Chapter 9

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Liu Meihua is naturally not a Bodhisattva.

When she first knew how much Liang Chuan had prepared as a gift, her yelling nearly knocked the roof down.

It was nothing more than arguing that Liang Chuan had hidden money behind his back all these years.

Even the old man Liang, who always talked to his son, was rarely unhappy, smoking a cigarette, not as usual.

In the end, Liang Chuan lifted up his shirt, revealing a deep wound on his left abdomen, and then blocked her mouth.

It turned out that when he went up the mountain when it snowed heavily years ago, besides those mountain animals, he hunted a wild bear.

There were many wild wolves on that hill, but it was the first time I saw wild bears. Even Liang Chuan couldn't help but take it lightly.

This injury was suffered at that time.

The bear skin was processed very well, it was hard to see that kind of fineness, and when it was sold in the town, a wealthy businessman caught his eye and offered it for thirty taels to buy it.

Thirty taels of silver is enough for a family in the village to live on for several years, and with dozens of taels added, even a large tile-roofed house can be built, let alone marry a boy and go home.

No wonder Liang Chuan didn't mention a single word about the job, buying cloth, meat, and candy to his family.

Liu Meihua became more and more suspicious that he had hidden more money than that over the years.

Just looking at Liang Chuan's injury, and being hindered by the New Year's Eve, he didn't have another attack.

But in the end I was still holding my breath.

After the surprise in my heart passed, Aunt Ma put the cloth back on.

Aunt Ma didn't touch the meat, eggs and money, they stuffed them into the cupboard, locked it again, and then walked out.

When we got back to the main room, the younger ones were gone, only Old Man Liang and Liu Meihua were left.

Seeing that the sun was approaching noon, it was reasonable to have lunch at Chen's house, but Chen's house was small, and Chen Xiaoyao couldn't cook for so many people by herself, so Aunt Ma invited the two of them to her yard Sit down.

The two of them couldn't say anything, they just stayed here and left later.

Aunt Ma had no choice but to sit with her for a while.

On the other side, Chen Xiaoyao led Liang Chuan to see his rabbit.

The rabbit with a broken leg brought down from the mountain that day was properly housed.

Chen Xiaoyao built a nest for the rabbit with hay, and in front of it was a pottery bowl with a broken corner, and there was still half a bowl of water in it.

Presumably it was the rabbit's food.

Chen Xiaoyao squatted down in front of the nest, stretched out her hand, and carefully picked up the rabbit, then gently pulled up one of the rabbit's legs, raised her head, and motioned Liang Chuan to look.

Liang Chuan put his hands on his knees, leaned down slightly, and took a closer look.

Chen Xiaoyao was still not very smart. Although the rabbit's injured leg was wrapped neatly, it was a bit too big, as if it had gained a leg for nothing, which was a bit funny.

The young man was tall and tall, and when he got closer, the smell on his body was a little obvious.

Chen Xiaoyao could always smell Liang Chuan's scent, which was different from other people's. He always knew Liang Chuan was coming from a distance.

In fact, Chen Xiaoyao didn't dislike the smell of Liang Chuan's body, but she still couldn't help it, and took a step back.

Halfway back, remembering that this is Liang Chuan, treating him well and giving him meat, he stopped again, raised his two big dark eyes, and took a look at him.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on Liang Chuan's lower abdomen.

After not watching for a few seconds, he stretched out his hand, tentatively touched it, and rubbed it precisely on Liang Chuan's wound.

The black bear is big and really difficult to deal with. Even Liang Chuan was scratched a bit deeply by one paw, and he hasn't recovered yet. There was a little bit of blood last night.

Liang Chuan paused and looked down at him.

Chen Xiaoyao immediately took her hand away.

"What's wrong?" Liang Chuan asked him.

Chen Xiaoyao pointed at him, and said in a low voice, "It smells."

Liang Chuan didn't know whether he said he had the smell, or if he smelled the blood.

It's just that seeing Chen Xiaoyao looking at her so eagerly, she didn't know what to say, so she said, "Can you smell this too?"

Chen Xiaoyao seemed very happy.

His eyes were bent like crescent moons, he pointed to his nose, then pointed to his, and said with a smile: "I have a good nose."

When the spring comes, the three-month filial piety period is over, and the marriage will begin. It's officially set up.

