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Monoma wasn't expelled, just suspended for a few days and I wasn't bothered by him ever since, so I'm not complaining. Kiri is tho.. Kacchan too.. And Mina.. And Sero.. And Kami.. And- well, everyone who saw what happened. I spend a lot of time after school with All Might to train and it was exhausting. Today was no different.

"I'll come home later today!" I warn my brother who nodded unsure.
"Don't come home too late.." He says worried and I nod before walking off to the woods near the school. That's where we went to train!
I was jogging once in the woods and finally joined the meeting point.
"Hello Mini Might!" I smile at my mentor who just sighed.
"Still stuck on that nickname..?" He asks discouraged and I nod proudly.
"It fits you perfectly!" I smile at him and he laughs shortly.
"If you say so." He laughs. He was about to say something when a medium explosion was heard.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" I jump as I see Eiji and Kacchan appear.
"Hey guys? What are you doing here?" I ask anxiously.
"Deku! Who The Fuck Is that?! In what shit did you put yourself in this time?!" Kacchan yells snatching me and holding me protectively.
"Don't worry guys, that's my friend! He's the one that's been helping me train!" I smile as an attempt to reassure them.
"That's a fucking pedophile! How did he get on fucking school grounds!?" Kacchan says in a fighting stance and see my brother was solid rock.
"Young Kirishima, Young Bakugo. Please calm down." All Might says also panicked.
"How do you know our fucking names?!" They both yell confused but now even more paranoid.
"Calm down, no he's not a creep, but please calm down. Both of you." I say firmly freeing myself from Kacchan.
"Deku you-" I cut his.. whatever he was about to say..
"Katsuki Bakugo. You will listen without talking. Eijiro. Same for you." I say dead serious and they both stop and just look at me frozen.
Now I turn and look at All Might in panic he had the same reaction than me.
"What do we do?" I ask getting closer so the two others can't hear.
"Do you trust them?" He asks firmly and I think of it.
"With my life." I say firmly.
"We should explain but do we say the truth? Because right now I really can't think of a believable excuse." I explain and he thinks of it.
"We can tell them, I know the two of them can be trusted. Anyways, young Bakugo started questioning me and he manage to approach the truth.." We both nod in agreement before turning to the two confused guys.
"Wait, let's go to my office, there will be more privacy." He says looking at me and honestly, we both looked like kids telling secrets.
"Shouldn't you show them your huge form first?" I ask him and he nods.
"You two. This is top secret information. It could put not only his career at risk but his life. If that's not enough I could be in danger too if it's told to anyone." I explain and they look concerned but end up agreeing.
"What. The. Fuck." Kiri says shocked. "It must be some sort of transformation quirk?!" Kiri says panicked and we both face palm and Kacchan was.. Smirking..?
"I didn't guess that part. So I was right that you have his quirk?" Kacchan says and I just choke on air.
"HOW!?" I say loudly.
"I told you I was looking into it." He shrugs his shoulders and I sigh loudly.
"Eiji are you okay?" I ask my brother who we accidentally broke.
"You.. You-" Yup, we broke him.
"Let's go inside, we'll explain everything okay?" I say trying to reassure my brother and taking his hand.
"Y-yeah.." He manages to answers and we all go inside.
"Told you I'd figure it out!" Kacchan grins proudly and I sigh loudly.
"Yeah well you didn't know who I was training with so you aren't that quick." I grumble, it's pure invasion of privacy!

We enter the office and he goes back to his skeleton form.
"Sit down.." He says pointing the couch and I place Kiris head on my lap and play with his hair. It should help calm him down.
"Like he said earlier. This is really important to not be told. Since Mini Kirishima has a lot of trust in you." All Might explains. "You might not care as much about mine but if this is put in the open, Mini Kirishimas life could be put on the line." He explains and I feel Eiji tense up.
"Yeah we get it." Kacchan says annoyed and I sigh.
"Good.. So[...]" (I'll skip the explanation)
"So basically, you gave your quirk to Deku, now he has to train to become the new symbol of peace and that shit and he also has to become strong enough to defeat that All for One Dude because you've become too weak to defeat him on your own?" Kacchan asks.
"That's about right." All Might sighs loudly at the poor recapitulation of Kacchan.
"So.. Zuku's gonna put his life on the line for.." Eiji asks worried while sitting up straight.
"I'll be okay Eiji, I promise.." I smile rubbing my brothers back.
"You're only 14 Zuku! You can't die-" He sobs and I hug him.
"I won't, I'm still too weak to do anything anyways. I'll continue working hard and I'll be okay.." I soothe him.
"Kirishima, I understand what you're living, but I wouldn't have chosen your brother if I didn't think he was able to do it." All Might tries to reassure him.
"I know he can but.. I can't lose him.." He says depressed and I hug him again.
"And if he dies I'll kill him again." Kacchan groans and I face palm.
"You can't kill what's already dead.." I explain to him.
"Then I'll make you live, kill you again and bring you back to life again. Simple as that!" He says like it was obvious.
Even Kiri just looks at him concerned.
"Thank you but lucky for us, that won't happen so you may keep your homicidal plans for someone else.." I say truly concerned.
"Right- Anyways, do you have any questions?" All Might asks.
"Next time you're 'training' I'm coming." Kacchan says and I just sigh looking at Kiri.
"Same.." Eiji mumbles.
"I don't see a problem with that. Now go home, it's a lot of things to take in.." All might says and next thing I know, the three of us are walking home and I was looking at my shoes while walking.

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