Howl, Yeah!

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Awoo! Awoo! Awoo!

Frick that Goshdarn ringtone, I thought. I sat up in my bed, and grabbed the cell phone Nessie bought me a year ago. "Edward." I answered and heard a snicker on the other line. "What do you want? It's um..." I glanced at the clock and growled. "Eight thirty in the morning, on a Saturday! What the howl, man?"

"What? Nevermind. We have some news to tell you, and Renesmee wanted to have you. And she made me call you." If I was standing in front of him, I would've seen his eyes roll. I laughed, and hung up before I could say anything stupid. I got dressed, and made sure that it was something Alice would be happy with. I sludged into my new Chevy Truck and drove way over the speed limit to the Cullens' "Cottage". As I pulled up, Alice ripped open my door and snarled.

"You're seven minutes late, Black." Then, a very dressed up Renesmee ran up to Alice and shoved her aside.

"Sorry... I told her it was okay, but you knowAlice and her schedule!" She grinned at me and grabbed my hand. Alice was screaming behind us, cussing me off and Nessie pursed her lips. "Prepare yourself to the Birthday of Hell, Jake." She whispered low enough so only I could hear.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Nessie. You can't say Hell, so say what I now say; Howl. Like, Howl yeah!" Nessie raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Also, did ahem... she dress you up?" I pointed to Alice who was screaming at Emmett. Nessie nodded and put her fingertips up to my face.

She told me it had to do with a present, and that Daddy wanted me to wear it. I fell for the trick alright. Anyway, let's have fun! I'm officially fourteen, and able to stay out longer!

"Oh no you don't, young lady!" Edward called out from the dining room. Nessie's grin turned into a scowl, and she stomped to the table. "Hello, Jacob." I nodded towards Edward and Nessie rolled her eyes. Alice then brought out a giant cake, which made Nessie groan.

"I thought this was my birthday, and that I got to choose what I wanted!" She mumbled under her breath. "Ouch! What the He-howl was that, Emmett?" I smiled at the way she said my new catchphrase. Emmett then faked a howl. Alice cleared her throat and Nessie gulped loudly. "Before we start, may I say, that all over expensive gifts will be thrown out after this." Nessie blurted out.

"Open mine, first!" Alice yelped. Nessie shook her head.



"I said, cake first. I'm hungry..." Alice huffed and cut the cake. I shook my head at Nessie's plan and she winked back. "Daddy? Want a bite?" She offered Edward. I laughed as he took a slice, and he chewed slowly then his eyes widened. Nessie blocked herself with a platter, probably just in case he threw up everything.

"This is... Good." He muttered, and took another bite. Nessie's jaw dropped, as everyone else's did.

" Eddie likes food?! Holy Shit!" Alice bounced up and down. "This is the news of the century! Yeah!" Nessie kept staring at her squirming father, who looked like he could flip the table over and run away from embarrassment. Bella was in hysterics, and Carlisle was in his journals, writing this down. Emmett was howling again, so I grabbed Nessie's hand and lead her outside. She looked up at me with her big chocolate brown eyes, and I felt a spark run up my spine.

"Why are we out here, Jacob?" I hesitated, and handed her a long box with black wrapping paper. She scowled at the box and then carefully unwrapped it."Oh my Gosh. A Barbie that looks like me! This is so cool! Alice! Alice! Look what Jake got me! The best present ever!" Nessie screamed and sprinted towards the house. I started to follow, when I felt a pair of cold hands on my shoulder.

"Jake?" I turned around, and Bella had a worried expression on her face. "I-we need to talk to you. Privately!" She shouted to Nessie, whom peeked out of the door. I heard a moan, and I pouted mentally. Edward snickered, and we walked to the end of the yard where no one would listen to us.

"Jake... God, I have no idea how to tell you this, but-" Edward cut her off.

"We're moving." I felt my eyes widen.

"What? But... What?"

"And you can't come." Edward's face was smug, and I heard Nessie gasp.

"We're moving?! Yes! Awesome!" She ran up and wrapped her arms around me.

"But he can't come." Edward repeated and pointed at me.
"We're mov... WHAT. I'm staying with Jake! I'm staying at Jake's!" She sang.

"Where are you moving?" I whimpered.

"Isle Esme, for five years." Then, I blacked out.

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