Death Sentence

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" We. Are. Moving. Without. Jake." I shuddered at the words. I was ecstatic about moving, but not without my best friend. I couldn't wrap my mind around it, living somewhere where

A) My parents had their honeymoon. Gross.

B) Jake wasn't there.

Also, it didn't help that an average vampire honeymoon was ten years long, and it had only been four. I paced around my bedroom, grinding my hard teeth together. Then, I heard a tap on my window, so I expected Jacob was there. When I opened it, the newest wolf, Drake, was tossing rocks. I frowned at him because he was always rude to me, and I whispered down at him.

"What are you doing here? You're not allowed here past 11:00, Drake!" He shifted on his feet. "Well?"

"Are you all actually moving?!" He whispered up to me. I scoffed, and leaned forward on my balcony, making him stare straight at my chest.

"Not all of us, just me, Dad and Mom. Drake, you'd better leave before my dad comes." Drake laughed and I saw him roll his eyes.

"What's he gonna do? Drink my Blah-Blah-Blood? Get it? Like Dracula.. Ha." I bit down in my lip, trying to contain my laughter for what was coming. Dad was behind him, and I faintly heard him whisper.


Drake screamed and was long gone. I laughed hysterically, and I stopped when Dad was frowning at me. "Why are you up, Renesmee?" I narrowed my eyes, actually not knowing why I was awake at 11:48 at night.

"Drake was throwing rocks, and I went out here to tell him to scram. Then," I laughed again, "That happened. I'm sleeping now, don't worry. I almost passed out here, so... Goodnight." I walked off my balcony, and locked my window and door. I turned my light off, and turned my computer on. I made sure the screen was faintly bright, so I wouldn't get in trouble. When my computer turned on, my oovoo page pinged.

Why are you available at midnight, Nessie? =_=

I thought if an excuse, and quietly typed and made sure my newly found mind shield that I somehow got was on.

I couldn't sleep. Why are you available at midnight, Jake?

I yawned slightly, and rested my head on my desk. When he didn't answer, I walked to my balcony's couch and drifted off to another dreamless sleep. Or so I thought.


"Jacob! Where are you going?" I shout, but get no answer. The big russet wolf that I love is running away from me, and I start running after it. "Silly Jacob, you can't outrun me!" I laugh, and leap over the wolf. He coughs a laugh and trips me with a log. Suddenly, he is over me with a toothy grin, and starts clawing at my shirt. I gasp, and clutch my chest. Everything is turning black, and I watch Jacob run off with an unknown person. I close my eyes, praying for nothing.

I woke up with a start, first noticing how I was in my bed and not in the balcony. I looked around, and this was not my room. Everything was black and white, which I was actually okay with. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling, which had posters of Sharkboy and Lavagirl on it. I laughed aloud, and heard footsteps. I smelled Daddy, so I hid under my covers. "Oh, I know you're awake. You're laughing is loud."

"Did Alice take over my room, or did we move overnight?" I peeked my head out of my comforter, and Daddy smirked.

"You never look at your room, so you never notice the colors and," he pointed at the ceiling, "Posters. Emmett bought for you TacoBell for breakfast, so go downstairs or else he'll try to eat it. Also, Alice packed your things, so eat and get in the car. We're leaving in an hour." I sat up straight with my jaw dropped.

"But, won't I get to say goodbye to everyone?"

"Yes. Go eat and go downstairs!" I whimpered and sludged downstairs with Daddy on my tail.

"Thanks, Emmett." I chewed slowly, knowing everyone knew I was now upset.

One hour until me and Jake wouldn't see each other ever again. God, why does my life have to be so crummy? Dad growled from behind me. Whoops.

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