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I sat on my bed and stared at a picture of Nessie and I taken about six months back, when Edward finally let her visit. She was now nineteen, actually nine, and I felt horrible not being able to tell her happy birthday or something. The film College was almost done, we just had a few scenes left then we'd hit the big screens. Yeah, it was an actual film. It was fun, one of Jordan's little brothers was me as a kid, and Claire got to be Leah, and others others. I just wished Nessie could've been in it sometimes, she loved acting and singing and that stuff. I mean, she used to perform in front of the family! I heard a knock on the door.

"Jake, you ready for the make-out scene?" Jordan snickered at the last part. I groaned mentally, but I opened the door.

"Yeah, sure." I laughed. He opened the door to his car and we drove towards the set, which was in the forest because it was more private. Stupid reason, but it wasn't my choice. As he pulled up, I recognized a black Chevy truck in the forest. No, I thought. She isn't here.

"Jord! Do I really have to- Jake! What the fuck?" Jordan started hysterically laughing, and I kicked his leg. "Jacob Black and Jordan Diego! How dare you keep this from me! I thought we were fucking friends! Goddamn it, Jordan!" Nessie dropped the F bomb four more times after that, and crossed her arms. "Are you going to sit there drooling, or are we going to shoot a movie?" She asked.

"I knew there was something suspicious about a make out scene. I hate you, Jordan." I mumbled, and got out of the car with a laughing Jordan behind. Nessie flew into my arms, was grinning madly.

"So; did you really go to college to pass the time, Jake?" She murmmered into my chest. I shivered at the feel, and shook my head.

"Where's your parents?" I asked, already knowing that Edward would be behind me and sneak up on me. Nessie looked up with a grin on her face, and pulled back put of my arms.

"Isle Esme. I moved out! How great is that?!" What? No parents? This could be fun. She leaped up and down, and I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so gorgeous, with her waist long hair that Alice wouldn't let her cut, her long tan legs, and her bright pink lips.

"Alright, scene Thirty Seven! Emma and Jackson, or Jacob and Ren! Get ready in ten minutes!" Jordan yelled. Nessie turned a bright red and I saw her mouth the f word fifteen more times. "Stunt doubles! Take their spots! Action!" Nessie sighed and smacked Jordan in the face. She whipped around and crushed her lips to mine.

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