Kill the Darkness Pt. 1

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Razor and Data walked through the forest towards the house, wary of any other strange creatures that could be lurking. when they were about 1000 meters away the duo came across what appeared to be a large shed. 

"Data, is anyone living here?"

"Scans indicate only one distinguishable human inside that building."

Maybe there is somebody who can help us.

"Data, I'm going to check it out. Stay here and remain concealed."


The hatch opened and Razor dropped back, while Data went into phase, disappearing into the forest behind him.

Razor walked around to the front of the shed and was about to knock when the door swung open and a woman walked out.

"Oh! uhh- excuse me!"

The woman jumped in surprise and slammed the door behind her before turning back to Razor.

"Wh-who are you? Have you come to kill us??"

"Kill you? What? No!" 

Razor forgot that he was still wearing his helmet and with all his combat gear on he had probably scared the living daylights out of this poor woman.

"What a minute. You don't have to be afraid of me."

Razor quickly to his helmet off to reveal his startlingly blue eyes and a reassuring smile.

"I'm just looking for a bed, some food, and some information. Can you help me out?"

The woman took a second to breathe, and suddenly her whole demeanor changed.

"If that was what you wanted, you should have just said so! I'd be delighted to help you. Our home is a short walk that way," she pointed towards the mansion up the hill. As she pointed Razor noticed something drip from her fingertip. "If you'd like, please follow me."

Razor followed but remained a little cautious. 

Was that... blood?

As they neared the house Razor watched as the woman wiped her hand on a handkerchief and went on without a second thought. he wondered if she might have just cut herself while doing whatever she was doing in the shed. 

When they reached the massive house the woman who had brought Razor sat him down in a room with some couches and lounge chairs. Sitting comfortably in the largest chair was a middle-aged man that Razor learned was the woman's husband. standing behind him where two fairly large and burly men, carrying swords.

Swords? Swords became obsolete thousands of years ago though... Are they just for show?

Just as he was about to open his mouth to thank the family that allowed him into their home, a door at the other end of the room opened and a girl and a boy walked in. 

"Oh my, Aria has brought someone home again," The man said.

"My... it's simple her habit." The wife replied cheerily.

"Mother! I got it from you you know?" The girl who Razor now understood was their daughter pointed right at him. "Look,"

The mother laughed and said, "Well you see the funniest thing happened..."

As the mother and daughter shared stories about how they each had found their prizes, Razor looked over towards the boy who Aria had brought. He looked back at him and smiled kind of awkwardly. Razor nodded in response. 

suddenly the conversation shifted back in their direction.

"There's no need to be nervous, both of you, You're probably hungry right?"

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