Chapter 2

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Chen Xiaoyao from Chen San's family, people in the village shook their heads when they mentioned this child.

I feel sorry for this kid.

The grandparents of Chen Xiaoyao's family have lived in Shangqiao Village for generations, counting up to a few ancestors, they are well-known figures in the village.

The Chen family is hard-working and loyal, and if anyone needs help for weddings and weddings, the first thing that comes to mind is Chen Xiaoyao's family.

When it came to Chen Xiaoyao's grandfather Chen San's generation, it was not so good.

Chen San was the only son in the family, he was spoiled to be lawless, and he grew up to be a rascal, and the dogs in the village would make a detour when they saw him.

However, Chen San later gave birth to a son, and the evil bamboo produced a good bamboo shoot.

The child was born strong since he was a child, and he worked hard. When he met people, he was called uncle and aunt, and he was very popular.

The child grew up day by day, and the life of the Chen family was about to get better.

The good times didn't last long. When the child was twelve years old, he was taken away by a group of officers and soldiers from the prefecture and county. They said that he was ordered by the court to find someone and sent him to the border to fight.

At first, these words didn't scare the Chen family enough.

In those years, the Dajing Dynasty was indeed plagued by internal and external troubles. Even the people who lived in the valley had heard that the border was unstable and barbarians frequently invaded. It was because of this that the last emperor swallowed it early. gas.

But firstly, fighting is something that the emperor should worry about, and it has nothing to do with ordinary people; secondly, what kind of war can a twelve-year-old child fight.

The Chen family refused.

But the ones who came were officers and soldiers, all tall and strong, with knives and swords. They didn't care whether the Chen family was willing or not. They were half persecuted and half threatened and took them away. One hundred taels of silver.

Chen San just nodded.

It's just that on the day of leaving, Chen San's mother-in-law—that is, Chen Xiaoyao's grandma, cried all the way behind the carriage that came from Fu County.

It happened more than twenty years ago. But people in Shangqiao Village are still amazed by that situation.

At that time, the Liang family hadn't come to Shangqiao Village, so of course they didn't know about these things, and they all mentioned it later when Meizi's mother, Aunt Wang, came to chat.

The group of military officers mentioned went from house to house looking at children, all over the age of ten and under the age of eighteen, but when the children were pushed out, the group didn't come forward to take a closer look, and just stood there. From the front, from top to bottom, just take a glance and you're done.

It's so magical, I don't know what I saw, anyway, among the people from all over the world, in the end, only one of them was picked.

At first, some people were jealous of the one hundred taels of silver, but later they heard that they were going to fight, and they were not so envious.

One hundred taels of silver is a lot, but the whole family has been digging more diligently in the field, which is about ten years.

There is no return to war.

Besides, I have only heard of selling their daughters, but how can anyone sell their sons.

But no matter what, because of the hundred taels of silver, Chen San was very prosperous in the village for a while.

Another ten years later, a man came from the south, rode into the village with a one-year-old baby in his arms, found Chen's house in the middle of the night and knocked on the door.

As soon as the door opened, the man stuffed the package containing the baby into Chen San's arms, saying that your son died on the battlefield, and this is your son's son.

That baby is Chen Xiaoyao.

The one hundred taels of silver that year had been squandered by Chen San long ago. These years, life has become more and more difficult, and he and his mother-in-law have never had anything to do. Chen San has been dreaming that one day his son will become a high-ranking official and come back to glorify his ancestors.

As a result, the son didn't wait, but he waited for the news of his son's death.

Chen San drank and gambled heavily, and his health deteriorated a year earlier. Hearing the news, he rolled his eyes, pouted, and never woke up again.

The one-year-old Chen Xiaoyao and his grandma are left to live like this.

The field at home, just an old lady and a child, couldn't plow it, so I entrusted it to the Ma family next door to help plow it. Did not starve to death.

I thought that Chen Xiaoyao was a boy after all, and when he grew up, the life of the Chen family would be easier, but no one thought that the hard times were still to come.

When she was four years old, Chen Xiaoyao still couldn't speak, and everyone realized that this child might be a bit dull.

That's all, when I was twelve years old, I got another strange disease. When I got sick, I had a high fever and talked nonsense. Doctors from dozens of miles around had seen it, and they all said that it was not obvious. It was not a cold, but I don't know what the disease is, anyway, it can't be cured.

