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Y/n idly taps her manicured finger against the glass table as she waits for her best friend. The two of them hadn't been able to spend time with each other recently due to his packs finally becoming official. They'd decided to take a vacation for a couple of months to celebrate so Y/n had been alone.

As she sits under the umbrella, she can feel the judgemental eyes of the others around her. Her omega bristles from the unwanted attention, feeling a little threatened and she glances down at the exposed skin of her arm laying on the table. It's a pretty hot day so Y/n had decided on wearing a sundress. Now that she's out, she's regretting it as her dark brown skin shines under the sunlight.

Being dark skin in a country with pale-skinned beauty standards was not an ideal place to live in but Y/n had been born and raised here and didn't have the courage to go anywhere else. Her mother had followed the man she loved to South Korea and started a family here, completely abandoning her family in America. Everything Y/n knew was in this country and despite the fact that she's half-Korean, the locals still considered her an outsider.

"What's got you thinking so hard?"

Y/n jolts from his voice and sits up, dark musings disappearing under the delight of a sorely missed face. "Jinnie?"

The older omega grins, sliding his glasses and mask off his face. His long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail with bangs framing his face. "Hey, Y/n/n."

As her omega beams inside of her at the sight of her best friend, Y/n lets out a watery laugh before jumping to her feet and crushing him in a hug. Hyunjin chuckles under his breath and pulls her close, his beautiful cherry and lemon zest scent invading her nose.

"I missed you," she mutters, sniffing away her tears.

Hyunjin nudges her cheek with his nose, letting out a small purr and briefly scenting her before letting her go, holding her shoulders in warm hands as he glances over her body. "I missed you too. You look beautiful. I love this dress."

"Really?" Y/n glances down at herself. "You don't think it's too showy, do you?"

The omega makes a face. "What? No, it's perfect. You've shown more skin than this before."

"Yeah, but-" she sighs and waves her hand, shoving her doubt away. "Nevermind. How was the trip!? You look amazing! I love the tan."

Hyunjin beams as they take their seats. "Thank you. It was amazing! We spent the first month in France and the second one in Australia. I had so much fun. I did a lot of painting, I'll show you the next time you come over. Ugh, it was so nice to just relax with my pack. I could tell Channie-hyung and Hongjoongie-hyung needed it the most."

"That's good," she smiles as he tangles their fingers together. "Everyone deserves a break every now and then. Especially people who own and run companies like them."

Hyunjin's eyebrows furrow in annoyance. "You're telling me. Minho and Seonghwa had to hide their electronics the entire time."

Y/n snorts. "I'd imagine."

They fall into silence as Y/n settles her eyes on their fingers. Hyunjin notices the nervousness in her scent and sits up close to the table.

"Hey," he leans down to catch her gaze and gives her a soft smile. "What's up? Are you okay? How've you been? I'm sorry I didn't reach out as much while I was gone."

"Hey," she squeezes his hand and playfully glares at him. "Don't apologize for that. I'd never forgive you if you spent time away from your pack vacation to text me. It was a celebration, Jinnie. I didn't expect you to text or call."

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