n says then orders herself a drinking. Y/N Drinks with wnada and nat for 5 mins until nat notices that loki's staring at you while thor talks his ear off and also notices bucky staring at you as he laughs with steve.

nat nudges Y/N and nods towards loki and bucky who are sitting on the same couch "10 o'clock" nat says to Y/N as she turns around with her drink in hand and puts her back against the bar and takes a sip of her drink as she looks at loki and bucky just sitting there staring at her. she winks at them then she turns back around and orders another drink. after 5 drinks Nat and Wanda wanted to dance "let's dance" drunk nat and drunk Wanda says at the same time as they drag y/n to the dance floor "let's do it" Y/N yells drunk as hell. She dances her heart out for 5 mins before bucky comes up behind her and spins her around so she is looking at him. he looked really drunk and reeked of alcohol witch explains his bold behavior "Your mighty drunk big boy" y/n says as bucky tries to kiss her but she turns her head so he kisses her check "kiss me Y/N please" bucky begs as he slurs "bucky your drunk" Y/N says as she blushes "just let me taste you" he growls drunk "Ok Big boy I think you have had enough alcohol for the night" Y/N says as she helps him to the couch with loki on it and sits bucky down as she unintentionally sits down between bucky and loki, Tony makes everyone leave then yells "time to play a game".

everyone grabs a drink and sits down "ok we are gonna play truth or dare but adult style" tony says as he sits down "me first nat says almost immediately" y/n rolls her eyes because she knows what nat is planning "Y/N!" Nats explains with a smile "truth or dare" nat asks still smiling "dare" y/n says instantly regretting it "I dare you to kiss both loki and bucky" nat says as Wanda starts to quietly laugh "Ok " y/n says as she grabs Loki's face and kisses him passionately for second then turns to bucky and tries to kiss him passionately but instead bucky grabs her face and kisses her. She pulls away and looks back at nat and glares at her "thank you nat" loki says smiling as he sits forward "yea thank you so much nat" bucky adds smiling as he sit back.

"your welcome boys" nat says as she sits back taking a sip of her beer proud at what she just did "My Turn" y/n says as nat starts to freak out in her head because she knows what Y/n is about to do "truth or dare" y/n says to nat "dare" nat says as she sighs and y/n smiles mischievously "I dare you to give bruce a lab dance" Y/n says as nat truns red, Nat looks at bruce who is clearly blushing as well. Nat walks up to bruce and sits on his lap. She rubs her ass against him and flipped her hair then kissed him passionately for second then Nat pulls away and stands up. she glares at y/n "paybacks a bitch nat" y/n says as everyone laughs, Y/N gets up and pours herself one more drink and chugs it down quickly then puts it down and turns around "I'm going to bed now" y/n says leaving the party. Once Y/n left the room, Loki and bucky looks at each other as they get up as well "buck! Where are you going?!" Steve yells "brother! Where are you going?!" Thor yells "bed. Good night" loki and bucky shouts in sync as they leave together. Y/n gets to her room and takes a quick shower then uses her magic to to get ready for bed

Y/N's PJ's👇(change if you want)

Y/n steps out of her bathroom to see loki and bucky sitting on her bed

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Y/n steps out of her bathroom to see loki and bucky sitting on her bed. Y/n knows they both are really drunk because she can smell it on both of them "what is wrong with you guys" y/n says as she crosses her arms "you guys can't just come in her-" y/n starts to say but gets interrupted by loki pulling her in by her the hips and sits her down between himself and bucky. Loki kisses her lips as bucky starts to kissing her neck from behind "Your driving us crazy doll" bucky says between kisses "we can't control ourselves when your around" loki says between kisses as well. Y/N has never felt so wanted or needed at the same time, infact she has never felt this way for anyone at all but this was something she craved more then anything in the world but she also zdidn't want it to happen this way while they both were drunk as well as herself so she pulls away and stands in front of loki and bucky with a red face "You boys are sweet but I'm tried so i need you guys to go" y/n sighs as she walks to the door and opens it. loki and bucky look at y/n with sad puppy faces "don't do that" y/n says as loki pouts more as bucky does the same "fucking hell" she sighs "fine you can stay and at least cuddle me but no funny business, understand" y/n says as loki and bucky just nod without saying a word. Y/n gets in bed while loki cuddles her from behind and bucky in front of her. they all fall asleep almost immediately drunk and happy.

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