Chapter Nine- Bonding and Friendships

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Okay I know they probably didn't have showers back then or something but just pretend they do lol

~Your POV~
It's been a week since you guys confessed, and things couldn't have been better. I mean, they could if you guys were back home and not doing a shit ton of work...but besides that, you were happy.

You guys got along more and got to know each other more. Sometimes you guys were having too much fun while working and got told off by Levi.

You guys were done with work today and you decided to take a shower. You walk to your cabin to get your things and you bump into Mikasa, who also looks like she's going to the showers too.

"Hey, are you going to the showers?" You ask nicely

"Yes, I am" she said with a straight face. "I'm going too. Did you want to go together?" You kind of wished you and Mikasa got along more because she seems like a really cool person. I've seen her work and damn, she is a very hard worker. I kind of look up to her in a way. You thought this could be a good bonding moment and hopefully you guys with get closer.

"Sure I guess." She started walking and you started following her. You tried to think about what to talk about but you couldn't, until it hit you...Eren. This girl is so obsessed with Eren, maybe we can talk about guys and shit I don't know. Ugh.

You guys made it to the women's showers. While you were turning on the water, you start a conversation.

"Hey, so Eren huh?" You say with a awkward smirk on your face. She looks up at you and then goes back to what she was doing. That's okay, I can try again.

"You know, I see the way you look at him, it's kinda cute. You guys knew each other since you were kids right?"

She just nodded, not knowing what else to say. She wasn't one to talk about this kind of stuff, it was weird to her.

You guys were done with your showers and started getting dressed and heading out. Before then, you stopped Mikasa.

"You know" you paused. She looked up at you.

"I see how hard you work and I think your like really cool. Uh, I just don't know how to get close to you. I don't really have any friends that are girls and I was hoping we could be friend?" You gave a weak smile.

~Mikasa's POV~

Friends? Why would she want to be friends with me? I barely do anything or talk to her.

I mean the only close person I have is Eren and I guess Armin, so it wouldn't hurt to have a girl that's a friend. I just don't know what to talk about.

~Your POV~

You patiently waited for an answer.

"Yeah, we can be friends I guess..." She said softly looking down.

You smile at her and grab her arm, linking it together. Mikasa looked at you surprised but on the inside, she was kind of happy. You guys walked back to your cabin and began get ready for bed.

Before you closed your eyes, you heard a slight knock at your door. You and Mikasa got up.

"I'll get it, go back to bed." You said while you started walking up to the door. You opened the door to see Armin on the other side. You walked out and closed the door so Mikasa could get some sleep.

"What are you doing here this late?" You asked confused.

"I didn't see you after we were done working so I was wondering where you went after."

"I went to take a shower with Mikasa. Guess what. Me and her are friends now! I'm so happy."

"That's good Y/N! Mikasa hasn't really had any friends that are girls so it could be good for her."

You smiled, realizing you and Mikasa could be more similar that you thought.

"Anyways," Armin said while holding your hands. "I missed you." He smiled.

You started blushing a little and laughed. "It's been like 1 hour Armin."

"I knowwww."He said, kind of whining.

"Hey crazy idea," you said. "What if we snuck out and walked around for the night?"

"What? Y/N we will get in trouble, we can't do that."

"Not if we don't get caught, now meet me in front of my cabin in 40 minutes." You said, blowing a kiss before closing the door. Mikasa looked at you.

"Don't get caught by Levi." She said while turning around, going back to sleep. You giggled. "Don't worry, I won't."

~Armin's POV~

Ugh Y/N is going to be the death of me, literally. Should I go back and tell her we can't. But I want to see her. Ughhh i'm conflicted.

Armin was contemplating what to do for 20 minutes until he decided, f it, he's gonna do it if it means he can spend more time with Y/N.

~Your POV~

It was 38 minutes and you have everything ready. By everything, you mean just yourself and a jacket.

At 40 minutes you peak out your cabin to see Armin speed walking to yours. You grab and hand and start walking.

"Let's go!"

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