This Chen Xiaoyao is fifteen now, if she is to be placed in an ordinary family, it is time to find out about her daughter-in-law.

But I don't know if it's because of the disease, Chen Xiaoyao is so old now, she still looks like a child without a spatula, her arms and legs are not as thick as a girl's, no good girl is willing to marry him.

As the sun went down, the Liang family father and son piled up the harvested wheat into piles, packed up their jobs and went home with sickles.

It was almost two miles from the field to home. Along the way, Liang Chuan heard the old man Liang talk about the Chen family, but he just listened to it——

In fact, he didn't even see what the child looked like just now.

Chen Xiaoyao is very timid, as small as a rabbit.

He was so frightened by Old Man Liang, so he hid behind in the woods, quietly peeking out with one eye, like a vigilant cat.

After old man Liang and Liang Chuan packed up their things and went home, he came out of the woods and trotted all the way home.

Pushing open the wooden door, a table and two chairs were placed in the dark and narrow room, and an old woman was sitting on one of the chairs, bent over and sewing a patched trouser leg.

Chen Xiaoyao entered the room and called out, "Grandma."

Grandma Chen didn't look up, still clutching the trouser leg.

Chen Xiaoyao walked over and called out "milk" again at a higher volume.

Grandma Chen looked up at him and agreed.

Grandma Chen is almost seventy now, and her eyes and ears are not working well. Every time Chen Xiaoyao comes home, she has to call at least twice before she can hear clearly.

Chen Xiaoyao put down the basket, went into the stove, washed the handles, and started cooking.

By the time the busy work was over, it was already dark.

The dinner for the grandparents of the Chen family consisted of rough-faced steamed buns, porridge, and a small dish of pickled radishes.

The grandparents and grandchildren ate in front of an oil lamp, and no one spoke.

Chen Xiaoyao couldn't speak very well, and Grandma Chen couldn't hear well. When the old and the young spoke, it was difficult for those who spoke, and it was also difficult for those who listened, so they didn't speak at all.

An oil lamp flickered on and off, and when it was almost time to eat, Chen Xiaoyao packed up the dishes and washed them, and when she came back, she saw Grandma still sitting at the table.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask, Grandma Chen called him: "Yaoer, come and sit here."

Xiaoyao Chen walked over obediently and sat beside Grandma.

"My old bone hasn't survived for a few years, if I can find a good family for you, I can feel at ease sooner." Grandma Chen said, "Yaoer, tell me, do you have a girl doll you like? "

Chen Xiaoyao was stunned, and after a while, a faint blush appeared on her face, but the oil lamp was dim, so she couldn't see clearly.

Everyone said that Chen Xiaoyao was stupid, a little fool, but he didn't know everything.

He is fifteen this year, and he knows that at his age, everyone is going to get married. Most marry girls, and a few marry boys.

But in the village, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, few are willing to get close to him.

Chen Xiaoyao lowered her head and said nothing.

In fact, Auntie Chen also knew in her heart that with her family's situation, not to mention marrying Chen Xiaoyao a daughter-in-law in a beautiful way, a girl from a better-off family would not even pay a second glance at Xiaoyao.

Only today, Meizi from the Wang family came to look for Xiaoyao again, and Aunt Ma next door joked that Xiaoyao was old enough to marry a wife, and Grandma Chen thought of this.

Wang Meizi, one of the few in the village who is willing to talk to Xiaoyao, is not more than two years older than Xiaoyao, and will run here from time to time, standing outside the yard, smiling and beckoning Xiaoyao to go out.

Grandma Chen thought, if Meizi is interested in their little one, then maybe there is something to be said for it.

Grandma Chen had a plan in her mind, so she asked, "When your grandfather was still alive, you and Grandpa Meizi were pretty good, and the two of you went to the fields together. The girl Meizi is also pretty, she is pretty, and she is also..."

In the end, for some reason, Chen Xiaoyao's face changed before she could speak. She pursed her mouth and shook her head violently, "No, no plums..." Chen Xiaoyao rarely

reacted so violently, and Grandma Chen was frightened by him. She jumped, and immediately coaxed: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it now."

Grandma Chen hugged Chen Xiaoyao in her arms, thinking that the child is still young, and this matter cannot be rushed.

Chen Xiaoyao remembered that Meizi pushed herself into the field today.

In fact, it was fine at first, but for some reason, the other girls looked at him and Meizi and laughed, Meizi became angry and pushed him.

