Chapter 3. Where it all began

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Samyriah shows kenya to her first hour class before they are both late for class, and come to find out re'kiyah is in her first hour class, what a Coincidence

Ms. Kay: Hey students, I'm glad you guys are all here on time, We also are having a new student here, Named kenya

Kenya sighs, looks around and leaves from her seat nervously

Kenya: Hi I'm kenya!

Ms. Kay: How about you start off by introducing yourself to the class

Kenya: Well I'm kenya, I recently just moved out here, I'm from more of a detroit school, you get the memo right? I'm 14 and that's pretty much it!

Kenya then head back to her seat as re'kiyah crosses her eye, re'kiyah looks her up and down and kenya gets a shy look on her face.

Re'kiyah: Hey, aren't you the girl Samyriah introduced me too?

Kenya: Oh yeah, hey kiyah!

Re'kiyah: Hey pretty, what's your second hour?

Kenya then starts blushing after Re'kiyah calls her pretty as tho no girl has ever made her blush, She brushes it off and finished continuing the conversation after she went in a daise

Re'kiyah: Kenya??

Kenya: Oh!! Sorry I was in a daydream, but I have um social studies next!

Re'kiyah: Oh, how funny, me too, that's Mr. Clutch, he's mean but nice, I'll walk with you, Do you need help with your locker?

Kenya: Omg thank you so much, And yes please do help, But I have to use the bathroom.

Re'kiyah: No problem Shawt

Re'kiyah glanced at Kenya up and down and thinks, she's really pretty but re'kiyah don't wanna push to fast to seem like a flirt so she waits a while , Will awhile be to late? or will Kenya still like her? Keep reading to find out

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