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We were on the bus heading to the U.S.J facility, it's related to UA and it's controlled by Pro Hero Thirteen (One of our teachers.) her quirk is Black hole.
"Izuku-Kun, you're mumbling again." I look and see Uraraka that was looking at me with a small smile.
"Oh, right sorry!" I apologize embarrassed.
"Don't worry, anyways are you happy to go today?" She asks excited and I nod.
"We're going to be able to train our quirks and it's going to be a super opportunity! It's just sad All Might won't be able to join." I say and she nods in agreement.
This morning All Might overused his power so he was left too weak come with us. I prefer he rests tho, so I understand his absence. Other students don't know the reason of his absence tho.
"Yeah dude! This is gonna be sick!" Denki says excited.
"Please remember this is for training purposes only and not for amusement." Lida says doing his weird chop chop arm movement.
"Yeah dude but we're training but isn't it even better that we're enjoying training?" Kaminari says wrapping his arm around Lidas shoulders.
"You are right Kaminari, I haven't thought of it that way. Thank you for enlightening me." Lida says with his serious face, like always.
"Anytime dude!" Kami says doing a thumbs up.
"Anyways, Todoroki-kun! Are you also excited to go today?" I ask the bi-coloured boy.
"It's okay I guess." He says numb.
"That's cool!" I smile at him. I really hope he'll open up soon.
"We're here problem children. Please behave and follow in line." Aizawa orders looking tired.
We do so and follow him and outside the bus was Thirteen waiting for us. It was actually my first time meeting her. She specializes in search and rescue. Her quirk, Black hole, allows her quirk allows her to replicate a black hole suction effect from her hands. The suction is very powerful and not even light can escape it. Anything sucked into the black hole will be disintegrated into dust.
"Exactly Mini Kirishima! You described my quirk perfectly!" The teacher says happily and I blush from embarrassment realizing I was mumbling again.
"Sorry I didn't mean to." I bow at her ashamed.
"Don't worry, you are a very intelligent young men but if you were to start mumbling in a fight against a vilain then you might just accidentally reveal your plan." She explains and I nod in understanding.
"Right, I'll work on that." I affirm and she nods.
"Anyways, like he said my name is Thirteen and I am also a teacher in UA. This dome is the property of UA but it is under my supervision." She explains. "Today we are having you here to practice your quirks in a more natural environment. Any questions?" She asks and we shake our heads. "In that case follow me inside, please listen to me and Eraserhead while here." She orders and once we all agree we go inside. We were in a huge circle and looking around in awe.
Suddenly a huge black thing appeared and it looked like a portal.
"Is there a vilain simulation?" Uraraka asks excited but by the fighting stance of our teachers, it didn't seem like it.
Then a men with blue hair and hands all over his body comes out with a big monster and it had a 'brain' coming out of his forehead. And then some more men get out running and doing a lot of noise while The blue guy just stands there smiling while looking around.
"Thirteen protect the kids." Aizawa says and we were all trying to stay calm even tho our hearts were racing.
"Why isn't the alarm triggered!?" Thirteen thinks out loud.
"My guess is that one of them has a quirk interrupting outside communication" Todoroki says and he must be right.
Before anyone else can add a word we notice Aizawa being squashed by the huge monster of earlier while still trying to take care of the group of vilains. They seemed to be weaker tho, so I'm guessing they are mainly for distractions and aren't the actual threat.
Todoroki covered a path with ice leading all the way to Aizawa distracting the vilains and giving the chance to Aizawa to remove himself.
"Todoroki! Don't leave the group!" thirteen says and she wanted to bring us outside but none of us wanted, we wanted to help our teacher. We still listened reluctantly. We were stopped by a tall men with his body made of dark purple mist. He was coming out of the same type of portal the the group of earlier, I'm guessing that's his quirk.
"Let the kids go." Thirteen says placing herself in front of us.
"Where is the symbol of peace?" The men asks emotionless.
"Who are you?" Thirteen asks menacingly.
"Kurogiri. I'm with the league of vilains. We are here to bring down All Might for good." The vilain says.
"He isn't here!" Thirteen spats at him.
"That's not what we were told." He says unfazed, like he didn't believe her.
"Kids, you are now allowed to use your quirks, do not engage combat uselessly." Thirteen says not loosing visual of Kurogiri.
Then more dark mists wraps us up about to swallow us up but Lida pushes me and Uraraka out of the way and Shoji does the same for Todoroki and Tokoyami as the others disappear.
"Where are the students!?" Thirteen asks worried. Shoji uses his quirk to look in higher.
"They have been scattered in groups around the place. It seems that only smaller vilains are there." He explains and we nod.
"Tenya, leave and go get reinforcements at UA! It's our only way to get help" Thirteen yells to our classmate.
"No! I can't abandon my classmates it would be a disgrace!" He says back unsure.
"Go! Your quirk is the one that would allow us to get help sooner!" Thirteen tells him and after a few seconds he nods ready to leave.
"Telling your plan out loud isn't very wise Thirteen" Kurogiri mocks her and us students look at each other concerned, each thinking of what to do.
"It won't matter if you're defeated." Thirteen says activating her black hole quirk and starts pulling Kurogiri in her finger. Kurogiri is quick to react and creates a portal in front of him absorbing thirteens quirk and placing an other one behind her. It then absorbs herself with her own quirk and all the back of her costume is destroyed as she falls injured Shoji goes to take care of her. Kurogiri goes to chase after Lida and Uraraka and Tokoyami go after him. Uraraka uses her Zero gravity quirk on the metal brace on his neck making him float and Tokoyami uses dark shadow to push the vilain away.
"LIDA GO!" I yell to my friend who froze looking at the scene. "We're okay! Get help as quick as possible!" I say loudly as he nods and starts running again leaving.
"Izuku! Todoroki! We're taking care of them go help Aizawa!" Uraraka orders us and I nod.
"What about our classmates?" I ask Todoroki as we start running off.
"They're strong enough, Aizawa needs more help then them." He says as we head to the center where the fight was taking place.
"KIDS!? LEAVE!!" Aizawa orders us as we arrive.
We completely ignore him.
"Well, Well. You two seem interesting~ I'm Tomura Shigaraki, and here is my new friend, he's a Nomu, I'm sure he'll have plenty of fun with you!" The blue haired men says with a psychotic smile. "Nomu. Kill these two." He orders him and he comes after us.

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