Chen Xiaoyao is now an orphan and has no relatives. Although the Liang family is already in-laws, it should be a matter for the newlyweds to Zhang Luona, and it is not good for the Liang family to intervene directly.

Let the Ma family next door come to help.

Uncle Ma and Aunt Ma are both real people. The few acres of land of the Chen family were given to them to help cultivate. It is said that the old one and the young one are confused, and the young ones are also weak and ignorant. If you have a crooked mind, you have already swallowed their land.

But the family surnamed Ma did not.

Every year, the rice grains are given on time, and during the holidays, Aunt Ma's family cooks something to eat, and Ma Youcai also asks Ma Youcai to bring it to the grandparents and grandchildren to taste.

Aside from these small things, a few years ago, when Chen Xiaoyao developed that strange illness for the first time, no one dared to get close to him, feeling that it was evil and afraid of spreading it to others, so it was Ma Youcai who pushed aside the spectators The doctor who helped carry Chen Xiaoyao to Xiaqiao Village.

Chen Xiaoyao is timid like a rabbit, she always runs away when she sees strangers on weekdays, but she also knows who is good to her.

When people from the Ma family came to the door, he would not hide.

As usual, when the bride leaves the court, she needs to make up and dress up. No matter how poor people are, they must not be shabby on this day, at least they have to tear a piece of red silk to make new clothes.

The red cloth was bought early in the morning, Aunt Ma came to measure Chen Xiaoyao's size, and gave it to a daughter-in-law who is good at embroidery in the village to help sew it, and delivered it early yesterday morning.

Another woman was invited to dress up Chen Xiaoyao.

That woman is from Xiaqiao Village, and she specializes in combing the bride's hair. She has been doing it for decades, and her craftsmanship is very good.

On the day of her ceremony, Chen Xiaoyao was picked up from the bed early in the morning.

He didn't have any temper, just a little puzzled, rubbing his eyes, and didn't know what to do.

A large bucket had been placed in the house long ago, and a bucket full of water was placed in it, which was steaming.

"Wash it well, call someone after it's clean, ah."

Aunt Ma said, and took it out the door.

Chen Xiaoyao sat blankly on the bed for a while, then got out of bed slowly, and walked to the side of the barrel.

Shangqiao Village is close to the river, so there is no shortage of water, but it costs firewood to heat the hot water, and no one can take a hot bath with a wooden bucket every day.

Chen Xiaoyao was a little puzzled, she leaned on the side of the bucket and poked it with her index finger, and felt that it was warm, and the water still had a nice aroma, so she became happy and went in naked.

He still had room for two in the wooden barrel, and he played and played in it. Aunt Ma guessed that he should have been washed three times so clean, so she knocked on the door outside, "Xiao Yao, are you alright?

" Xiaoyao didn't answer at first, and soaked the lower half of her face in the water, only showing a pair of eyes, gurgling.

After Aunt Ma called out again, he said reluctantly: "Okay." After

wiping off his coat and sitting in front of the mirror, the woman from Xiaqiao Village came in.

When she was young, she worked as a maidservant in a wealthy family's house in the town. She dressed the master's wife and lady, and knew how to style her hair in several buns. Later, when I returned to the village, I started to dress up the bride when I had nothing to do, and the asking price was fair, so I became famous every time I came and went.

As soon as the mother-in-law entered the door, she first saw a slender figure who had just taken a shower, and there was still some moisture on her skin.

As he got closer, he saw the man's appearance in the mirror.

"Yo." The old woman was taken aback, looked at the mirror and smiled, "You are so pretty."

Chen Xiaoyao knew that the old woman was praising her good looks, so she smiled embarrassedly.

He is still thin, his complexion is not good, his bones are thin, he is alone, he looks pitiful, but maybe he just took a bath, and the heat on his face made his face look a little red like rouge. .

He smiled again, his brows and eyes were curved, he was still a little clumsy and stupid, but he had snowy skin and red lips, his complexion was shining, and he had a delicate beauty like a fresh flower bud.

The old woman brushed his hair back and combed it slowly with her fingers. There was still some surprise on her face, and she couldn't stop carefully looking at the person's face in the mirror.

Farmers face the loess and their backs to the sky. Even unmarried girls have to cook fires, raise chickens and feed geese, or deliver meals to parents and brothers who are busy in the fields.

