Chapter 11

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On the second day, the sky was very bright, and the rooster had just crowed when wisps of cooking smoke wafted from the Liang family's stove.

A woman who was rushing to wash clothes by the river early in the morning saw it and laughed in twos and threes.

"Look at the courtyard of Liang's family. Could it be that the bride got up early to make breakfast?"

"It must be that when you are married, you should serve your parents-in-law and younger siblings." "

I don't know how the youngest of the Chen family is. Here we go!"

After saying that, there was a burst of laughter.

The person who spoke was from the south of the village, and he often went to the Chen family area on weekdays, so he knew that Chen Xiaoyao, let alone cooking, was a master who could burn pots even when boiling water in the early years.

Old Liang's family married such a little fool, and the days to come will be sad.

A group of women chattered and guessed what dishes were on the Liang family's breakfast table, while at the other end, in the Liang family's kitchen, Liu Meihua was shocked by the scene in front of her.

On the first day of the bride's marriage, not to mention making breakfast for the family, but getting up early to help the kitchen, making tea, these things, as long as a sensible person knows what to do.

But the new daughter-in-law is a fool. From what she looks like, no one taught her before she got married, so Liu Meihua got up on her own.

As a result, as soon as he entered the stove room, he saw his stepson standing in front of the stove, bending over to add firewood to the stove.

He was a tall man, standing in the small kitchen, looking more and more cramped.

There was steam in the steamer, porridge was cooked in a large iron pot, and the rabbit meat that had not been eaten at the wedding banquet was served, and a few handfuls of vegetable leaves were added.

The action is quite skilled.

Liu Meihua leaned against the door, unable to say anything for a while.

The three-acre land in the kitchen house has always been the territory of the people in the house. Men who have to work hard in the fields are not allowed to enter the stove house.

Whether you are a woman or a man, if you marry someone and become a person in someone's house, you should do the work here.

If the daughter-in-law of any family gave the work of the stove to a man, she would be laughed at.

Just like Liang Chuan, although he was sensible early and helped with the field work when he was a few years old, but he grew up so old, the number of times he entered the stove house is also very few.

Liu Meihua coughed.

Liang Chuan kept moving his hands, and turned his head to one side, "Mother, breakfast will be ready soon."

Liu Meihua was dumbfounded and had to go out again.

After a while, a drawer of buns and six bowls of brown rice and vegetable porridge with oily meat were served on the table in the main room.


Liang Tian was the first to come out of the back room smelling the smell of rice.

"Brother, when can I go back to sleep." Liang Tian rubbed his eyes, his fleshy face looked a little sleepy, "Father snores, little sister grinds her teeth, I couldn't fall asleep all night because of the noise." Liang's

house It wasn't big, the original small room was for Liang Chuanhe and Liang Tian to sleep together, yesterday they were married for Liang Chuan, it's not good for a younger brother to share a room with his sister-in-law, so Liang Tian was asked to sleep with the old man Liang temporarily.

"Wait a little longer." Liang Chuan rubbed his younger brother's head, thought for a while, and said, "Sleep in your parents' house for a few more days."

Liang Tian was full of reluctance, and sat down at the table with a mutter.

When old man Liang also got up, Liang Chuan lifted the curtain and entered the room to call for someone.

As soon as he entered, before he could speak, he saw that the person had already sat up, hugging the quilt with a dazed expression on his face.

Chen Xiaoyao fell asleep in the dark, and she was so frightened before going to bed, her head was still dizzy at the moment.

The memory of the first night was still vivid.

At this moment, seeing Liang Chuan looking at him, he subconsciously tightened the quilt, flinched involuntarily, and looked timidly.

Liang Chuan looked at him for a while, and said, "Wash your face and eat."

After speaking, he put down the curtain and went out.

Although they are married, but inexplicably, the two seem to be more separated than before they were not married.

There is a square table in the main room. It was originally a family of five with five chairs.

Old man Liang and Liu Meihua each took one side, and the two younger ones sat on one side. Liang Chuan was tall, so he sat on one side.

