Chapter 3

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"Gosh, calm down! You sound like you just won meet and greet passes to see Katy!" Suddenly other end of the line went quiet... "No way. Did you actually?"

Rachel let out a breathless yes before she started rambling on "Gray, I'm gonna meet her. Like see her in person. And get to speak to her. Oh my gosh. What am I gonna wear? What're you going to wear?!?!!"

"Me??!!" I squealed, what did she just say?

"Yes you! Dummy. You're coming with me!"

"Rach! Me? I know nothing about Katy! The only time I listen to her is when you're with me!!"

"Shut up loser. We're meeting Katy Perry in 3 days. You're my best friend. I wouldn't want anybody else to come with me."

"Alright, if you insist. I'll come over later so we can decide what to wear." "

Yeeee! Kay bye!" With that Rachel hung up, leaving me dumbfounded.

I'm going to meet Katy Perry... I wonder if she'll say anything about us looking alike? That'll be funny. And Rachel will probably die if she complements her in any way. This is going to be fun.

I ran downstairs to tell my parents the news. "Hey! Mom, Dad!"

"In here sweetie", my mom's voice was coming from the kitchen.

"Guess what! Rachel won meet and greet passes to Katy Perry's small concert here in LA three days from now!"

My mom's eyes got huge, probably because she new how big of a fan Rachel is of Katy, then she said "Wow! That's great! Are you going with her?"

"Yeah, she really wants me to! I mean, is it okay with you guys?"

"I don't see why it'd be a problem. Laura, are you okay with Grace going?" My dad and I were looking at my mom waiting for her approval.

"Oh all right, you've shown you're responsible and I know how much this means to Rachel. You may go."

"Eeeeek! Thanks Mommy! Thanks Pops!" I ran and gave each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek.

But I apparently missed the concerned looks they gave each other...


Katy's POV

"Guys, I think we're good here! This show is going to be maaaahvelous!"

I love the days before a performance, no matter how intimate they were; the rehearsals, fittings, and things in between make me so giddy. This is what it's all about, all my hard work, dedication, sacrifice. Sacrifice. That word is too real, too personal for me..

And all of a sudden my thoughts strayed from the prep needed to be done to my daughter. My phone vibrated with an incoming text, snapping me out of my trance.

Laura Brant: Grace's best friend won tix to ur concert. She'll b there 4 meet & greet. Are you ok with that?

My phone fell right out of my hand and my jaw dropped to the floor. My daughter was going to be at my concert. My daughter. At my concert. In 3 days. My meet and greet. I was going to meet my daughter.

My phone buzzed again.

Laura Brant: If she goes, what do we do?

I texted her back telling her I'd call her as soon as I got back home.

The whole ride home my thoughts were bouncing around my head. I even pinched myself a few times to make sure I was awake.

As soon as I walked through the door I dialed Laura's number anxiously waiting, it rang four times before she picked up. "Hello, Katy."

"Laura, how're you?"

We texted a few times a month and I would call her to ask about Grace or vice versa, so this wasn't unusual.

"Good good, now about what we were discussing earlier. What should happen? Do we tell her or not?"

"Honestly, I have no idea... You know how hard it is for me and I really don't want to cause any trouble-"

Laura cut me off; "Katy, this is something that will impact everybody involved, especially Grace. Somebody is going to end up getting hurt. Marshall and I have accepted the fact that she may not want to stay with us anymore if she learns you're her mother."

"Ha," I let out a nervous laugh, "She's not going to want anything to do with me... She won't. I accepted that 16 years ago."

"You can't say that. I know she thinks about her birth parents all the time. Who they are, what they do, if they love her. Which her mother obviously does."

"Thanks Laura. I say we leave it. I'm sure she'll put two and two together at the meet and greet... Or-"

"Or what?"

"Well, my meet and greets are always after the concerts, what if you and Marshall come and we can talk about it then?"

"That's a good idea. But what if she figures out before then?"

"Then we deal with the consequences after the meet and greet."

"I guess that's the best we can hope for. Let's go for it."

As soon as the line went dead I called Shannon summarizing the whole conversation.

"Holy shit Katy. Are you ready for this? Emotionally and mentally?"

"I guess... I'm not to sure how to handle it. There's not exactly a wikiHow for meeting your child you put up for adoption for the first time."

"Ha-ha, so funny. Hey, I gotta go. We're about to start filming. Love ya, Mom!"

I let out a groan at her Mom joke, "Bye auntie Shannon! Kisses! Love ya!"

I heard her mumble something that kind of sounded like bitch before hanging up. I smiled smugly at the thought of making her feel old, then realized just how much my life was going to change 72 hours from now.

Grace Taylor HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now