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I fell alseep angered and confused. Why the Hell did Nessie just 'kiss' me, and then leave? And why hadn't she come back? I growled and sat up on my bed and suddenly I heard a scratching sound. I stared at my window, and a teary Nessie was scratching at the window.

"Jake, Jake let me in! Please," She faintly begged. In the moonlight, I could see her face covered in mascara and tears. I opened my window and grabbed her hand.

"Did you sneak out? Are Bella and Edward back?" I asked frantically. She nodded at both of my questions, and she sobbed into my chest.

"Jake-Jake, they came back, okay? And-and-and... Oh, Jake! They're fighting! I don't know how, or when, but they are! Dad slapped Mom, and then she did an Emmett!" She cried. An 'Emmett' was when someone would pounce on another, and since Emmett did it the most, I called it that and it caught on. But... Bella and Edward fighting? What the? I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

"Do you know why, Ness?" I asked. She looked up and more tears bled across her cheeks.

"Yes." She mumbled, and looked down at her feet. I lifted her face up and raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue. "Me, obviously. But, it's strange. It's about panic attacks, and I've never had one. Mom said I needed Jasper's help, and Dad disagreed. They came in the door screaming, and Nana tried to stop them, the Mom tried to punch Dad, and hit Alice. Jasper used his gift, but nothing happened, and then... I got this weird feeling. It-it was like, I couldn't breathe, and my hands were shaking and I needed-wanted death. Then, it felt like a pair of hands were choking me, and I got pushed onto the back of the couch. I screamed, and kicked, but no one did anything. It disappeared, and I ran here."

"Does it still hurt?"


"Don't lie to me, Renesmee. Not at a time like this."


"Damn. We should probably tell the pack about this. Then, handle your parents." I suggested, and Nessie shrugged. I got the home phone out and speed dialed the pack.


"Hey, Jake!"

"Why the Hell are you calling me at... Oh, Jake."

"Another Leech?"

"How was it with Ness, Dude?"

Nessie growled. "Okay, guys," She took a staggered breath, "Mom and Dad are fighting. I need you guy's help. Badly." I heard gasped on the other end, and Paul's girlfriend, who was also my sister, Rachel screamed into the phone.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry, Nessie! What are they fighting about? Paul, give me the Goddamn phone! Give it you motherfucking..."

Seth's usually bubbily voice, but now it was hurt and cracking, filled the phone. "Sorry, Nessie. I can't believe they're fighting, and as the housewife screamed, what were they fighting about?" Nessie bit her lip, and took the phone out of my hands.

"Well, Jake heard my sob fest, but anyway; I was sitting and watching T.V. and Mom and Dad came in the door when they were supposed to be in Isle Esme, and they were screaming. Daddy slapped Mom, and she did an Emmett and...and Esme tried to stop them, and then everyone started yelling, and I was alone on the couch and I had this chest pain and I felt like I was choking, and then I ran here and called you guys." She cried into my shoulder, and Rachel gasped.

"Nessie, you were having some type of Panic Attack! Were you hyperventilating?" Nessie's eyes widened, and held the phone harder.


"Were you trembling?"


"Did you feel like you weren't like, connected with your surroundings?"


"Oh, Nessie!" Rachel sobbed.

"Why was she having a panic attack?" I demanded.

"It might have something to do with the sudden fighting," Rachel suggested. I glanced at Nessie, who was crying into her hands.

"Guys, I need to go... See you later," I hung up and wrapped my arms around her. Her whole body shook from crying, and she bawled harder. I was kind if surprised Billy didn't wake up, but I guess he just was a deep sleeper.


"Yeah, Nessie?"

"I'm staying overnight, right?"

"Of course."



"Love you."

"Love you more."

#BellaVSEdward. Oh, yeah. I had a lot of fun with this chapter, actually. I researched panic attacks, and parent fights... Weird, right? Anyway, COMMENT VOTE AND FOLLOW!



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