Chapter 8

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Later in the evening

<Third Person POV>

Laura and Marshall hated seeing Grace in such an emotional state; they also hated the fact that she was leaving them. Last night and today had possessed a somber mood while they packed all of Grace's belongings. Her clothes, pictures, shoes, and little trinkets; she'd grown up so fast it seemed she'd turned into a marvelous young woman.

Last night was the first night she'd spent at Katy's and also the night she'd asked if she could move in with Katy permanently. How could they deny Grace? They knew this day would come but that didn't mean they were ready for it. Tonight would be emotional. Hopefully they could all make it through.


<Grace POV>

UGH. That woman. Is she ever on time? She needs to spend this process up. We were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago, at 5:45. But noooooo and now it's 6.

Katy had decided she needed to change into something 'more professional yet suitable for getting boxes from your child's adopted parents'. Her words exactly. Not even kidding.

"KAATYYYY! KATEEEEEEEEEEEE! C'mon. You look fine, plus I really wanna get my stuff. Hurry! We were supposed to be there forever ago!" Tapping my foot impatiently I huffed and made the decision to just go wait in the car.

As soon as I started the Range Rover, Teenage Dream was flooding from the speakers. I laughed to myself then reached to change the station. At that moment Katy stepped out of the front door. In the same jeans and shirt she had on 20 minutes ago. You've got to be kidding me, now I was annoyed with her. I decided against changing the station, cranked it all the way up, and rolled down every window. Katy's head shot up and her eyes were shooting daggers at me.


She cut me off as she got in the car turned the radio down and changed the station. "Grace, honey, who sings that song?" "I dunno. Some weird lady named Katy Perry. Why?"

"Ha-ha. So funny. But let's keep it that way. You inherited most of my looks but not my voice apparently... What a shame." She stuck her tongue out at me then turned her attention to getting us out of the driveway and onto the road. "Hey, that's not nice! You know, I'm kind of pissed off at you right now. You take 15 extra minutes and don't even change your outfit. Now we're running behind." I huffed and looked at her accusingly.

She took her right hand off the steering wheel and patted my knee, "Reeeelax! Don't get your little panties in a bunch Gracie. If you muust know I was talking to Shannon about something. You'll find out soon enough though. Don't you worry your pretty little mind. I also called Laura to tell her we're running behind." "Whatever. Still mad."

"Suck it up you big baby! This is a no pouting zone." I mimicked her in a baby voice and she playfully punched my shoulder.

"Ya know, you're more like me than I thought you would be. It's kinda weird." Well that caught me off guard... "It is, but I'd always wondered if I'm more like my mom or dad. So it's kinda cool that I'm getting to see where I get some of my habits and features from." Katy went quiet for a little while, "I-I-I'm sorry... I know me talking about it makes you uncomfortable. I promise I don't do it on purpose. It just kinda slips out..." "No, don't apologize. It's not your fault," she looked over at me but I couldn't see her eyes behind her dark sunglasses. But I assumed they were sparkling with the tears beginning to form.

"It just makes me upset with myself, but then I have to remember you're here with me now. That's what matters. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." "It's okay. I love you Katy." She sighed and reached over the center console to hold my hand. "I love you too Grace."

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