Hopeful meeting.

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I was running to school, I woke up late today and was heading to my middle school, 1 week left! Of course I send a UA application even tho not many believed in me, but they were accepting quirkless people if they managed to pass the entrance exam! Okay, when I told Eiji that told Kacchan well.. Kacchan laughed in my face.. They were both 1st years there and were gonna start their second year soon! I was proud of them since their dream was always to become heroes! it was mine too but being quirkless sure wasn't helping anything..
I was cut from my thoughts hearing the bell ring making me run even faster. I'm smaller then average but I've always had good stamina!
Once in the building I walk in the classroom and sit down. The teacher didn't really care if I was there or not, so she doesn't acknowledge my late arrival. I guess some things never change.. I was taking notes of the few things the teacher was saying about our last week's planning.
"Now I know that all of you want to go to UA?" The teacher says and the students cheer while I stay silent.
"So I see that Neito Monoma and... Izuku Midoriya.. Kid are you sure you didn't apply at the wrong school?" The teacher asks me mockingly and I just wanted to disappear but I nod looking down at my desk as everyone (Even the teacher) laughed. I don't care what they think! I'm not seeing them again after this! And they'll see that they were all wrong!
"Okay kid, everyone has dreams, just be prepared to get them crushed." She says disappointed while some laughed making me sigh and continue writing notes in my notebook. I was so focused that I didn't notice the bell ring. Also didn't notice monoma coming to me until he snatched my notebook out of my hands.
"I almost feel sad for you, you know?" He says smirking and I just stay in silence. "What? Cats got your tongue? Can't believe you actually got the guts to apply at UA. I'M the only one to get in there from this shitty school!" He says with a menacing tone, that I'm used to at this point. "Take a piece of advice!" He says with a smug grin. He never has good ideas OR advice.. "Take a swan dive off the roof of a building and hope to get a quirk in your next life!" He mocks throwing my notebook out of the window. When he leaves laughing with his friends, I sigh loudly checking where my analysis notebook lended and.. In the school fountain. Told you he doesn't get good ideas! I mean at least it's me, I won't do it, but what if he did it to someone that wanted to do it?
I sigh picking up up my bag and getting out of the school and go to the fountain. I see the notebook and I could reach it without having to go inside the water. I look and see that some of the ink is spread across the pages, at least I could just rewrite it..
I don't know why Monoma hates me like he does, we were never close but he decided for me to become a personal punching bag. People just ended up joining him and one thing came to an other. Since I was younger than everyone, I was an easier target, but it built my pain tolerance so that's the good part!!
I was walking while letting the water drip from my notebook. At least there is some sort of hope left for it to survive..
I was walking and wasn't paying attention since I knew the way home by heart. I then bump into something it was a weird texture and I look up to see a big weird monster who was smiling evilly at me. I take a big step back. I heard of him on the news.
"Wouldn't you be an excellent capsule." He grins as he gets closer to me. I was looking around evaluating my possibilities. I took more steps back and he was coming out of an alleyway and the street was pretty empty. He was talking but I wasn't listening attentively as he was getting closer to me and fast.

I learned how to do parkour a while back so let's try to make it useful! I notice a staircase and jump on the ramp then take grip on the balcony, I see a window and take grip of the edge and do that till the top of the building. I take out my phone as I see the vilain catching up and dial the first emergency contact.
"Hey Bro what's up? I'm in class so can it wait?" He asks.
"I don't know, You know that sludge vilain on the news? Well it's after me. Now it's climbing on the rooftop but um.. I kinda don't want to end up being his capsule so- oh he's almost here-" I say calmly but still a little panicked and look around..
"IZUKU WHERE ARE YOU!?" He yells and I take my phone away from my ear.
"You have my location, what do I do tho?" I ask him taking a jump on the next roof.
"Aizawa sensei! My brother's being attacked by the sludge vilain!! What does he do!?" I hear him panic probably far from his phone.
"Water hose." I think out loud.
"Eiji I'll call you back." I say hanging up before he says anything else.
He's made of mud, maybe he'll liquify enough and it'll let time for the police to come?
"Wow kid you're fast!" He grins.. Sadistic much? I take the hose and lucky for me it was functional. I open it at the maximum and aim it to the sludge vilain who was having no affect at first, he actually looked bigger, but soon it started to become a puddle.
"FUCKING KID YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS!" He yells and I sigh taking out my phone to see I was spammed called by Eiji so I answered.
