Kill the Darkness Pt. 2

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As the assassin approached her target, Razor jumped using his boost kit and came down hard on what was supposed to be the attackers head, but she dodged to the right, but Tatsumi was there and swung at her as she came off her dominant leg but even that did not catch her off balance as she deftly parried and spun back to face the two.

"You two are not targets. There's no need to kill you." said the assassin.

"But you plan to kill this innocent girl don't you!" Tatsumi replied.

"Yep." She replied, her expression was completely deadpan.

Inside his helmet, Razor raised a confused eyebrow.

Is this girl serious?

"If you get in my way, I'll kill you."

"That doesn't mean I can just run!" Tatsumi yelled, indignant.

"Is that so," The girl replied. "Then I'll eliminate you."

Tatsumi took a deep breathe and charged the assassin. He swung and she dodged, flipping over him. As Tatsumi spun around to block, Her sword pierced his chest. Then, She turned to razor.

"Oh-" Razor sighed. "I guess he's dead."

Razor readied himself as the girl dashed toward him, the dark blade glinting in the moonlight, but before she could touch him she was suddenly flung several feet away from Razor as Data stepped out of the void, blade drawn as lightning arced across its surface and burned scars into the concrete.

"Protocol 3 engaged. I must protect my pilot."

The girl looked confused for a second, as she staggered to her feet but she raised her sword, ready to take on the new threat. 

"Hold on, Akame!" Suddenly, another girl walked up to the three of them and grabbed the girl with the sword.

As the standoff broke, Tatsumi's body sat up.

"Jesus, Tatsumi! You're still alive?"

Tatsumi turned to Razor and held out a small figure with a crack in the center.

"I got lucky." He said, smiling triumphantly.

Suddenly, Razor burst out laughing, startling Tatsumi.

"W-What? What are you laughing about??" Tatsumi cried out in embarrassment.

"I- I'm sorry that's just golden! Here I was thinking, after all that talk about protecting the innocent you drop that fast." Razor explained, struggling to contain his laughter. 

Then, without warning the second assassin began laughing as well.

"See! She thinks so too!" Razor said, pointing.

Tatsumi looked back and forth between the two dying of laughter.

"I almost died and you're laughing??" Tatsumi's expression went deadpan, "I know we haven't known each other long but damn, you're cold."

"Hey, wait. I am happy your alive. Come on, isn't better to laugh at times like this?" Razor said as he attempted to wipe his teary eyes.

Oh, wait. My helmet is on...

Suddenly, he remembered they were in the middle of something important as the second assassin cleared her throat pointedly. 

"Do you two even know who you're trying to protect?"

This new girl was surprising to Razor in more ways than one but what stood out the most time to him was the fact that this girl had fur and claws and ANIMAL EARS.

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