Chapter 25

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Chen Xiaoyao counted the days and waited and waited, looking forward to the day when she would go to town.

But before the day came, the Qian family aunt came to the door first, saying that a family was going to have a wedding and asked Liang Chuan for help.

This is a rare thing.

Every year in the two villages, many people hold various weddings and ceremonies, and they all want to find some strong labor to help them do the work.

For one thing, those who go to work not only get money, but also take care of the food. The host is more generous, and there will be no less oil and water in the bowl. After a few days of work, it is easier than doing farm work. Earn a lot more, and you can still eat a few good meals.

Second, if I ask you to do work, it means that I have a crush on you, and it means acknowledging the status of your family in the village, which is quite a prestige thing.

However, the Liang family generally does not have this honor.

The old man Liang has a broken arm, and Liu Meihua is a woman, and the only strong labor force, Liang Chuan, seems to be not a good match, running up the mountain every now and then, not finding anyone to tell, and there are rumors of madness in the first place, so when she met When it came to such a big event, no one really came to him.

When Mrs. Qian's family came, it was noon, the sun was very strong, and every family had their courtyard doors open for dinner.

The Liang family was no exception, the square table was moved to the center of the main room, Liang Chuan and Chen Xiaoyao had lunch in the draft, and it wasn't too hot.

When the door was knocked, it was Chen Xiaoyao who dropped the bowl and chopsticks and ran to open it.

Aunt Qian only saw a slender figure running towards her, and she almost didn't recognize who it was in a blink of an eye.

Ever since she came back from the town that day, Chen Xiaoyao's health has been getting better every day.

When he got sick last time, he was sweating all over his head and face, and he looked scary, but after these few days, he will be raised in the house, and he will take the medicine prescribed by Dr. Hu, and he will recover early. , his complexion is getting better and better, his white and moist is very attractive.

His figure also seemed to have grown a bit taller overnight, with a slender waist and long legs. Now, no matter if you look at it from the front or the back, he is a slender and beautiful boy.

Now anyone who wants to come to see him will hardly recognize that this is the short and thick Chen Yaoer from Chen San's family.

When Chen Xiaoyao saw the person coming, she opened her mouth, but couldn't remember what to call it for a while.

It's not his fault.

Before they were married, the grandparents and grandsons of the Chen family had very little contact with other people in the village. Most people would not talk to him after seeing him.

There are hundreds of people in Shangqiao Village, and Chen Xiaoyao is so stupid that she hasn't even matched the names of many people.

"My Aunt Qian! Don't you know me?" Aunt Qian glanced at him reproachfully, and at the same time looked at Chen Xiaoyao's face quietly. Seeing that she really didn't look sick, she wanted to be carried out by Liang Chuan that day. , It is indeed a cold.

Otherwise, how could it get better so quickly.

Aunt Qian squeezed into the yard and looked into the house, "Is your Brother Chuan here?"

Chen Xiaoyao called for someone obediently, and let the door open for Aunt Qian to come in, saying, "He is eating."

Chen Xiaoyao Yao's voice is naturally soft.

But he used to be like a mute and didn't like to talk, he ran away when he saw people, and no one paid attention to his voice, but now he called "Auntie", Aunt Qian felt a little relieved, seeing him a little more Eyes, said: "Oh, this little mouth is quite sweet."

Not to mention, this Chen Xiaoyao is now married, tidied up cleanly, and raised a little bit of meat, which looks quite rare.

Look at this pair of big eyes, watery and sparkling, much more pitiful than the little buddies in the village.

I didn't realize before that this youngest son of the Chen family has such a good appearance.

Now that she knew that his disease would not spread to other people, Aunt Qian felt itchy and wanted to pinch Chen Xiaoyao's face.

Look at this little face, it's so tender that it looks like water can be squeezed out.

Liang Chuan put down his chopsticks and walked towards the door.

Aunt Qian withdrew her hand, wiped her apron, and said with a smile, "Brother Chuan, have you been busy recently? There is a job as a helper, it depends on you."