"IZU-" I cut him.
"I'm okay he's a puddle now!" I say proudly and the other line stays silent. "Eijiii, you alive?" I ask continuing to water the vilain so he dosen't transform back.
"We're gonna have to talk about your sense of danger.." He sighs loudly.
"I'm alive aren't I? Anyways, I'm gonna call the police, I can't hold the hose all day, it's good water put to waste.." I sigh soundly and I hear him face palm. I know, I know! I know my brother so well I don't need to see him to know what is face looks like!
"A pro was sent.. Stay on the phone with me until then.." He sighs loudly and I hum.
"Okay then! Do you know who is coming? Maybe if-" I was cut before I could start rambling.
"I swear Deku if you start to fanboy I will fucking kill you more then I already am." Ohhh That's Kacchan!
"Hi Kacchan! Happy to know you're doing well too!" I say cheerfully and I hear him growl.
"Seriously Zuku.. Can't you.. I don't know.. STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!?" My brother scolds me.
"Do you think I'm doing it on purpose? I have my notebook all wet! The more I wait to hang it, the less chances I have to save it!" I complain.
"Priorities Deku. PRI-O-RI-TIES!" Kacchan says discouraged.
"Yeah Yeah I get it, I should have found an other way that would have gave me the opportunity to hang it.." I sigh loudly.
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I FUCKING MEANT!!" He yells and I laugh.
"I know-oooh I think a pro is here.. WAIT IS THAT ALL MIGHT!?!" I yell excited.
"I AM HERE TO see that the vilain is already down??" He says looking at me perplex and I wave happily.
"Call you later Eiji! Bye!!" I say cheerfully hanging up.
"Can I close the water now?" I ask All might that finally came back to earth.
"Y-yes! I don't think it's necessary anymore!" He says with his huge usual smile.
"Thank you!!" I smile excited to meet my favourite hero in person!!! *internal screaming*
"Kid, how did you get up here?" He asks concerned as I close the water.
"That kid's a fucking brat! I was put down by a fucking brat!" The sludge says annoyed.
"You're the one who interrupted my walk home!" I scold him. "And to answer your question, parkour!" I explain at All might.
"And why didn't you bring it to where more people were, you could have been severely injured or worst!" All Might scolds me while smiling. (Not a good mix..)
"Well, if I would, then more people would be in danger, and I wasn't planning on fighting him, and also I'm perfectly fine!" I explain happily and the pro hero just blinks.
"R-right.. You're Kirishima's brother correct?" He asks and I nod proudly.
"And you're.. Quirkless..?" He asks confused and I nod with a long sigh.
"I WAS STOPPED BY A QUIRKLESS KID!? A NOBODY!?" The sludge yells and I see he was slowly becoming more solid. Geez, thanks for the compliment!
"Umm.. Should I hose him again?" I ask concerned and All Might just nods looking still perplexed. I smile opening the hose and socking him once again.
"And there's nothing wrong with being quirkless!" I glare at him as the water drowns him. "Wait! Does it hurt you when I do this?" I ask concerned, but not stopping my action.
"Okay good. I was scared I would kill you for a second!" I sigh of relief.
It was silent, I then take the time to close the hose.
"Oh! All Might! This is certainly not the time, but could I get an autograph?" I ask embarrassed but hopeful.
"Of course young Kirishima! This is the least I could do for your help!" He says happily and I squeal taking out my crayon and look sadly at my wet note book. I notice the back page is dry so I smile bringing my things and he signs it and I smile, I felt like I was about to pass out from excitement.
"So according to your brother, you also want to become a hero and study in UA?" He asks and I nod.
"I know I'm quirkless, but even if everyone says I can't, I still want to try my hardest!" I say confidently making him chuckle.
"You have the soul and the brains of a hero that's for sure." He says and I think my smile was bigger then my face.
"YOU REALLY THINK SO!?" I ask and he nods laughing.
"And the energy!" He says and I think I could faint.
"You have no clue how much this means to me!!" I say trembling from excitement but I take a deep breath like Kacchan and Eiji told me to do when I was too excited.
"Anyways, I should go, if that's okay!" I say.
"Sure, but I wanted to have a private talk with you, if possible." He says and I smile and nod.
"Okay then! I just have to tell my mom so she doesn't worry and probably Eiji too since he sounded worried." I think out loud taking out my phone and text my mom I'd be coming home later then planned and then Eiji but he immediately called instead of texting back.
