Chapter Eight- Day Off

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~Armin's POV~
He woke up pretty early even though he stayed out late.  Everyone was still sleeping. He started to remember yesterday and started smiling to himself. He got himself up and got some water.

~3rd Person POV~
Everyone started getting up and making there way to the port area. Everyone was yawning, but ready to work, until Levi cleared his throat.

"So...I have decided to give everyone the day off. Go train or do whatever...I don't care, but you guys better wake up early tomorrow, understand?"

"Yes sir!"

~Your POV~
Finally, a day off. Now it's time to sit back and relax...

"HEY Y/N!"

You jumped a little, then sighed. "Yes Jean?"

"Me and Sasha are going to do an eating contest! Do you wanna watch?"

"Uh no, I'm good, thank you"

"Okay, suit yourself." He said running up to Sasha. They seem fun to hang out with. You thought as you sat down, watching them see who can eat the potatoes the fastest. Connie was watching them, yelling at them to eat faster. Obviously, Sasha was winning by a long shot. Sadly, the competition came to a end with Levi getting mad at them because they were eating all of our food. Levi told them that they had to wake up earlier than everyone and work on the port. They walked away in shame as you giggled at their silliness.

~Time Skip, 1 hour~
You were relaxing on the bench you were sitting with Armin last night.

All that was in your head was Armin and the conversation yesterday. WE ALMOST KISSED!!! WHAT!!!

You were spacing out just standing there, thinking of yesterday, until someone tapped you, making you jolt.

" okay?"

It was Armin. You looked at him blushing. You nodded your head. "Yeah, just thinking,"

"Thinking of what" He said innocently.

"Yesterday" You felt confident today for some reason. He looked up at you with wide eyes, blushing. He couldn't say anything.

"So...what are you doing today, you know, since we have a day off?"

He cleared his throat, "nothing much, I was just going to walk around a little, what about you?"

"Same here. Since we are doing the same thing, want to walk together?" You said, smiling. He nodded.

You both got up and started walking around. It was silent, but peaceful. You both found a small forest and started walking towards it. Your hands kept touching each other, but no one was pulling away.

You, feeling bold again, took a hold of his hand, intertwining it with yours. He started blushing like crazy. Internally you were screaming.

This time, he started to strike up the conversation. "Hey, uh, did you want to talk about last night?"

"Yeah, I actually have a couple questions, if that's okay."

"Sure, ask me anything." He said with a sweet smile.


"Okay,... actually can we sit down for this?"


You both found a spot to sit down. It was a nice, small shaded place in the forest. It has just enough sunlight hitting the both of you. The sunlight made his eyes flow even more. You held both of his hands and looked at him.

"So, when did you start liking me?"

He was hesitant, but then answered. "Uh, since the time we were in the "mini library" as you call it." He laughed. "What about you?"

"Around the same time, I saw you reading the books about stars and it made me realize how nice of a guy you are and it made me realize that I like you."

There was silence. You were both happy knowing you guys liked each other. But there was one thought going through both of your guy's brains.

What now?How is this supposed to work?

You both have never been in a relationship before, or even liked anyone like this. Sure, there was little crushes when you guys were kids, but you guys are adults now, it's nothing like that.

Even with those thoughts, they didn't really care. They wanted to be together. There was just silence. Not awkward, but they didn't know what else to say. Them just being with each other at the moment was enough.

~30 minutes later~
Armin decided the break the silence, he saw that you were nodding off and decided to take you back to the main area. You agreed and you both started walking back, hand in hand. You started to see everyone hanging out with each other. Eren looked at both of you and smirked, but kept quiet.

On the other hand, Jean, Connie, and Sasha were freaking out.



You both smiled and started to slowly walk away, not answering anything. You guys didn't want to deal with that right now. They tried to follow you but Eren stopped them saying to stop being annoying and to leave us alone.

Armin dropped you off at your cabin and told you to take a nap. You were hesitant at first because you wanted to hang out with him more, but decided to take one because you were pretty tired and you knew you had a long day tomorrow. He started to walk away until you said,

"Hey Armin!"

He looked back at you and slightly tilted his head. You motioned your hand towards you for him to come back.

"Hey, if we have another day off or even when we get back to your place, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" You said looking down, blushing.

He smiled and nodded, "Yeah! I would love to Y/N!" He hugged you right for a couple seconds and let go.

You bid your goodbyes and started laying down, smiling while feeling your eyes flutter as you slowly start to fall into a deep sleep.

Hi guys, so I know I like barely post. It's been a year LMAOO. Anyways thanks for 70 views! I appreciate it.

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