Oblivious love

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I just left Recovery Girl and my arm was fully healed!
"Young Kirishima!" I see All Might run up to me.
"All Might! Are you better? Were you able to recover?" I ask my mentor who I was worried for.
"Of course, I'll avoid bigger fights for now tho!" He explains playfully and I nod in understanding.
"So will you be able to do hero training today?" I ask him and he nods still smiling.
"Of course! We have to start getting everyone ready for the sports festival so you can give everything you've got!"He says doing a thumbs up.
"Great then! I'm going to class, see you!" I wave goodbye rushing to class 1-A. I then see the dual haired boy I've been looking for.
"Todoroki-Kun!" I yell catching his attention.
"Hello Kirishima, happy to see you're doing better." He says emotionless.
"Thank you! And you, were you injured?" I ask worried and he shakes his head negative.
"Slightly over used my ice but noting I'm not used to." He explains.
"Right can you go in hypothermia if it's overused?" I ask concerned as we continue our way to class.
"It is a side effect, but I'm getting used to it." He explains.
"Can't you use your fire quirk to help?" I ask confused and he tenses up.
"I'm not using my fire side." He groans in annoyance.
"I see... I'm guessing you prefer not to elaborate?" I ask him.
"It's my fathers side. It's his quirk, I'll show him I don't need it." He explains with a hint of annoyance.
"Why don't you use it to show him you're better then him?" I ask confused making him scoff.
"It's not as simple as that." He explains.
"Well, you may have inherited it from him but it isn't his. I imagine the relationship with your father is a touchy subject but, he isn't the one to control you are.." I explain my point of view.
"That's what he wants, he wants me to use his quirk to surpass all might." He explains seriously and I chuckle.
"Then he can use his own quirk to do that! He's just using you, so why not use him in return?" I ask with a smile and I see him crack a smile.
"I guess I could see it like that.." He mumbles and I can't help but smile even more.
"Anyways! Just think about it! Also, I wanted to thank you for saving me last time, I really owe you one!" I smile at him.
"Not a problem, you did so much for everyone it was the least I could do." He answers.
"And you too! You held back that Nomu and it was really interesting to watch! You have such a great control of your quirk, it's really awesome!!!" I smile and he slightly raises his lips in a smile.
"Thank you." He answers as we get inside the classroom where I'm tackled by Uraraka, Lida, Tsu and Kaminari.
"Izuku-kun! You're alright!!" Uraraka cries, it's true I didn't see them since the incident.
"I am also relieved to see you are better, I truly apologize for abandoning you guys." Lida bows and I tap his shoulder.
"Lida-kun, don't apologize you saved us all, you were quick enough and the pros were there just in time, since you were so fast no one got severely injured!" I try reassuring him with a small smile and he smiles standing straight.
"Thank you Izuku, your words mean a lot." He says with a sincere smile.
"And you Kaminari-kun? You were unconscious when I found you and Tsu! How are you feeling?" I ask him concerned and he does a thumbs up with a huge grin.
"I had a short circuit after being hit by another electricity quirk! I'm used to those but I still take time to recover." He explains and I nod in understanding.
"Good." I smile.

"Everyone in your seats." Aizawa enters the room tired.
We do so and I sit at my desk.
"I'll get this over with, you guys reacted well at the U.S.J. Incident. You problem children reacted wisely, and even tho it was very heroic, And Kirishima, don't jump in a battle like you did, if Snipe didn't arrive it could have been fatal." Aizawa scolds me.
"But-" He cuts me.
"No buts. This conversation is over."Aizawa says before taking out a pile of paper.

The class goes on and it was about safety rules when on the field and things like that.
"Todoroki-kun, would you like to join us for lunch?" I ask the boy after joining him at his desk.
"I don't see why not." He shrugs picking up his things.
"Awesome!" I smile as me, Uraraka, Lida, Kaminari and Tsu wait for our friend and we all leave together.

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