"Eiji, aren't you in class? You should study I was just texting you to say I was okay!" I say and while I talk to him I hear the police and firefighters so I go further on the roof giving a look at all might who nodded that it was okay.
"Yess, my little brother just got attacked by a monster and had to beat it on his on and I'm still perfectly still in class!" He says sarcastically.
"You should!" I scold him and I hear a scoff.
"Yeah a quirkless loser like you being attacked by a vilain that's been wanted for a while isn't worrying at all." Kacchan says also sarcastic.
"First of all I'm not a loser, second of all: Are you indirectly telling me you were worried about my safety?" I say laughing and I hear a 'tsk'.
"No I wasn't, I just had to take care of your stupid brother who was freaking out in class! That's what bothered me." He says back annoyed.
"Don't worry, I know! Anyways! Eiji!! I got an autograph from All Might and he also told me I had great potential for being a hero!!" I say excited.
"That's awesome little dude!" My brother says happy for me and I nod even if he can't see me.
"Anyways, are you coming home directly after school today?" I ask my brother.
"Yeah, BakuBro's coming too, we have to have a talk with you." He says firmly.
"About what?" I ask kinda confused.
"For a Nerd, you sure are hella dumb!" Kacchan says irritated.
"Thank you for the compliment." I say sarcastically. "But seriously if it's about the sludge vilain, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to bump into him!" I say sad to disappoint my brother.
"It's okay little bro, we just got worried. I didn't tell mom, I'll leave that for you. But I am sort of proud that you manage to take him down so easily." He says softly and I wipe my tears that started falling.
"Thanks Eiji.. Also I managed to climb a full building! It was my first time!" I say proudly and I hear the face palms.
"That's not helping your case bro.." Eijiro sighs and I chuckle.
"I'm gonna go, I'm getting tired and hungry.." I yawn.
"Did you eat something for lunch today?" My brother asks concerned.
"No I got up late so I forgot to grab it.." I lie. Monoma threw it out at lunch..
"You should stop forgetting, It's bad for your health." Kiri sighs and I chuckle.
"Yeah I know, I always eat when I get home at least.. It's like.. Late lunch?" I say questioning my way of phrasing it.
"That's not what I mean but I guess it's better then nothing.." He sighs loudly.
"Okay, see you later.." I mumble before hanging up. I hate lying to him but it's for his good, he'd just get more worried about me and he has better things to do then deal with my stupid childish problems..
"Hey kid, can we talk now?" I turn to see All Might and I go back to my smile.
"Sure!" I say as we go sit at the edge but he stops before.
"I'm gonna show you something but don't tell a soul, it could put me in grave danger." He explains and I nod worried and he *pouffs* and I look at him wide eyed. Why did he look like a skeleton?
"Uhh.." I look at him confused.
"I'm getting old and staying in my hero form is becoming harder by the second." He explains and I nod still a little confused. What did he want to talk about..?
"I'm sorry to ask, you don't have to answer but.. What is your quirk? You have super strength that's for sure but what else do you have you seem to transform yourself or something?" I ask him and he chuckles sitting next to me.
"It's complicated.. But my era is coming to an end, sadly.. and this form everyone sees is getting harder to maintain since, basically, I use my strength to buff my muscles making me take the appearance of someone that's strong looking." He explains and I nod understanding.
"You want to be a hero right? Why?" He asks.
"It's my dream and even if it's for small crimes, I want to help people, make them know that they're okay, that they'll be safe.. Just like you do! You always smile, even if you might not want to, you smile and make everyone feel like they can relax and that they don't need to fear because you are here.." I explain with a small smile and he chuckles.
"That's a great reason. And what about fame? Money?" He asks and I frown.
"That's not important, sure I need money to survive but, I don't need to be rich and for the fame part, I don't know it seems.. like a lot of work, I mean if it comes with being a hero so be it but.. It's the least of my worries." I giggle and he nods.
"If you were to get a quirk, what would you do?" He asks.
"Then I'd work on it! I'd continue working on my stamina and all, like I do right now, but I'd train my quirk so I can help even more people! Whatever the quirk is!" I say cheerfully. "But since it's not possible, I'll continue working with what I have, heroes like eraserhead don't rely on a fighting quirk, Sir Nighteye too! So I know it's possible" I continue.
"What if I told you it was possible to have a quirk?" He asks and I look at him confused.
"Is it really possible?" I ask curious.