The hair on Chen Xiaoyao's forehead was a little long, and Grandma Chen flicked it to the sides.

The hair was parted, revealing a face with small and delicate features.

Grandma Chen looked at her grandson's face and shook her head.

She thought of her son.

Grandma Chen will never forget what Chen Xiaoyao's father, Chen Shuanzi, looks like.

Chen Shuanzi was only twelve when he was taken away by the officers and soldiers, but he was already taller than Chen Xiaoyao in terms of size, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, which took away the good points of Grandma Chen and San San.

At that time, Meizi's grandmother also joked that Chen Shuanzi would be a big deal when he grew up, and he could choose girls from all over the world.

As for Chen Xiaoyao, except for her eyebrows and chin, she is not very different from his father. Chen Xiaoyao is more delicate, but she has not fully grown, so she still looks childish.

"That's all, Yao'er, that's all." Grandma Chen held her grandson in her arms, her skinny arms tightly wrapped around her, "Forget it." The other side of the

Liang family.

Not two days later, Matchmaker Wang came to the door again, for Liang Chuan and Cuihua's marriage.

She took half taels of silver from Maoliu's family, so naturally she didn't think it was troublesome, so she had to make a few more trips to get this done.

Liu Meihua doesn't like Wang Matchmaker, a fat woman who loves petty gain. When she comes back, she always eats a big plate of melon seeds and peanuts she bought.

But no matter what, I came here for my son's marriage, and it's not good to not even take out a cup of tea and peanuts. Liu Meihua went to the cabinet in the back room to rummage for a while, and brought out a plate of moldy ones with missing shells. Matchmaker Wang was already chatting .

It was rare for Liang Chuan to go to the field or go up the mountain early in the morning. As soon as he bent over and came out of the house after washing his face, he was dragged over by Wang Matchmaker, looked him up and down, patted him on the back, and said with a smile "This kid looks decent and strong. No wonder Cuihua is always thinking about it."

Liang Chuan struggled, but the matchmaker's hand was holding him tightly like a chicken's claw. down.

Matchmaker Wang turned her head and continued talking to Old Man Liang.

The old man Liang told Liu Meihua that day that his son looked good, and he was really not bragging.

Liang Chuan's own mother, that is, the dumb girl, looks extremely delicate. If it wasn't for her weak bones, she didn't look good enough to give birth, and she was also a mute, she would definitely not be in need of others.

Liang Chuan was somewhat like his mother.

Liang Chuan's eyes were narrow and long, which was the same as that of the dumb girl. People in the village didn't know they were called phoenix eyes, but they thought they were strangely beautiful.

It's just that Liang Chuan has always had an expressionless face, and he doesn't even have a smiling face. With his eyes, he looks a bit fierce. When his face is cold, he looks like a door god.

That is to say, but such a young man works in the fields shirtless all day long, and the unmarried girls in the village go to the fields to deliver meals to their father and brother.

Like Cuihua, it is one.

No, Matchmaker Wang came back for the second time for this matter.

"I won't tell you, brother Liang, if you're so stupid. This is a good relationship. Look at the villages in the north and south of our village. Who kills pigs and doesn't look for Liu Mao? They don't have any family background. Yes." Matchmaker Wang said to the old man Liang, "I watched Cuihua grow up. He is strong and blessed, and he is hardworking and down-to-earth. He is a good match for Shangchuaner.

" As for the marriage, it's still not Chuan'er's turn. Liu Mao is such a girl, if Cuihua hadn't insisted on it, would her old man have been willing? The girl's family took the initiative to say that it's not easy to get married." "Yes, yes.

" The old man Liang glanced at his son who was sitting beside him, lowered his eyes expressionlessly, and didn't know what to say, "Chuan'er, look at this—" Wang

Matchmaker couldn't help but look at the old man Liang like that. He curled his lips, thinking that everyone was right, old man Liang is really not a decent father, just like this, he was careful to see his son's face, whether Liang Chuan is the father or he is the father?

While drinking tea, he glanced at Liang Chuan.

This kid is quite good at putting on airs, he just kept silent, his face was pulled like something.

Putting down the teacup immediately, he decided to speak more seriously, "Brother Liang, I have heard that your Chuan'er's problem has happened again this spring, right? Have you taken any medicine?

" Less money, right?"

He looked at the empty sleeve of the old man Liang again, "You are alone, Chuan'er is alone, life is not easy."


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Two people shake hands: Hello patient

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