Chapter 13

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<Grace POV>

"Bye Mom! Happy Mother's Day. I love you!" "I love you too Grace, thanks for the lovely day out darling." I got in my car to drive home after spending the morning and early afternoon taking my mom out to breakfast then to our usual nail salon for the traditional mother-daughter mani/pedi.

I was halfway down the street when I remembered I'd left my clothes and overnight bag sitting by the front door. When I got back into the driveway my mom was already standing on the front porch with the bag in her hand, "Forgetting something?" I giggled, "Yeah. I almost didn't realize it either! Thanks Mom." I hugged her then got in the car once again to head back home to Katy.

After driving for 15 minutes I called Shannon to make sure everything was set in place. I had what I hoped to be the best surprise Katy had gotten in a while.

"Hey, Shan. It's me. Is everything good to go?" I heard Katy's voice in the background but it faded away as she moved away from her--or at least I assumed that's what she did. "It's all set. We're out by the pool. Markus and Johnny are inside getting it all ready for you. I would try and hurry though. That woman's bladder can only hold so many glasses of Screwdrivers. She's had about 2 and there's probably more alcohol than orange juice in them." I laughed, "Alright. I'm like 5 minutes away. I'll see you in a few. Just keep her outside at all costs. Lock her out if you have to!" Shannon giggled on the other end, "Aye cap'n!" I heard Katy yelling at her again before she hung up.


<Katy POV>

"SHANNON! SHANNOOOONNNNN WOODWARD." She still didn't acknowledge me, "Damn Shannon. Why are you ignoring me?" She walked back towards me and feigned innocence. "Oh hey Katy. Were you talking to me?" "Why are you acting like this? Are you mad at me?" She shook her head, "Why on Earth would I be mad at you? Are you okay? You've seemed kinda down today?"

I shrugged, not wanting to seem to upset. "It's Mother's Day..." She nodded slowly, "I know. And you've got your baby. You've had her for the past two months! And I thought they've been going well... What's wrong now?" "They've been perfect Shan, but there's one thing missing.... She doesn't acknowledge me as her mother! That's what's wrong! I have a kid who calls me Katy. KAY-TEE." I emphasized each syllable to prove my point, "It sucks. I hate it. 15 years Shannon... This will make 16." She shrugged, "Maybe this one will be different." I snorted, "Doubt it." "What happened to the Katy who believed in miracles and fairy tales?" Shannon poked my exposed stomach, "Stahhhhp!" Then she began to full on tickle me, "No! No!" I got up to run inside and she froze in her tracks. "Uh-You-You can't go in there Katy." I stopped and cocked my head to one side. "And why can't I go in my own house?" The tiny woman shifted umfortably, "I-uh-need your help. I need you to put some sunscreen on my back. Yeah, sunscreen."

"Shut up Shannon. I'll go in if I want to." I turned the knob and almost flew forward because the door had opened from the other side at the exact same time. I looked up and saw Grace looking at me, "You alright there?" I huffed already kind of upset at her for blowing me off all morning. She'd spent the night at the Brant's and hadn't even bothered to tell me when she would be home. I figured I had a reason to be annoyed. "I'm fine. 'Scuse me."

Grace mirrored my steps, "Grace, please move." She did it again. "Grace." This time my tone was more firm but she still continued doing it. "Grace. If you don't move out of my way in the next 3 seconds I'm going to go berserk." A few moments later I heard Markus's voice come from inside, "We're ready Grace!" This time she moved. "After you." I shook my head, wondering why everyone was acting so weird...

A few long strides carried me into the kitchen where I stopped dead in my tracks. There were bouquets of daisies of all colors on top of every counter. All of my annoyance evaporated as I took it all in. The flowers were everywhere and their scent permeated the whole area. The island held the largest bouquet of the most perfect white daisies I'd ever lain eyes on. Johnny and Markus were flanking the island; Johnny held a large gift bag in his hands and Markus a large rectangular form covered in a cute floral wrapping paper.

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