Grace Taylor Hudson

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My best friend, Rachel, and I were stuck in rush hour traffic on the 101 and of course she was blasting her idol, Katy Perry.

"Geez, Grace. Calm down!"

"Sorry, I'm just so sick of this stupid LA traffic. Plus I've never really driven in it by myself before. A new driver MUST focus on the road."

"You're such a stickler for rules and all that crap. You need to let your hair down a little."

"Whatever." I stuck my tongue out at her and turned back to face the road, like a newly licensed 16 year-old should, smiling to myself at the memory of seeing my Mini Cooper in the driveway a month ago on my 16th birthday.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to youuuu!" My mom had woken me up with the sound of her not-so on pitch voice only to bring me a giant stack of waffles and chocolate milk for my usual "birthday breakfast in bed". Then came my dad to give me one of his bear hugs and a bouquet of daisies, also a Brant family birthday tradition. While he was setting my flowers on the nightstand my dad said, "Gracie, there's a surprise for you outside!" I tried to say what, but it came out more like "whuu" due to the giant forkful of pancakes I shoved in my mouth. I leapt out of bed, took the stairs two at a time and swung the door wide open. There it was in the driveway with a huge red bow on top.

"Earth to Grace." Rachel was waving her hand in my face to get my attention after my little space out. "You were thinking about your biological parents weren't you?"

"Actually, not this time."

"Woah. That's surprising."

"Ha-ha so funny."

I was adopted when I was about 7 months old by my parents, but I don't know much about my biological parents. I never really cared to know, if they really loved me they would've kept me or tried to stay in contact somehow... My belief didn't stop me from thinking about them though and Rachel is the only one that really knows how often I think about them.

"I bet you have your mom's eyes! They're so pretty..." "Tha-" but before I even got it out Rachel cut me off again. "OMG! Grace, they totally look like Katy Perry's!!! You haaave to look at this picture. I swear!"

"Rach, that's so not- Oh my gosh. We do have similar eyes..."

"Ha! Told you!" She told me with an air of cockiness.

At this point we had arrived at Rachel's house where I had to drop her off. "Bye Gray! Thanks for the ride! I love you!"

"Love you too Rach! Text me later!"

And with that she walked inside leaving me alone with my thoughts for the ride home. Normally my thoughts are all over the place, but the whole drive they kept reverting back to the image of the eyes that mirror mine almost exactly.

We even have the same weird eye... Or as Rachel calls it, wonk eye...

Grace Taylor HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now