Now, there is an extra chair next to Liang Chuan.

Chen Xiaoyao took a look at the scene in the main room, felt a little embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and sat down next to Liang Chuan.

The dinner table was quite quiet, only the sound of Xilihulu eating.

Old man Liang Liang Chuan and Liang Xiaomei didn't talk much, and Liang Tian was a little noisy, but today he was a little listless because he didn't sleep well, and Liu Meihua rarely said anything, just looking at his new daughter-in-law while eating.

The person looks quite energetic, and it doesn't look like there is anything wrong with it, but I heard that there is another disease that the doctor can't understand, and I don't know that the cost of medicine is not expensive.

Don't be a drug basket.

His body is too thin, and sitting next to his stepson, he doesn't seem to be half his age.

How can this be a baby.

Liu Meihua pondered in her heart, looked at Liang Tian again, and thought, no matter what, Liang Chuan was the one who wanted to marry, and if he got married, the matter was settled.

Now that Liang Tian is fourteen years old, it's time to give him a wife.

Liang Tian didn't know what his own mother was thinking, and was still thinking about when he could go back to sleep with his brother; Liang Xiaomei, while drinking porridge slowly, looked at her sister-in-law quietly——Chen Xiaoyao

today Wearing only the most common clothes, her face is clean, the makeup and make-up from the door yesterday have been removed, revealing a small plain white face with dark eyebrows and very big eyes.

Still looks good!

Liang Xiaomei just felt that there was an extra good-looking sister-in-law in the family, and the food became more delicious.

In fact, the life of the Liang family is not ugly, even Liang Tian is a generous Zhou Zheng, looking very energetic, but this kind of good looks is completely different from Chen Xiaoyao's.

Liang Xiaomei couldn't describe it.

I wonder how my sister-in-law's face can look so tender.

Liang Chuan, on the other hand, was eating steamed buns, and from the corner of his eye, he looked at Chen Xiaoyao, who wanted to shrink himself into a ball and only took up a corner of the table. Thinking of Liang Tian's complaints in the morning, he wondered if it was time to build a new house.

Everyone eats a meal with their own thoughts.

Chen Xiaoyao ate the slowest, and in a new environment, he didn't dare to eat too much at all. When Liang Xiaomei put down his chopsticks, he just started to slowly sip the porridge.

But he also knows how to look at his eyes, not to mention that after a night, he has regained his strength and knows that when he is married and married, he not only has to sleep on the same kang at night and go to the hut together, but also has to help with the work.

Immediately swallowing the porridge in his mouth hastily, rushing to wash the dishes.

Chen Xiaoyao was used to washing dishes when she was still at home, and she did it fairly quickly.

Liu Meihua raised her eyebrows and said, "It's pretty decent."

Old man Liang went into the house to look for a hoe in a basket after finishing his meal.

Now it is the time when spring planting and farming are busy. Although the Liang family only has two acres of land, it is not too busy to say that they are busy, but the work in these fields was originally done by Liang Chuan. Now he is newly married. The reason why people go to the ground.

If other people in the village saw it, they would also be able to talk.

But the work in the field can't be delayed, old man Liang tidied up his stuff and said: "I'll go to the field." Liu Meihua

also finished tidying up, and today she is going to take Liang Xiaomei to Xiaqiao Village to sew clothes for a family. size.

When Chen Xiaoyao came out of the stove after washing the dishes, there was no one in the main room, and it was deserted.

He stayed there for a while, then hurriedly walked out, and saw Liang Chuan sitting on the porch, sharpening a hatchet.

The machete was longer than ordinary woodcutters, but Liang Chuan had a big palm and long arms, so it didn't look too bulky to hold in his hand. The two sides of the knife were polished brightly, reflecting the light under the sun.

Seeing that there were still people in the room, Chen Xiaoyao finally breathed a sigh of relief and stopped in the corridor.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Liang Chuan stopped, looked up at him, put away his things, got up and said, "Let's go." "

Where are you going?"

"Pack up your things."