The young man in front of him, the skin all over his body, was as tender and moist as if he had never been exposed to the sun.

If he hadn't heard of Chen Xiaoyao's name before coming here, and knew that he was a farm boy who was born and raised in the village, he would have thought he was the young master of some family in the town just by looking at his appearance.

After combing his hair, the woman took out a thin thread and twisted the fine hair on his face.

It hurts now, the pain of needle pricks, not as comfortable as when I took a bath just now.

After being twisted for the first time, Chen Xiaoyao's face wrinkled, trying to hide.

The old woman pressed down on his shoulders, twisting and saying: "Whenever you get married, you have to suffer like this. What is this? Endure it and pass it. It's not just for your husband's comfort... "

What husband, touching? Chen Xiaoyao didn't listen, but felt her face really hurt.

After finally finishing the twisting, it was time to tidy up the clothes and headgear again, until the sound of beating gongs and drums gradually approached, and then it stopped.

Rural people don't pay as much attention to getting married in prefectural cities. They wear a wedding dress, and the groom's official carries the bride from her natal home to his own home, so forget it.

Especially in the customs of Shangqiao Village and Xiaqiao Village, it is not even necessary to have a red hijab, because the bride is carried all the way on the back of the groom's official, which is to be watched by the villagers and make a lot of fun.

At that time, even the bride without rouge will blush with shame.

The sound of blowing and blowing stopped in front of the house.

Immediately afterwards, a voice sounded in front of the house: "The groom's officer is here to pick up the bride!"

Aunt Ma quickly opened the door and came in, took Chen Xiaoyao's arm, and led her to the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Chen Xiaoyao was startled and almost took a few steps back.

——There were even more people outside than when the Liang family came to the door that day.

Those who leaned their necks to look around, those who tied red ribbons and hung flowers around their necks, all of them were in a mess of blackness.

Chen Xiaoyao's eyes were wide open, and the black eyeballs were frantically rolling in their sockets, and finally settled on the person standing at the front.

The man had always been dressed in dark sackcloth, but today he was wearing red. Chen Xiaoyao almost didn't recognize him.

Her hair seemed to have been combed, and it was tied back, showing clean eyebrows and eyes, and her expression was rarely as cold as before.

He is tall and big, but there is a silly big red flower hanging on his chest.

Chen Xiaoyao stared at the big flower on his chest for a while, then pursed her lips and smiled.

Liang Chuan took two steps forward, and stretched out his hand to him: "Come here." There

were too many people here, and many faces were unknown. Chen Xiaoyao was a little scared, but when she saw Liang Chuan, she was not so scared.

He stretched out his hand towards himself, and he quickly put it in Liang Chuan's palm.

But Liang Chuan led him for two steps, then suddenly picked him up and carried him on his back.

Chen Xiaoyao was startled and almost cried out, but Liang Chuan's arms wrapped around his hips to stabilize him.

Chen Xiaoyao stopped moving.

He was still a little uncomfortable with the people around him staring at him all the time.

He grew up so big that the villagers looked at him with contempt or sympathy, which was very different from those who stared at him today.

But he suddenly realized that it was very safe to be carried on Liang Chuan's back.

Liang Chuan has broad shoulders, and he hides his face inside so that others cannot see it.

Smelling the familiar smell from the young man's neck, Chen Xiaoyao slowly buried her head in it.

The voice that had yelled earlier yelled again: "Carry the bride back to the bridal chamber!"

Liang Chuan carried Chen Xiaoyao on his back, and the Chuichuidada team followed all the way behind.

There were quite a few villagers watching the fun, laughing and laughing all the way to Liang's house for a banquet.

Among the villagers who were watching the excitement, a man looked at the other side for a long time, then suddenly bumped into a fellow's shoulder, and said: "Don't tell me, Chen Xiaoyao looks pretty good looking at it like this. Those eyes seem to be able to seduce souls."

The companion chuckled, "If you like it, why didn't Grandma Chen see her grandson-in-law in the village before?"

The man rubbed his chin and didn't answer.

"Your family is rich, don't talk about marrying a young girl, even if you marry two more young girls, you can still afford it." The companion smiled again and said, "Sister Lan Xiang is going to be annoyed! Hahaha!" Sister Lan Xiang belongs to this

man daughter in law.

The man finally became angry from embarrassment, and gave him a hard look: "If you talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth to pieces."

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