Sports festival 2/4

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"FIRST ROUND WILL BE IZUKU KIRISHIMA VS YUUGA AOYAMA!!!" Present Mic announces to the stadium that goes wild. I take a deep breath and walk within the lines of the fighting ring. First one to step out of the lines is eliminated or if the person forfaits.

Aoyama's quirk: Navel Laser. His quirk allows him to shoot a powerful sparkling laser cannon from his navel. It's so powerful, it can blast through two meters of solid concrete. If he fires the laser for more than 1 second at a time, he will suffer intestinal distress.
So if he attacks I could take advantage of his time to recover to strike. I also learned during training is class that he mostly relying on his quirk which means his physical combats skills aren't developed. So without his quirk he's basically completely helpless. He should actually work on that if-
"BEGIN!" Oh right we're supposed to fight.
"Ready to be sparkled out of these lines mon ami?" He asks and I must admit his way of talking is quite special- FOCUS!

I move out of the way as he propulses himself with his laser and I easily manage to grab his arm and throw him out of the ring. That was easy..
"Are you okay? Did I go to hard? I'm sorry!" I ramble helping him up checking for any injuries.
"Pas de problème! I'm fine, still dazzling and still fabulous!" He says moving his hair back and I blink and nod as we leave the field. Not before looking at Eiji and Kacchan that were smiling and clapping along with the others. I smile even brighter before running off.

"That was awesome dude!!" Kaminari cheers as I join them.
"Thanks!" I smile and look and spot a nervous Lida and I go to talk to him.
"Lida-kun, good luck out there, do you need information about his quirk? I could tell you some basis that could maybe help you out there." I offer him.
"It would be helpful." He sighs loudly.
"Well Monoma's quirk is Copy. It allows him to copy someone's quirk if they make physical contact. At the moment he can only hold four quirks at the time for about 10 minutes. Also he can't use more then one quirk at the time." I explain. "Oh and when it comes to his personality, he likes to provoke, he'll push buttons to make you attack first, it easier for him to make the contact. He is really intelligent and as mild combat skills but his agility makes up for it." I continue.
"Thank you, I'll try to make this information come to use." He sighs looking calmer.
"Give it your all Lida, as long as you do that, no one will be disappointed." I smile at him tapping his back. It's a good thing we are separated by classes because I don't think I'd be able to handle Monoma at the moment.
"TENYA LIDA VS NEITO MONOMA!!!" We hear yelling announcing the next match we give him words on encouragement as he leaves for the field and I join the others.

We were watching from the bleachers in the first row that was reserved for the participants of class 1-A. . The game has began and Lida stays back trying to evaluate. Monoma was talking but we couldn't hear what he was saying.
"No!" I whisper shout seeing Lida start getting annoyed and tense trying to ignore him. He was clearly trying to not give in or something. Then Monoma takes the chance and uses an explosion quirk.. Like Kacchan's. I look in the blonds direction that also looked shocked. That means they made contact in the last 10 minutes. Lida takes quite a few steps back and lands before the line and I sigh in relief as he starts running to the center of the field. I was standing as I watched attentively the match. But as Lida was going to use a swing to push him out, Lida speaks and Monoma smirks and says something and Lida stops his tracks and soon enough Lida was walking off. I looked confused and Lida fell and looked shocked. It looked like he was in sort of trance...
"Lida.." I mumble. "He did great!" I smile trying to make things more positive. "His strategy was good and I don't how Monoma did but By the looks of the quirks he had Lida wasn't at an advantage."  I explain. "So considering that, Lida-kun really was good! I know most people would have got eliminated on the first hit!" I smile and my classmates nod as we see a defeated Lida come in and we clap our hands smiling.
"I lost..." He says under his breath.
"I don't know what he did honestly, but you gave it your all and one things for sure, it was badass how you landed just before the line!" I exclaim excited and he smiles a little.
"He's right! I would probably would have be eliminated first try." Uraraka joins an we all compliment him making him relax and his disappointed frown transformed into a small smile.

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