Chapter 1

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Heya Biggums! I (finally) decided to get this started! So... Lezzgo! BYE BIGGUMS ~ Alice
Reader's POV
I sat on the small throne beside my brother's massive one, he was king after all... I had my elbow on the side of the throne and my head balanced on it carefully, waiting for anything entertaining to happen... But of course no! I cant have fun or get entertained I have to watch stupid walls for the whole day... (Bye Bye 4th Wall) Looking at the large oak doors, I waited and waited for someone... Something to happen... Suddenly, Sky (my personal knight) burst in through the doors and rushed over to us. I ran to meet him half way as I wasn't wearing my dress as I was meant to... Instead I wore a (F/C), small dress top, some black leggings and a (S/F/C) cloak. As well as my budder crown. "Sky! What's wrong?!" I asked hurriedly, unsure of whether this was major or minor. "Y-your highness..." "Just call me _____" I smiled. "_____, the sorcerers.... They're attacking..." And with that, I ran to my throne, grabbing my iron sword and my diamond helmet before rushing out. "Come on Sky! We've a battle to attend to!" I shouted as I ignored my brother's cries for me to stop. Finally... Some fun! Outside were my friends/knights already getting ready to fight; Jason, Bodil, Baki, Simon, Jerome and Mitch as well as another of my personal knights, Ian. Sky and I ran to the front where Ian was standing waiting for command. "Ready?" I asked Ian and he nodded, his troops readied. Oh, by the way! Those people I mentioned? They command a group of troops- 300 in each. (GOODBYE 4TH WALL) "Charge!" I shouted as all the troops and my trusted friends ran ahead to fight the sorcerers. They sent hundreds of arrows at the sorcerers, 100 on the ground... 200... 300... 400... 500! But now... Half of our troops were down as well. So were theirs. Suddenly, a flash of purple was seen in the sky. "Huh?" I heard Ian, Sky and Jerome say as they backed up, Mitch close to Jerome. "This cant be good..." I mumbled, beckoning all my close friends and the troops to fall back. As so, the flash of light transformed to a sorcerer and began shooting down at my troops. I saw Ian stumble and was aimed at. "NO!" I shouted, jumping forwards and holding my sword in the way, the magic exploding at the touch of the sword sending me and Ian backwards. I looked at him and he smiled. "Thanks Princ-" "_____" I mumbled. ,"Thanks _____" He sighed and got up, holding a hand out to me which I took. The sorcerer was killing more and more of the troops and everyone apart from me and Ian were in cover. I grabbed a bow and arrow and aimed the arrow at it, shooting the pointed blade through the sky. I watched as it caught upon the sorcerer's cape and sent it falling a bit till it removed the arrow. "Shit... Run Ian!" I said, grabbing his arm and running for cover. A blast of magic was sent my way and, to my dismay, it hit the ground causing me to fly into the air, very high I should add. Ian looked at me, scared, but upon seeing the thing of purple zoom over to me, he ran. Ran for cover. I sighed as I dropped closer and closer the ground was coming. I closed my eyes as I thought I would hit the ground but.... It never came. I opened one eye and saw a flash of purple before it all went black...
Seto's POV
I watched from the back of the troops, hidden in the trees. To my dismay, my troops were shot down and killed so quickly so I ushered them back. Smirking, I sped up into the sky and began shooting down troops after troops of those rotten human's warriors. Grinning, I shot more and more of them dead. Suddenly, I watched as they took cover... Fools... I shot more of them dead and watched as a boy stumbled. Perfect, a target. I shot some magic to him but in a flash, a girl stood infront of him, sword in hand and blocked the attack causing them to only be shot backwards, not much damaged done. I growled. This girl was a pain. Shooting down others, I looked back to find an arrow whizzing my way. It caught upon my cape and began dragging me down before I ripped it out, hissing at her. She stumbled to her feet shouting "Shit... RUN," before grabbing ahold of the boy and practically dragging him till he runs ahead of her. This is my chance... I shot another ball of magic at her and it hit the ground beside her causing her to fly into the air quite high. I watch as she closes her eyes and waits for the ground to hit. That boy was rushing to catch her so I grinned, diving over with speed and catching her. The boy rushed off to the others and the girl in my arms began to open her eyes. Before she could, I knocked her out with a spell of mine. She looked kinda cute with her (h/c) hair over her eyes and- Stop bloody LIKING an enemy and prisoner! I mentally scolded myself as I carried her back to my kingdom...
So, my little Baccas! How is this 1st chapter?! Like it my Biggums? I hope you guys do! BYE BIGGUMS ~ Alice

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