Kill the Tree

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Razor opened his eyes and realized he was still in his cockpit.

"I'm- I'm alive!"

"Welcome back, Pilot."

As he took stock of his limbs and organs he realized that he was no longer on Demeter. He was in a forest and it was the middle of the night. he spun his titan around to get his bearings and noticed scattered pieces of the Arc's containment structure.

"Are you kidding me? Where's the arc?"

"I don't understand what you mean, Pilot."

"Data, I'm looking around but I can't see it anywhere. Is it showing up on your scans?"

"Pilot, I assure you the arc is right here."

Razor couldn't understand what Data was saying but all of sudden Razor felt a large vibration and heard the crashing of trees. 

"Several hostile Titans detected."

"Guess there's still work to do."

Razor grabbed his R-301 from behind his pilot's seat and disembarked. Razor needed more information about what exactly had happened and where he was but Data's movements would alert the enemy so Razor would scout on foot.

"Data, engage guard mode. Remain undetected."

"Understood Pilot. Guard mode engaged. Sword is ready."

As Razor watched his titan draw one of its two primary weapons, the arc blade, Razor noticed something strange. Data's hull was originally grey with red accents, at Razor's request, but now, Razor could see that both the hull and the arc blade had changed colors to a dark swirling black. Razor had to squint to differentiate any lines on the hull. It was almost as if the metal itself was alive, and eating the actual light that touched its surface. Razor stood for a minute in awe and curiosity at the sudden change. Razor would add it to the list of questions that needed to be answered but first, Razor needed to investigate the immediate threat.

Razor turned away from his titan and begin his trek through the forest in search of the enemy titans. As Razor walked through the forest he spotted an area of splintered tree stumps and fallen trees. He crouched down and began to survey the area. Razor closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them again, his vision had changed. He knew he could not use his bionics too much but they were indisputably useful. Using his electronic eye, he scanned the ground and trees for hints and clues, and from the tracks, he could differentiate at least 3 titans and at least a dozen grunts. Razor got up and blinked twice to restore his normal vision. 

They've been through here.

 Razor, now having caught their trail, was about to get moving again when he heard a blood-curdling scream, followed by cannon fire. He could recognize the metallic click of a 40mm anywhere. Razor sprinted in the direction of the activity quickly followed after the group. Soon he reached a clearing, and there in the open field were three enemy titans and 9 riflemen facing off against a giant... tree?

Razor blinked and reassessed the situation because he could not believe his eyes.

The tree was alive. it had a huge mouth and one eye on its trunk. Its branches moved like tentacles reaching out and snatching soldiers as they ran and ducked for cover. The 3 titans were attempting to fight back but it seemed as though any foliage the burnt, exploded, or shot away were regrown soon after.

"Data are you seeing this?"

"Affirmative Pilot. Moving to your location."

Razor gritted his teeth as he watched the living tree swing its massive branch into a titan knocking its 40mm tracking cannon out of its hands while another tentacle-like branch grabbed and began to strangle another rifleman, crushing him to death. One of the tone titans fired a tracker missile at the tree destroying most of its branches and burning its trunk. The creature let out a roar of defiance and suddenly a branch shot out from the tree like lightning and pierced straight into the metal skin of the cockpit hatch, through the defenseless pilot sitting inside, and out the other side before tossing the titan into the woods, right at Razor. 

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