Chapter 3

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Hey Baccas! Im sorry that I havent updated... School, Exams and Sports Fixtures... But guess who's trying to get time? ME! ENJOY BIGGUMS ~ Alice

Alice's POV (Short)
(This is after she was thrown out the prison/cell room) I landed on the ground with a loud thump and skidded till I hit the wall. My head hurt like hell. Mentally scolding Seto, I stood up and floated over to my room.
-Next Day-
I stood up from my bed and walked out of the room. I hadnt bothered to change last night so... I ran down to the large, double doors, exiting. Before long, I heard some stupid trumpets and... Bang! Loads of those stupid... Uh... Those high class people came out with papers and whatever. "Im going to the forest- leave this to Seto! He's king..." I mumbled as I flew up into the sky and over to the blanket of green trees. Looking over the land near it, I saw the artwork of dead guards and troops. Mixed colours of red, purple, yellow... Orange, blue and green! All the colours making a complete rainbow artwork from above. I smirked as I floated down to the entrance of the forest.
Reader's POV
I yawned, stretching out my arms and looking at my mix of brown, red, (s/c) and black fists. They looked horrible and probably infected so I ripped a slight piece of my (f/c) dress top and wrapped it around each fist. I looked at the rotting leftovers of my steak and bread and saw a glimpse of the empty, rusty bucket. Before long, a loud bang was heard and light entered through an open door. Expecting to see either Alice or Seto, I was surprised when I saw a former friend and guard of mine... Ty. "T-Ty?" I choked, stumbling over on my weak legs to the boy. He sure looked like Ty... And seemed as cheery as ever! "Sure is, _____" He grinned. "So- long time no see, ey?" He chuckled. A flash of green appeared and before long, Ty was sitting on the floor next to me. "H-how ca-an... B-but your hum-man rig-ight?" I spluttered as he twirled a green sword made from light in his hand. "Seto gave me this-" He began as he motioned to a bangle on his wrist. "To give me sorcerer's powers to entertain him- Tyster, he calls me. Or just Ty." He mumbled. He grinned as he made a
(f/c) flower made from magic appear in my bruised and battered hands. "Hey... Those look painful!" He says worried, picking my hands up. The (f/c) flower dropped to the floor and disappeared into lots of (f/c) particles. Ty suddenly made a green chain appear on my wrist and held it. Unlocking the cell, he walked me out. "Im taking you to a higher class sorcerer so they'll fix this." He said, motioning to my bandaged (not really) fists. I sighed in annoyance and defeat as he dragged me up the ladder. Upon entering the room, I gained hisses and growls as well as objects aimed at my head! One of those objects being a rock about the size of my fist which I -luckily- dodged. Suddenly, all the booing and hissing ended as a purple guy entered. "King Seto... We are infinitively sorry for this... Human... To be in the same room as you." Spat an orange sorcerer who happened to be holding a large rock, fist sized. "Nonsense." Shrugged Seto as he walked on over to Ty. "Get....... She....... Go...... Later......" Was all I heard Seto whisper to Ty which gained him a nod. Seto walked over to the exit once more and left. More objects whizzed at me as Ty and I or... As Ty practically dragged me out the room and out the exit. He followed Seto at a slower pace to make no one suspicious as they walked out to the edge of the kingdom. "W-what did he say?" I whispered, finally gaining the courage to ask Ty what had been said to him but not me. "Oh... He said 'Get her out, She could get uh... Hurt... Go and meet me at the edge of the kingdom later', that's all." He grinned. He seemed to be hiding something... So nothing really has changed.
Alice's POV
I sat on a branch of one of the trees until I heard a snap underneath me. I glanced down to see 5 people. One with blonde hair and a blue hoodie, a star on it. He wore a iron chestplate over it and a helmet. Next was a guy with a golden amulet- it had a purple gem in the middle. As well as that, shades were over his eyes. He had brown-ish hair and wore a top with many different shades of black or grey on. He wore a golden helmet and was holding a golden sword. Beside him was a guy with light brown hair and a black and red checkered hoodie. He had a diamond sword and a iron helmet. After him was a guy with dark brown hair and a suit with red tie. He had a diamond axe and wore a pair of diamond legging and a iron helmet. Lastly, someone I had seen before. A guy in a dark blue shirt and black jacket. He had dark brown-ish black hair and a beard. He wore sunglasses and had an iron chestplate with a pair of golden boots. I shivered as I climbed higher until a branch snapped. I clambered to be close to the tree as I heard speech. "Something's here- I bet its a shitty sorcerer." Mumbled the guy with a diamond sword. I heard someone (I didnt see who) mumble "Not all sorcerers are bad..." And then i heard a loud bang. Beneath me was an arrow. It was beside my foot and a bow had shot it there. I looked down to see that guy with the beard had seen me and shot it. "It's up there!" He shouted as another arrow shot at me, penetrating my cape. I unattached my cape from my clothes and pulled my hood up over my head. Before long, I looked like a (kinda) normal human... I jumped down from the tree and landed on the floor with a thud! This caught the guys attentions so I began sprinting for the exit... I reached it and gasped. A ton of troops were surrounding the forest. Gulping, I backed up a bit only to bump into something... More like someone. There stood the guy with a hoodie. "Who are you?" He asked me.
Cliiiiiffhaaaaangeeeeeer for both parts! What'll happen? Will me and you be slaughtered? Oh, you a hundred percent wont... Or will you? Find out next time on... Blablablabla... Anyway- HOPE YOU ENJOYED BIGGUMS ~ Alice

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