Liang Chuan asked her to come in and talk, outside The sun is big.

Aunt Qian followed into the room, sat on a chair, glanced at the dishes on the table, took another sip of tea, and explained the purpose of her visit.

Deng Zhifeng, the daughter of the headman of Xiaqiao Village, got a good marriage.

This Deng Zhifeng is recognized as the village flower of the two villages. The village head's family is well-off and has a shop in the town, so he raised this daughter as a young lady.

Those with muddy legs in the village must be looked down upon. From Deng Zhifeng and Ji, all her parents showed her to each other were people from Fucheng.

Look at each other, pick and choose, and at the beginning of this year, there is finally a satisfactory one.

They are relatives of Xu Yuan's family in Qingquan Town, and the family is also engaged in a big business. One of his grandchildren has just won the election this year, which is a time of great prosperity. The man came to Qingquan Town to visit relatives with his family, and he saw Deng Zhifeng who happened to be in Fucheng to buy jewelry that day.

With a pair of upper eyes, it was a shock to heaven and man, and felt that although the sister of the Deng family was born in a peasant, she had a natural beauty that could be carved, and she fell into it immediately.

Now the Deng family is discussing their marriage inside and out.

Now that he came to Liang Chuan, it was also because of this matter.

When the bride gets married, she naturally has to come from Xiaqiao Village, but the man's family is far away, and they are in the northern city of Zhou, so they have to walk the mountain road.

The village chief cherishes his daughter and bought a generous dowry for him. If he walks this mountain road, if he encounters some bandits, it will be a game over.

It is still good to break the money, but I am afraid that something will go wrong.

Therefore, someone came up with an idea, saying that some young men with strength and skill were invited to escort them there, not only for safety, but also to show that the natal family valued it.

No, Liang Chuan was the first one I thought of.

Everyone knows what kind of physique Liang Chuan has and how strong he is. He is the only hunter in these two villages. There are so many wolves on the mountains to the north. There are two brushes.

After Madam Qian finished speaking, she looked at Liang Chuan to see what he had to say.

Liang Chuan didn't answer immediately, but pondered for a while.

"Why do you need to think about it?" Aunt Qian said, "Let me tell you, Brother Chuan, the Deng family will give you seven or eight taels of silver just for this trip, and that doesn't include the man's side. You don't have to worry about the food and drink along the way, and you don't have to worry about food when you arrive at the place, so what's wrong with that?" "It's not

about money, ma'am." Liang Chuan said, looking at Xiao Chen Yao, "My parents are not here now. After leaving for so many days, leaving Xiaoyao alone at home, I don't feel at ease."

"There's nothing to worry about, you just go for a couple of days, and there are folks on your left and right..." The words came to a halt.

Aunt Qian obviously remembered what happened a few days ago.

"I can take this job." Liang Chuan said again, "But if I want to go, I have to take Xiaoyao with me

." Man, your little girl is following, isn't it..."

She turned her eyes around Chen Xiaoyao, and swallowed the word "cumbersome".

Chen Xiaoyao blinked, looked at Liang Chuan, but said nothing with her chopsticks in her mouth.

"That's all." Seeing Liang Chuan's resolute expression, Aunt Qian waved her hands and said, "I'll go and talk to the Deng family. Let's see what they say. If it works, I'll come back to talk to you the next day.

" Stay longer and leave.

After seeing off the people, Liang Chuan sat back at the Sifang table, picked up his chopsticks and continued eating.

Today's dish is cabbage tofu soup, a pot of steamed soft steamed buns, mixed with a plate of pickles.

No meat.

It's not that she doesn't have it, but since the day Chen Xiaoyao became ill, she has lost her appetite and feels uncomfortable when she smells meat.

It's been a little better for the past two days, but I still don't have much appetite.

Liang Chuan took two big mouthfuls of steamed buns, felt Chen Xiaoyao's eyes fixed on him, raised his head, and swallowed, "What's wrong?"

