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Note:- this part is all about Taehyung and Shibu's first meet...if you don't want to read this then skip this part...


Let's start the story...........

Let's start the story

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Author POV

Shibu:- yn, where were you?!? you told me you will be back after one hour but it's been three hours....

Yn:- i am sorry... please forgive me...*puppy eyes*

But Shibu didn't listen her and gets angry on yn...

Yn:- Shibu is angry on me...i have to do something...

Saying this yn started tickling Shibu.. and Shibu start laughing...

Shibu:- okay okay...i forgive you... but promised me you won't do that again...

Yn:- promised...

Shibu:- good..btw did you find any job for you??

Yn:- no😞😞

Saying this yn become sad...

Shibu:- heyy.. don't be sad... you will find a job soon...

Yn nods her head...

Shibu:- if you don't mind i can talk with my boss for job??

Yn:- no need..

Shibu:- why?!?my boss is really a good hearted person... he'll surely help you...

Yn:- listen Shibu..i know you care for me... but i have already given you trouble...i don't want to trouble you anymore...

Shibu:- trouble?!?...we are friends right... friends always help each other... it's not a trouble...

Leave it..i will talk to my boss tomorrow for your job... okay...

Yn:- okay...


*Next day*

*Yn's apartment*

*In kitchen*

*In kitchen*

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𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 || 𝑱𝑱𝑲𝒙𝒀𝑵 || ✓Where stories live. Discover now