Chapter 6

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<Grace POV>

My emotions were all over the place. Today went from being normal to something from a movie... I swear, this is like one of those stories Rachel is always reading. When did my life become a fanfiction? Oh shit. There's Katy. She looks... Calm? No definitely not. She's trying to look calm but I can tell she's nervous.

I make that same face all the time. Actually, I'm 99% sure I'm doing it now. Our mouths are relaxed yet our jaws are clenched; lips making a smile that looks more like a grimace. Wow, I'm more like her than I thought.

My mom was guiding me to the front of the restaurant to where Katy was standing, "Remember Gray, just tell Katy when you're ready to come back home," she was whispering in my ear, "I love you, okay? Keep your heart and mind open. Wow, you two are spitting images. You're even making the same face right now."

Well, my theory had been proven. "Thanks Mom, I will. I love you too. Thank you." We had arrived to where Katy was standing and she turned to me with a smirk that I know was more from nerves than anything else. "Ready to go hash this out kiddo?" I rolled my eyes and walked past her. "Yup. Let's go." The drive was silent and I stared out the window for a majority of it but I could see Katy glancing between the road and I every few seconds.

"I can see you. You know that right?" "What're you talking about, Grace?" "Don't play dumb Katy! I see you looking between me and the road. You know, we look just alike. But I'm going to assume I got my dad's hair. Since your natural color is blonde or something, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is. How'd you know that? Are you a KatyCat?!" I wasn't looking at her, but I could tell she was smiling when she said that. "No," she let out a small sigh. "But my best friend Rachel is. She actually won tickets to your concert Thursday."

"I know." Now I was confused, "H-How do you know?..."

"Laura, I mean your mom," she paused for a second, "told me. That was when we were all going to tell you. At the meet and greet after the concert."

"Why then and not earlier?"

"I was afraid and your parents said you didn't really care to meet your real mom and dad..." She trailed off realizing she had opened a whole new can of worms.

"Wait." I was now turned in my seat facing her and started bombarding her with questions. "So you guys talk? How often? Since when?! Why?! Why don't I know this?!!? How did you keep it a secret?"

"Woah, take it easy there!" I shot Katy a dirty look. "Okay, sorry. Yes. It's mainly Laura I talk to, I'll talk to Marshall every once in a while. We text a few times a month and I call her every so often to check up on you. This has been going on the second I knew they adopted you."

I nodded slowly, "Keep going."

"I made sure to specify that I still wanted to be in your life, see you, contribute to monetary costs involved in raising you. It helped to ease my pain and guilt. Plus it was like I was there for you." This is what my mom was talking about in the restroom... Suddenly it clicked.

"My car. Did you buy that for me?" She nodded slowly. "Yes."

"What else have you bought me?"

"I pay for your schooling and I contribute to your monthly allowances and college fund every month as well."

So that's why I'm able to go to such an elite private school... Things started to make sense. I've always known we were well off, but I also know that my parents don't make ridiculously large amounts of money like some of my other friends' parents do. "Okay... Thanks, I think? I really don't know what to say right now- Where are we?" Katy let out a nervous giggle

"Oh, um we're at my house, I didn't really know where else to go so that we could talk privately. I hope that's okay?"

"Yeah, it's just... I've had dreams about pulling into a driveway. Like, I knew I was with my birth mom but I could never see her face or the house." "Hmmm..." She tapped the steering wheel a few times while she was thinking. "That's funny because I've had dreams about you walking through the front door of our house the past 16 years. Shall we make my dream come true?" And with that we got out of the car and both of our dreams were made real.


<Third Person>

Laura and Marshall left the restaurant about 10 minutes after Katy and Grace; they now had Johnny with them as they had refused to let him get a taxi like Katy suggested.

The drive was quiet for the first few minutes, then Johnny broke the silence.

"You know, I remember the first time Katy told me about Grace so clearly. We had been getting ready to leave to go to a children's charity event and she had been kinda sad all day, which was really unusual. So I asked what was wrong, and she said 'I should be bringing my baby girl with me to this, not my best friend.' And she started crying. I was so confused but she kept talking. 'I have a daughter, her name is Grace. Grace Taylor Hudson.' And she told me the whole story. I was bawling like a little baby by the end, but that was also when I realized how strong Katy is and how much she sacrificed to get where she is now..." He trailed off letting the Brants take in what he'd just said.

Marshall was the first to speak, "Johnny, I uh, I um... I don't know what to say right now. We knew this day would come. Katy had always planned on telling Grace and we understood straight from the beginning we were to care and love for Grace the way Katy would have until that day. I will never forget the second I heard Katy on the radio and praying to God. I said "Dear Lord, thank you for helping Katy to realize one of her dreams. Now allow her to realize her other dream. Let her come see her child.' And today, my prayer was answered. I also know that Grace's prayers were answered." Marshall's eyes were tearing up, but nobody could see because he was looking straight ahead, focusing on the road while driving.

Then came Laura, "Marshall has basically explained how I feel as well. Only, I'm sad as well. But we'll get through it. I'll accept it soon, this was all in God's plan for the four of us. He'll take care of the rest."

They had arrived at Johnny's house, he got out but came over to Laura's window to finish the conversation.

"Laura, Marshall, you guys couldn't be more amazing people. Thanks for the ride, and I just want to let you know that I'm going to be the best uncle your daughter has ever had. And probably the most fashionable one." He finished with a wink, walked to the door, and turned to wave one last time to the Brants before they drove off.

As they drove off Laura turned to Marshall, "I really like him. And you know what, I'm happy for Grace. She deserves this."

"I agree with you sweetheart. We did a damned good job raising her and I know Katy will care for her just as well, if not even better than we have. Plus we'll get to see her, she's not going to randomly ditch us and never come around again. That's not how she is."

He took his wife's hand in his and they continued their drive home.

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