Chapter 12

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Reader's POV
No fear seemed to show in her bright blue eyes... They reminded me of my brother's. This was not where I wanted this to be headed, but... I seemed to be cursed. Be it the fear or numbing pain of being in close proximity of death, it had changed me, for the worst it did seem. I watched as the noose tightened around her neck, and her body bgean to go a pale colour. Her hands we still tied by her back, so she couldnt move. Life was beginning to drain from her eyes... But it stopped. She turned towards me weakly, her eyes flickering with malice. "You... Better watch your... S-"
Her voice was cut off by the rope tightening, and her face began to pale.

My eyes widened at the sight. The girl was suddenly lifted high into the air, seemingly unconscious from the lack of air she was getting. My head turned to look up, surprise now flowing through me... Though apparently, it wasnt evident in my features.
"Shoot him down."
My voice was dark, and emitted a growl. No! I couldnt have him killed, I couldnt-
Arrows whizzed by me, catching me of guard. The purple prince had slight fear etched into his own face, before it turned into a look of disappointment.

"And I thought I could trust you."


Those words echoed throughout my empty head. After the ordeal, I had done no more than locking myself in my room, the curtains closed, leaving me in complete darkness.

And I thought I could trust you.

And I thought I could trust you.

And I thought I could trust you.

I pulled the pillow from the bed I was sitting on, smashing my face into it with more than just anger. Guilt. Sadness. Disappointment. I had let myself down. The non existent, but set rules that I promised myself to always follow... Gone. Never did I want to enjoy death, and yet I had found so much pleasure in sending off that monster. All wrong can be righted, so it can for her too... But this wrong just might not be able to be fixed.

Seto's POV
How. How! Why did I trust that stupid human, that horrible Princess. Not only did her men destroy my kingdom, but I thought... She tried to kill my sister. Anger and disappointment were rather evident. There were bright red rope marks along my sister's neck, and her knuckles were a bright red, grazed and had seemingly been bleeding... After all that we had done for her, all that I had done for her... Is that really how she was going to repay us?

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