Kill your cares Pt. 3

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"I'm giving you a new assignment. The target is a distant relative of Prime Minister Honest named Iokal. He uses abuses the power of the prime minister's name to kidnap women and beat them to death. He has five guards. They are all guilty of participating in this brutality. This mission is vital, so I'm sending all of you."

New Objective: Kill Iokal

Razor and Tatsumi were participating in their first assignment as new members of Night Raid. Tatsumi was anxious, but for Razor, this was a pattern that he was much more used to than strolling city streets. As they approached the vicinity of the Iokal's mansion, Razor found himself frowning deeply at what he saw. The structure was massive, towering above the surrounding forest, and brightly lit. It proudly displayed the owner's narcissism and wasteful excess. It reminded him of the IMC's massive shining skyscrapers.

"Hey Razor, you realize you can't bring that thing any closer right? It's way too big. It'll give us away." Mine glared at Razor as they neared their objective. 

"Well, first he has a name. it's Data." Razor scowled at Mine, but she couldn't have seen it through his titan and helmet. "and second, he can do this. Data, let's step into the shadows"

"Initiating Phase," Data replied, cold and logical as always.

In a flash the 20-foot-tall mech disappeared, reappearing a second later right next to Mine, which caused her to have to stifle a yelp of surprise. Razor smirked from his cockpit in satisfaction as Mine growled at him, her cheeks becoming cherry red.

They reached the vantage point at the top of a cliff overlooking the front entrance of the mansion and Razor jumped down from Data to survey the site. 

Mine, however, was already setting up with a sleek, strange-looking rifle that was unlike anything Razor had ever seen.

"What is that?"

"It's the Imperial Relic Pumpkin." Mine explained, "The more trouble its user is in, the more its destructive power. Not like I'm ever really in trouble, though."

"Pumpkin?" Razor thought.

"That sounds interesting... What kind of technology could create something like that?" 

"Imperial relics are powerful, ancient pieces of equipment. The methods used to create them have been all but lost."

"Alright," Mine raised her weapon and took aim. "It should be easy enough at this distance. As soon as he leaves his mansion, I'll shoot him right between the eyes."

"Pilot, the distance to our target is two thousand seven hundred meters." As Data relayed the information, Razor had a thought.

"Wait a minute, this weapon doesn't even have an optic... how are you gonna make a shot from 2 kilometers away?"

But Mine wasn't listening to him anymore. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, and became perfectly still. her concentration was perfect. Razor didn't understand why but when he looked at her eyes he felt like she could make the shot. 

"Here he comes." Mine said, zeroing in.

Using his helmet's advanced optics he spotted the target and felt a chill. Iokal was wearing opulent clothing, surrounded by dozens of women, all in white, their eyes blank. 

"Mine. The target is surrounded by collateral. Can you still make this shot?"

"They don't matter." with those words, Mine pulled the trigger.

Her Imperial Relic went off with a crack and a flash that reminded Razor of a railgun. The beam of light flew straight and true, right through the forehead of the repulsive bastard. Razor's eyebrows were raised as high they could go. That shot was magnificent. He could help but be impressed as a fellow marksman.

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