The day Chen Xiaoyao passed the door, he brought a bundle with him. Packed a few changes of clothes.

But now that Chen Xiaoyao came to their house, there was no one in the Chen family's house, and the whole room was empty, so they had to tidy up and lock the house.

The two walked towards the south of the village together, one behind the other.

Gradually, the distance between the two became wider and wider.

Liang Chuan has tall legs, and he is used to walking. He didn't intend to leave Chen Xiaoyao behind, but he couldn't stop when he started walking. In addition, he was thinking about building a house in his heart, so he couldn't stop. Noticed that Chen Xiaoyao didn't keep up.

Chen Xiaoyao didn't dare to tell him to slow down, and followed behind, running all the way out of breath.

A person was greeted at the front, carrying a basket on his back and ready to go to the ground. When he saw the two of them, he raised his hand and said hello: "Brother Chuan'er." Liang Chuan looked up and recognized the second son of the

Wang family, Wang Zhuzi, who had come to the banquet yesterday. , also nodded, and replied: "Yeah."

"Where are you going?" Wang Zhuzi looked at Chen Xiaoyao behind him, and asked with a smile, "I just got married, so I don't want to rest at home first." Two days, be gentle and gentle?"

Because it was a big day yesterday, when Liang Chuan had a drink with them, he chatted a few words for the first time, but today he returned to his usual indifferent and taciturn appearance, and didn't say much: "Go there Clean it up."

"Oh." Wang Zhuzi nodded, glanced at Chen Xiaoyao again, and nodded, "Let's have a drink together later."

Then he walked forward with the basket on his back.

Liang Chuan stopped and glanced sideways at Chen Xiaoyao behind him.

Chen Xiaoyao quickly chased after him.

It was only spring, but when the sun came out, it was already a little hot. Chen Xiaoyao didn't know whether it was because she ran for a while, or she was weak. In such a short time, there was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

Covered on the white forehead, the nose is still red, the mouth is open, the head is raised, panting thinly.

Liang Chuan frowned.

It turned out that he forgot, and as he walked, he left Chen Xiaoyao behind again.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand to Chen Xiaoyao, "Come."

Chen Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, not knowing why, Liang Chuan directly grabbed his wrist and led him forward together.

Being pinched by the wrist was actually not very comfortable, so Chen Xiaoyao staggered two steps, flattened her mouth, retracted her hand, and put her fist into Liang Chuan's hand like Grandma used to hold her.

Liang Chuan was taken aback, only to feel that a fist was stuffed into the palm of his hand, which was smaller than ordinary men's and soft, as if he couldn't feel the bones.

Just such a touch that he had never had before made him feel happy, his eyebrows raised slightly, and his whole cold face relaxed, and it was only then that he really looked like he was newly married.

As Wang Zhuzi walked forward, he secretly felt funny in his heart.

After all, no one in the village favored Liang Chuan marrying Chen Xiaoyao.

Before the two got married, the daughter-in-law of Wang Zhuzi's family chatted with someone, and she told him when she came back, that Liang Chuan felt that he had a strange disease, so he asked Chen Xiaoyao, who also had a strange disease. Come back, so that neither of them will dislike the other.

But yesterday, when Chen Xiaoyao came over and dressed up, she looked quite handsome, and now some people were envious of her, but Liang Chuan was actually a beautiful woman.

A man laughed and said that no matter how good-looking he is, he is a fool, and he has an unexplainable disease. Wouldn't it be bad luck for you to marry her back and let her stay at home?

When Wang Zhuzi heard this, he also nodded in his heart.

Looking at it today, the two of them don't have half the intimacy of newlyweds, but isn't it because Liang Chuan actually looks down on the new wife from the bottom of his heart?

Thinking of this, Wang Zhuzi looked back again.

Just looking at it this way, I was stunned.

Just now, two people with a stern face and a timid face, how come they are holding hands now?

In these ten miles and eight villages, there is no couple who hold hands so big. Even if they are newly married, they feel ashamed.

It's really strange, I have to go back and learn it for my daughter-in-law.

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