Chapter 16

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<Katy POV>

I'd already showered and gotten dressed for the meeting Bradford had scheduled. Thankfully he'd moved it back an hour and changed the location to my home office; I didn't want Grace to have to rush around just to get to school on time nor did I want her to have to worry about paps. After pacing around for 15 minutes I decided to go and wake Grace up; something I don't do very often because she's a bear in the mornings- a trait she inherited straight from me. I tiptoed into her room, which was silent aside from the sounds of me breathing and my daughter's light snores, and stealthily slipped under her covers then began singing a newly remixed version of Wide Awake.

"You're wide awake, yeah you were sound asleep not making a peep. You're wide awake, it's time to get uuup." She only grumbled and rolled over towards me without opening her eyes, so I decided to sing her another song. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey." She smiled and her eyes slowly fluttered open. "Good morning sunshiiiine!" Grace shifted and snuggled up next to me. "Hi," she said cutely. It was moments like these that I lived for, simple moments that meant the world to me. I dropped a kiss on her forehead and pushed her bedhead hair out of her face, "Did you sleep well?" She nodded, "Yeah. What time is it?" I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check and showed Grace the screen. "Argh! Too bright! Turn it off, turn it off!" she groaned and shoved my phone under her pillow. "You're such a troll in the mornings," I said with a giggle, "Bradford, Tamra, and Angela will be here in a little while. So go ahead and start getting dressed." Grace rolled her eyes and saluted me, "Yes queen of trolls." My mouth dropped open at her insult while she grinned devilishly at me, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

I shook my head and waved her off, "Whatever. Just go get dressed." Then shoved Grace towards the other side of her bed before getting up and walking out. I heard her yell, "I love you Mommy Kate!" right before my doorbell rang.


"Hello Grace, how're you?" Bradford asked much more formally than usual. "I'm good... And you?" she asked. "I'm doing well. Go ahead and take a seat." Grace sat down on the loveseat next to me, she looked uncertain and kind of scared so I decided to jump in, "Bradford, what's going on? Is everything alright? You three have been acting shady for the past 30 minutes and I'm kind of nervous too."

Angela amd Tamra had gotten here 5 minutes after Bradford and barely spoke with me which was odd. At first I'd figured it was just because of the time but all of them are usually chipper in the mornings so I figured it had to be something to do with this meeting. My nerves were starting to get to me.

Angela started, "Well, the reason we wanted both of you guys in here," she motioned towards us, "is because." My sister stopped and looked around before starting again, this time she rambled straight through. "There have been pictures of you and Grace from Mother's Day in or on the front of nearly every tabloid. There's some of you guys entering separately, leaving together, and a crappy cellphone picture of you guys hugging or whatever before you left."

Tamra pulled out a huge stack of glossy magazines and handed a few to Grace and I. Sure enough my face was plastered across the front page of three of them. We flipped through them while she spoke. "They all say more or less of the same thing," Tamra said. "There are quotes from 'sources' at the café and the articles all talk about Grace and how she could be related to you. Only two of them mention anything about Grace possibly being your daughter. The rest are all way off."

I dropped my head into my hands; my mouth was dry and my heart was threatening to jump out of my chest. I couldn't believe it. "Oh shit. I fucked it up. I fucked it all up." Grace was the only one who understood what I was talking about so I explained, head still in my hands. "Something had happened and Grace was upset. She needed me and I wasn't about to let her walk out without me next to her. In that moment I didn't care what would happen later." Vague, I know, but they didn't need all of the details. "I knew this would come back and bite me in my ass. Fucking hell." I sighed and attempted to collect myself. I couldn't imagine how Grace felt.

"Well, logistically speaking there's not a whole lot we can do Katy," Bradford said. "We can wait for this to blow over or we can come out and tell. It just depends on what you two want."


<Grace POV>

I felt sick and scared. Bradford's words echoed in my head, "It just depends on what you two want." I know what I want and it doesn't involve the whole world knowing. I wanted to wait it out. But what would happen at school? Would I be able to handle all of the questions? The looks? The whispering and rumors?

I began to shake and my breathing turned ragged. The last thing I wanted was to have a panic attack right here in front of these people but I couldn't help it. Katy's warm hand enclosed my freezing cold one. She pulled me close and rested her chin on top of my head. "Shhhh, shhh. It'll be fine. We'll work it out." My breathing slowed but I was still quivering, "I'm scared Mom. I'm scared." She began to stroke my hair, "Don't worry sweets."

"Bradford. I know what I want to do," Katy said over my shoulder, her voice calm and confident. "I want to see if this blows over. We'll lay low for a while, maybe even go out of town since Grace's last day is Friday. But, I am not releasing any official statements. I will not. And that is final."

"Tam, could you get a trip sorted out for us two plus the usual crew and possibly my family? Preferably somewhere low-key. Maybe a resort? I dunno just somewhere outside of the US and Europe." Then she whispered in my ear, "Are you okay with that?"

"Yes," I mumbled into the crook of her neck. She kept talking but I tuned out. Any sign of my panic attack was gone. Katy's familiar scent and gentle touch had driven it away, now all I could think about is how grateful I am for everything she's willing to do for me. She'd dropped everything to make sure I'd be okay-to make sure we'd be okay.

"Grace, hey," her voice was gentle, "do you want to go to school or skip the rest of this week? You don't have any exams to take right?" I sat up so I could truly think about the situation. People would be asking me questions, assuming things, and worst of all starting rumors. I really didn't want to go to school and I didn't need to. Rachel and I had been hanging out but things hadn't felt the same since I'd moved in with Katy. She seemed more distant and every time I tried to do anything with her lately she'd blow me off. We'd been growing apart so I didn't really need to say bye to her. My other friends weren't friends I could trust with this; they'd end up using me or starting rumors and we only hang out at school. They wouldn't miss me.

"I'll skip. I don't really have anything to go for." Katy looked concerned, "Are you sure? You don't have any exams? Friends to say bye to? Rachel?" I shook my head, "Nope. Nope. And nope. Let's get out of here."

Everybody let out a nervous laugh and began getting up. "Well since this is settled I guess we could get going. Unless you need anything else Katy?"

"Eh you're good to leave Bradford," Katy shooed him away, "I just need my big sis and Tam to stay so we can get a trip sorted out. Unless you wanted to come?" Bradford held up his hands and laughed, "I'm getting way too old to deal with the crew and all of y'all's crazy antics. I'll skip this one I think. Touring with you is enough for me!"

"You're a little weiner Bradford!" Katy yelled after him as the front door shut.

"So, erm, where are we gonna go Mom? I don't have a passport or anything." I'd never travelled internationally and only flown a handful of times to places like New York and Seattle. The Brants weren't big on travel but I'd always loved it; new adventures in new places where nobody knew you. Katy flicked her black hair off of her shoulder and slung her arm around me. "Well, I was thinking along the lines of the Bahamas." I studied her face as a grin began to grow and show off her wonky bottom teeth. "We're going to the Bahaaamaaaas!" I sing-songed and did a little victory dance.

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