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Y/n wakes up sluggish and disoriented and she whines at the discomforting pressure against her skull. Her vision is blurry and as she shifts under the covers, she finds herself purring heavily with her body tingling. She comes to the conclusion that her omega is in control and quickly relaxes into the bed, letting her purrs rise in volume. She's never been one to resist against her omega and she's not gonna start today. As she further settles into her instincts, her pheromones grow stronger and Hyunjin responds to her, whining softly as he shifts closer to her, eyes still shut in sleep. Y/n pulls him close, resting her head against his cheek. A few minutes later the door cracks open and a growl rips itself from her throat as she flashes her eyes at the intruder.

"Oh, fuck. Sorry."

"O-Oh," Y/n blinks and shakes her head, trying to dispel her protective omega. "Sorry, Innie."

Jeongin gives her a small smile, pushing the door wider. "It's alright. Seonghwa told me you were here. Sorry to disturb you."

Y/n sits up fully, rubbing some sleep out of her hazel-brown eyes. "Did you need something?"

"I just came to check on Jinnie," Jeongin leans against the doorframe, eyes glazing over to his sleeping mate. "Is everything alright? The pheromones are a little... heavy in here."

The omega sighs but nods her head. "Yeah, everything is okay."

"Okay," the alpha smiles. "Minho-hyung, Seonghwa-hyung, and Wooyoung-hyung are working on dinner. Can you wake up Jinnie?"

"Yeah, I got it."

Jeongin opens his mouth as if to say something else but presses his lips together and bows before leaving the room.

Y/n cuddles with Hyunjin and begins to run her hands up and down his back as the fog in her brain starts to clear.

"Jinnie," she mutters. "Jinnie, you need to wake up."

The omega grunts and moves to shift away from her but Y/n tightens her hold on him.

"Jin. Dinner's cooking. You gotta wake up."

Hyunjin groans. "If Changbin-hyung's cooking, I'm not moving."

Y/n snorts. "Jeongin said it was Minho, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung."

He perks his head up with wide glossy eyes resembling a ferret that makes her chuckle. "Really? All three of them?"

The omega nods her head and he beams, shoving his face in her neck and wiggling his body in excitement. She laughs and holds him close, nuzzling his cheek and pressing light kisses to his skin.

"Are you staying for dinner?" he asks.

"I can if it's okay," Y/n sighs, melting under the dancer's lithe fingers massaging her back.

"I want you to stay," Hyunjin tilts his head, meeting her gaze. "I smelled your scent earlier. You sub-dropped for a bit. You should eat something before you go home."

"No, it's-"

"Not asking," he grunts, settling her with a withering glare. "You're staying. I'll get Seonghwa-hyung on you. Don't make me do it."

Y/n giggles but settles into his embrace. "Alright, fine. I'll stay."

Hyunjin smiles and presses a kiss to her cheek. "Thank you."

As she shifts closer, she freezes as her pelvis comes in contact with his hard dick. She watches as he avoids her gaze, his ears turning red and she snorts. "You okay?"

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