Kill the Dream

501 14 11

"Hey Razor, how are you feeling? I know it's been a while since we've last talked since you've been so busy with the Typhon offensive. Do you remember when we used to make bread together back home? You would always complain that you were tired of plain bread so I experimented for months so that you would like the taste. I miss you so much my heart aches. I'm sure you're doing well, after all, I raised you to be even stronger than me so hurry up and beat the IMC. Then, when you're done saving the galaxy, come home to me, my beautiful son." 

Razor opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. He had been dreaming about the last time he'd heard his mother's voice. Razor had been on a sortie so he'd missed her call but he listened to that voicemail over and over before his last mission. As he wiped his eyes renewed his promise once again.

I swear to you, Mom, I will come back to you. 

As Razor sat up, He realized there was a head of purple hair resting rather comfortably on the side of his bed.

"Good morning Sheele," Razor smiled at the cute sleeping face before him.

"Apparently you're my subordinate as of today, Razor," Sheele muttered, eyes still closed. "Let's do our best!"

What exactly is this airhead going to teach me?

As Sheele was roised from her peaceful slumber, She slowly sat up on the chair that she'd pulled next to my bed. As she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, her glasses slipped off her face. 

Sheele turned towards the helmet sitting on my desk and bowed.

"Good morning," As she greeted my helmet I stifled a chuckle.

"Sheele, I'm over here."

The half-asleep Sheele recoiled in surprise as she realized she had not, in fact, been looking at me. 

"Wait, where are my glasses? Where are my glasses?" Sheele wavered her hands around in a panic as she attempted to find the glasses that had fallen next to my leg on the bed. 

Soon in her flurry, she started grasping around the bed, touching my legs and abdomen before finally discovering her glasses. As soon as her glasses had been returned to their rightful place, resting on her nose, her calm demeanor recovered and she took a deep breath.

"Good morning, Razor." She said with an energizing smile, this one pointed in the right direction. 

A knock on the door pulled Razor's attention.

"Come in," He said.

Razor was surprised to see Tatsumi's head pop in.

"Hey Razor, today we're training with- Oh," Tatsumi noticed Sheele and stopped midsentence. "I guess she already told you."

Meanwhile, In the kitchen, Najenda, Leone, Lubbock, and Akame were eating an ensemble of fruits for breakfast.

"I wonder if it's really okay to put Sheele in charge," Lubbock asked, mouth full of apple.

"I'm sure it will be fine. Those three should be just fine together." Najenda replied.

"What makes you say that?" Lubbock was confused.

"Tatsumi seems to get along with older women, and Razor has proven himself to be quite proficient physically and in combat." Najenda pointed out. 

"I call being next in charge of their training!" Leone raised her hand, excitedly.

"See? Even Leone wants to train them. This charisma is also an important skill." Najenda nodded. 

"What the hell? That's so unfair! Why do all the women I know only like these new guys??" Lubbock cried out in indignation but was ignored, as usual.

Descent into Hell (Titanfall 2 x Akame Ga Kill)Where stories live. Discover now