Chen Xiaoyao looked at him, and after a long time, he whispered, "Actually Xiaoyao... Xiaoyao can stay at home by herself."

He also heard that a lucrative job came to his door, and Liang Chuan was worried that he would be at home alone, so he didn't agree.

"Where are eight taels of silver..." Chen Xiaoyao felt a little regretful, as if worried that Liang Chuan didn't know how much eight taels, she bent her fingers, looking like she was comparing sugar bunnies, "You can buy one, two, Three...a lot of sugar people."

He was illiterate and had never learned arithmetic, so he did the math for a long time, but couldn't figure out how many sugar bunnies it was.

After a while, Chen Xiaoyao remembered again, tugged on Liang Chuan's sleeve, and said, "Eight taels of silver, and I can marry another half of the younger Yao and go home."

Liang Chuan married him, and the gift money was eighteen taels . Baliang, wouldn't that mean being able to marry another half of Chen Xiaoyao?

Chen Xiaoyao felt that she was very right, and she was quite happy, with a smug face.

Liang Chuan looked at him for a long time, raised his eyebrows, and smiled.

Chen Xiaoyao stared at the smile on his face and was stunned.

For a person like Liang Chuan, he never saw a smile on his face throughout the year, and the few days when he got married was the most amiable period for him.

In the past two days, because of what happened in Fucheng earlier, he was not in a high mood, and when he had a cold face, it was quite scary.

Although Chen Xiaoyao was no longer afraid of him. Knowing that his man, unless he is picking on that guy, he won't move half of his finger.

But now with a smile, the remaining coldness dissipated. "It's okay." Liang Chuan stretched out his hand and tugged at his soft ears, the smile on his brows was still

there, "It's not short of money."

Just don't believe it.

Eight taels of silver is a lot. He used to live with grandma, and he couldn't save one tael a year.

"I don't need to marry another half-babe." Liang Chuan said.

Chen Xiaoyao stopped mumbling, and looked at him with big eyes. After a while, she nodded solemnly as if approving: "It would be nice to have a little Yao."

Liang Chuan laughed again.

It was ridiculously long this time.

Chen Xiaoyao continued to stare blankly.

He had never felt that a person smiled so beautifully before.

After a long time, Liang Chuan slowly suppressed his smile, picked up the spoon, scooped cabbage and tofu for Chen Xiaoyao, and piled them all in his bowl, forming a small mountain bun, just like feeding rabbits.

Liang Chuan answered him like he was flattering: "Well, one will do."

Originally, the two of them didn't take this matter to heart, thinking that it was probably a joke. Liang Chuan went to the fields as usual, and Chen Xiaoyao went to bring him meals.

The steamed buns stuffed with spring bamboo shoots and meat sauce are getting tired of eating. These days, the stuffed stuffed with shredded radish has been replaced.

As a result, two days later, Aunt Qian came to her again.

"It's done!" Aunt Qian shouted at the top of her voice after a long distance away, "The Deng family said, you have to go by name, if you want to bring Chen Xiaoyao, then take it, and take care of the food, but As I said before, Chen Xiaoyao followed, but she didn't have that money!"

Liang Chuan was a little surprised.

He himself knew it was a good job. It takes only ten days to go back and forth, and nearly ten taels of silver can be credited. Among other things, it is easy.

Although hunting is about earning money, it also depends on luck. Like the last time, I encountered three single adult wolves, and I didn't meet them a few times throughout the year.

Liang Chuan agreed without any further hesitation.

After that, they waited for the Deng family to call. During this period, Liang Chuan was also called to Xiaqiao Village, and was explained to a group of men, such as how to place the boxes and how to walk.

After he came back, he hurriedly disposed of all the mountain goods he had hunted before. Naturally, needless to say, he still had to go to town.

Chen Xiaoyao was looking forward to it, and the day she was looking forward to going to the town finally arrived.

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