"This is classified information and if you were to refuse the offer then you'd still have to keep it a secret." He says and I nod.
"I wouldn't tell a soul." I say and he nods with a serious frown.
"You see.. I was born quirkless too." He says and I look at him in shock. "But someone gave me her quirk. It's named One For All, it's a quirk passed from generation to generation." He explains and I look a him trying to process the information.
"That's.. Wow.. I didn't know it was even something possible." I say still shocked.
"I didn't either, but sadly, I'm getting old.. because of a battle I had, my lungs were severely injured." He starts explaining and I look at him sadly, but why was he saying all this? "I'm looking for a successor, but not anyone. In the wrong hands this power could end the heroes.." He explains and I look at him wide eye.
"Oh.. that must be a lot of pressure on you.." I smile at him sadly.
"And I've heard many things about you from Kirishima, he talks about you like you were a saint, and I wanted to meet you to see myself who you were since, you were a good person from all I've heard." He explains and I smile that my brother thinks goodly of me.
"And he is right, what confirmed that was when you asked if you were hurting the vilain even tho his intention were to hurt you. And also that you tried to find an other way than bringing him where more people got hurt. You could have been severely injured so never do that again, but your quick thinking is truly remarkable." He scolds/compliments me and I nod chuckling.
"Don't worry I'm not planning to." I smile and he nods with sigh of relief. At this point I knew where he was heading with this conversation, but I still waited for him to finish.
"You have the soul and will of a true hero young Kirishima." He says looking at the sky. "I think you know where I'm going with this.." He says and I nod shyly. "Would you, like to be my successor? This will mean a lot of intensive training so your body could contain One for All and even after, you'll need a lot of training to control your quirk." He explains and I just blink processing the information. "And my goal would be for you to enter UA by the next semester." He says making me look at him wide eye.
"That's like.. 3 months!" I think out loud. "Is it really possible? Are you sure I would be the right choice?" I ask him and he nods confidently.
"Your stamina is already good and you have enough body muscle to lift your own body, still a long way to go, but I have no doubt you'd make it, it'll be hard work but-" I cut him.
"I'll do it. I think I have an idea on how hard it'll but, I truly want to." I say determined and he smiles relieved.
"Thank you. You should head off for today. Here is my personal phone number you can contact me from there and as soon as possible, we'll be able to start your training." He says writing something on a piece of paper and I nod entering the number on my phone and sending a text. I knew well enough that I'd lose the paper so why not save it now?
"Perfect! And it was truly a pleasure to meet you All Might, you have no clue how much you gave me hope and inspiration while growing up, meeting you is a dream come true!" I say bowing after getting up from to edge.
"Thanks kid. We'll see each other soon." He smiles and frowns after. "How are you getting down from here?" He asks concerned.
"The same way I got up!" I smile and I look down to see Eiji and Kacchan walking further away. "Bye! I see my brother!" I smile and he looks unsure as I jump from the roof and he runs shocked and yells my name but I take a grip and smile. "Have a goodnight!" I smile jumping to the window and do the same until I reach the last balcony and I jump and look up All Might was gone and in front of me was Kacchan and Kiri glaring at me.
"Hi guys!" I smile trying to run off but I get grabbed by my bag.
"Careful! My notebook is in there and it's fragile!" I say panicked as he let's go.
"Zuku. Why did you just come down of there!? Weren't you going home!?" My brother asks with a frown.
"I'm sorry, I rested since it's weirdly tiring to run from a monster!" I laugh nervously.
"And coming down with the cops didn't come to mind!?" Kacchan asks hitting the back of my head.
"First off. Ouch! And second. I didn't want to trouble them." I lie and they both sigh buying it.
"You're fucking hopeless." Kacchan growls and I laugh nervously.
"Anyways, let's go! I'm starving!" I whine and suddenly I'm picked up from the ground making me yelp.
"You guys can't keep doing that!" I scold them as I'm put on Kacchan's back, I still held on tho, he smells good.. Don't worry I'm not sniffing he just really smells burned caramel! I'M NOT A CREEP!
"When you start eating enough for the amount of energy you're using, we'll stop. You looked like you were about to pass out again!" Kacchan scolds me and I sigh.
"He's right Zuku, specially if you want to try being a hero, you have to balance your stuff!" Kiri says and I nod my eyes closing. 
"Sleep Nerd. You kinda deserve it." Kacchan growls and I rest my face on his neck as I slowly doze off.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy this new book!

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