⥪ 6 ⥭

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Y/n sits in a hammock, idly swinging back and forth as she relishes in the way the wind softly blows on her face with Hyunjin pressed against her side, sketching something with a focused pout on his face. She can hear the others spread out around the backyard, some wrestling on the grass as others bother the alphas setting up the karaoke system.

During her comfort session with the omegas, Chan finally came home and Seonghwa left to help him, eventually followed by Felix. Hyunjin kept her by his side, neither of them ready for Y/n to interact with the alpha. To keep her distracted, the others massaged her until she was purring like crazy before getting her into some comfortable but cute clothes. Her omega wasn't quite ready to part from Chan's scent, so she had dressed in one of his dress shirts he often wore to work and a pair of soft fluffy shorts from Wooyoung. The dress shirt was big on her, one side constantly sliding over her shoulder but she didn't mind it, happy to keep his scent on her as the shorts Wooyoung gave her fit like booty shorts due to her wider hips and bigger butt.

A loud shout jolts Y/n out of her thoughts, and she watches as Wooyoung and Yeosang step onto the patio carrying a large box in between their bodies.

"Oh!" Hyunjin perks up and slams his drawing book closed. "Your cake is here!"

"What?" Y/n huffs a laugh. "That's my cake?"

"Mhm," the omega nods. "I wanted to get you a pretty big one. Stay here!"

Hyunjin stumbles out of the swing effectively pushing it for her and Y/n watches in amusement as he rushes up to the patio, yelling at them not to drop it or he'll disown them.

Seungmin and Jongho walk up to her hand-in-hand and she waves at them. "Hi."

"Hey," Jongho smiles, waving his hand.

"Mind if we join you?" Seungmin asks with a tilt of his head.

Y/n shrugs, sliding Hyunjin's sketchbook onto her lap, and pats the spaces next to her. They settle in on either side of her with Jongho closer to the edge, keeping his leg on the ground to rock the hammock back and forth.

"How are you feeling?" Seungmin asks, turning his body toward her. Y/n reaches over to grab his hand and he squeezes back with a twinkle of emotion in his eyes. "I didn't really get much of a chance to check on you since the omegas had you." He wrinkles his nose. "Plus, Jinnie was hogging and posturing."

Y/n giggles well aware of the way Hyunjin was glaring at all of his packmates if they approached them for the first 30 minutes of them sitting outside.

Jongho shakes his head. "Omegas can't posture but Hyune surely is good at it."

"I'm okay," Y/n nods, brushing her locks over her shoulder. "Just sore."

"Figured," Seungmin huffs a laugh.

Jongho snorts, poking Y/n's cheek. "You look wrecked."

"Yah!" Y/n smacks his thigh. "I do not! I look just fine, thank you."

"It's a good look on you, I think," Seungmin teases.

Y/n glowers at him. "Not funny, Minnie."

Out of everyone in Hyunjin's pack, Y/n is arguably the closest with the '00 line. They're all the same age and one of them is almost always with Hyunjin whenever Y/n visits him. Becoming friends was inevitable, but she didn't mind. She gets along with all of them and considers them good friends.

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