Chapter 9

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Reader's POV

Things were finally becoming clearer as I stared up at what seemed to be my old room... The ceiling of the room I had lived in before being captured... Honestly, it didn't feel like I was captured. I was treated pretty well; It was just Alice that made me feel uncomfortable... Her, and those sorcerers that looked down on me. I was so much more than they could ever wish to be...

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a soft touch so I only flinched at it, hoping for my safety that it wasn't that demonic blonde who had almost attempted murder... Myself as the victim. "(Y/N)... Am I glad that you're okay..." I heard a certain voice speak to me. "Brice... I'm so s-sorry..." I hiccupped lightly, only realising that at his touch I was tearing up. It might not have been that long I was away from him, but he was my brother and I loved him... I felt safe around him, as if I wasn't a target. As if I was just a normal person... I wasn't stuck in such a position and superiority... As if I could just have... A small life. My thoughts were pushed aside when I felt myself being taken into a big hug, seemingly by my brother whom I had left for a few days...

"(Y/N)!" I heard a voice call out to me. "Adam! Thank you so much." I said, running over towards him. It had been a day since my rescue and I had spent the entire time inside my room, too weak and terrified of capture to leave the safety of it's confinement... "It's okay, Princess. It was my pleasure in saving you... I'm so glad you're alright, though... They didn't hurt you too badly, right?!" He said in a concerned way. "It's okay... It really wasn't that bad, honestly... Just a bit of misplacement and I was kind of... Well... Almost killed by that psycho of a female." I stated with a small and awkward laugh, staring at my hands that were clasped over a little bracelet. "Well, she shouldn't be any trouble at all. She is being locked up, ready for execution." He stated towards me with a wide grin. I responded with my own back before brushing some strands of hair behind my ear. "Well, I'm going to go see the prisoner. And don't worry, Ill be okay." I said towards him as I staggered slowly away, towards the direction of the cells...

She obviously wasn't alone in there, as there were criminals of all sorts. Thieves... Murderers... And the occasional sorcerer's corpse that had died from their short life inside the walls of the cell... They seemed to be connected to some sort of thing as they all died in a matter of 4 days, each the same way; a heart attack... Luckily for us, this girl... No, this monster was being kept for over 4 days- The execution was at 07;30 on Thursday which was 6 days away. She would either die from a heart attack, upon which it seemed quite likely, or from execution. This thing had no escape.

"My dear (N/N)! What has blessed me with your presence?" She scowled towards me.

"No reason, just a little checkup."

"What, on this world's monster?"

I Apologise so much for this taking quite a long time. Ill try to update a bit more, but this book is honestly boring me... But I will try for you guys. ~ Ali

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